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SylviBlossom-SmartItemSaving-1.2.1 icon


Improves how items on the ship save, helping against ID changes and properly keeping positions/rotations

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.2.1
Download link
Downloads 26311
Dependency string SylviBlossom-SmartItemSaving-1.2.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5



Improves how items save, attempting to prevent updating/removing/adding mods from replacing other modded items on the ship, and making items correctly save their positions and rotations.

This requires you to both save and load using this mod! If you plan to install this mod to do modpack changes, first do a launch and save with this mod installed before any modpack changes.

For fixing items falling through the floor and item rotation saving, all clients must have the mod for them to appear the same when joining.

If you encounter any problems please report the bug either on discord or open an issue.

Current features

  • Prevent corruption of items in ship when items are added/removed by mods
  • Prevent corruption of ship unlockables/furniture too
  • Prevent items falling through the floor on load
  • Save item rotation
  • Create backup when save is loaded (only one)

Planned features

  • Resolve name conflicts for ship unlockables
  • Maybe Increase item save limit to 999 (configurable)

Mod Compatibility

The following mods or mod config options do the same thing as a feature from this mod, and thus may be incompatible or redundant:

  • CupboardFix
    • Does the same thing as this mod's "FixItemFalling" option.
    • Compatibility not tested, but may conflict with this mod's "SaveItemRotation" option.
  • GeneralImprovements's FixItemsFallingThrough option
    • Does the same thing as this mod's "FixItemFalling" option.
    • Compatibility not tested, but should be fine.
  • LethalLib's EnableItemSaveFix option
    • Does a similar thing as this mod's "FixItemIds" option.
    • Compatible, but redundant.
    • May cause save corruption?



  • Add explicit compatibility with LethalLevelLoader by disabling this mod's item ID fixing if it's detected
  • Add explicit compatibility with SaveItemRotations by disabling this mod's item rotation saving if it's detected


  • Fix compatibility with LethalPerformance


  • Attempt to fix item syncing, again


  • Attempt to fix inconsistent item syncing issue


  • Add "Fix Item Falling" option, to prevent items from falling through ship furniture on load
  • Add "Save Item Rotation" option, to keep items in the same rotation they were when you saved
  • These only function properly with the "Better Sync Items" option enabled, which makes sure loaded item positions and rotations are properly synced between clients, and also syncs item rotation when a player drops an item


  • Attempt to prevent corruption of ship unlockables/furniture from ID changes as well


  • Use HookGenPatcher to fix potential compatibility issues


  • Initial release