Szumi57-LethalInternship icon


Recruit interns, take them with you, grab items, make company happy, they may or may not help but what can you do ? It's their first experience.



0.17.0 [Alpha] - 2024-09-05


  • Lethal Company v64
  • InputUtils, change the keybinds for interacting with interns how you want.
  • Added config option for intern to grab or not the maneater as a baby, default to false, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub, issue 40 (#40).
  • Added config option to spectate or not interns.
  • Inverse teleporters works with interns, if they are close to the teleporters or grabbed by player, request from @AtomicJuno on GitHub, issue 39 (#39).
  • Same with regular teleporters, only the grabbed interns will be bring back to the ship with the player.


  • Grab and release intern keybinds are now separate, default 'Q' for grab, 'R' for release.
  • Debug config simpler with one debug option.


  • Fix hard and soft dependencies completely forgotten in the plugin setup... hope compatibility fixes gets better for people now.
  • Attempt to fix the 4th player or 5th player (with moreCompany) bug with intern taking control and all that. Really not sure it's fixed, need further testing.
  • Fix some more movements for interns, they only teleport when no one is looking at them now.
  • Complete rewrite of the behaviour of grabbable intern body, should work better, fixes issue 42, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub (#42)
  • Fix size of intern bodies when dead or grabbed by player.
  • Fix dead interns appearing on the dead player spectator UI.
  • Fix some more bug with lethalPhones et ReviveCompany.
  • Fix picking up and release intern if their weight gets set to 0 with other mods, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub, issue 41 (#41)

0.16.0 [Alpha] - 2024-08-30


  • Grab interns ! You can grab multiple interns with you but be carefull : their weight and their held item weight gets added to your weight. You may not be able to move after...
  • Indicator of state in the name of the intern, an attempt at giving intern more personnality and information.


  • Removed "Following you" tooltip because of the new indicator in the billboard name above interns.


  • Fix some v60 conflict, the maneater should be working with interns, for the mineshaft elevator, for now you can grab interns with you, I will look for a fix so they come with you in the elevator on next update
  • Fix some movements and behaviours, the state of looking for players should be working, and the intern should less teleport when losing player.
  • Fix some more conflicts with lethalphones, especially when an intern dies
  • Fix major bug when a 4th player join lobby (taking control and other weird things), thanks @Dyz89 on Discord
  • Fix menu "Lethal Internship" duplicating in the terminal help menu, thanks @Ryyye on GitHub, issue 29 (#29)
  • Fix compatibility with ReviveCompany, you can revive intern now with this mod
  • Fix interns keeping items in hand for next round at the end of round, if items are not in the ship

0.15.2 [Alpha] - 2024-08-21


  • Added config for internship program title in help menu, be careful, the title will become the command to type in the terminal to access the internship program


  • Some strings in the terminal, suggestion from @Ryyye on GitHub


  • Fix doors not working, looked like a v62 compil problem with the mod, thanks @jakeisloud on Discord, @Ryyye on GitHub, issue 24 (#24)

0.15.1 [Alpha] - 2024-08-20


  • Fix softlock at end of game with a client (not host), thanks @Instaplayer on Discord

0.15.0 [Alpha] - 2024-08-19


  • Added a landing option for intern, should the dropship land intern on moons or keep them for later ? Type 'land' or 'abort' to change the option.
  • Configurable parameters for the internship program. You can now configure :
    • The maximum of interns available to buy, from 1 to 32, default to 16
    • The price of one intern, from 0 to 200, default to 19
    • The maximum health of an intern, from 1 to 200, default to 51
    • The size of an intern, from 85% to 100% of player size, default to 85%
    • The names of the interns, choose between de default names "Intern #(number)", a list of random names of my own (mostly reddit actually), or your own list of names.

      You can configure the behaviour of an intern too :
    • Should the intern just teleport when using ladders ? default to false
    • Should the intern grab items near entrances (main and fire exits) ? default to true
    • Should the intern grab bees nets ? default to false
    • Should the intern grab dead bodies ? default to false

      All of those configs are synced with the host, that means that whatever config you have, if you are a client you will use the host's config. Not for the log debug stuff though, that's still client side.


  • Raised default hp to 51, thanks @Ogryn named Finger, on discord for the suggestion
  • Spawning from the dropship should be smoother


  • SpringManAI patch not working (v60 compatibility)
  • Forest giant not targeting players, was actually a conflict with more company, thanks @jakeisloud discord, @doubletime32 on Github issue 17 (#17)

0.14.8 [Alpha] - 2024-08-10


  • Turret not damaging players. Thanks @Kimiko on Discord, Imiquel on Github, issue 21 (#21)
  • Conflicts with AdditionalNetworking and ShowCapacity, thanks @wwww on Discord

0.14.7 [Alpha] - 2024-08-09


  • Interns ignore bee nest and dead bodies, configurable on next update.


  • Attempt to fix compatibility error type of "[Error : Unity Log] NetworkPrefab ('prefabName') has a duplicate GlobalObjectIdHash source entry value of: 'value'!", thanks @Adrian on discord.
  • Fix for Jester and ForestGiant (can not reproduce for ForestGiant) not targetting player, thanks @Adrian on discord. thanks @doubletime32 on Github, issue 17 (#17)
  • Fix for compatibility with mod FasterItemDropship, thanks me.
  • Fix for old bird missiles pushing interns, also errors between old bird and interns (CheckSightForThreat stuff), thanks @Autumnis the Everchanging on Discord

0.14.6 [Alpha] - 2024-08-05


  • Interns are faster on ladders.
  • Interns can use ladders even with a two handed item in hands.


  • Fix compatibility with LethalPhones, thanks @crump_laude on discord. Fixed but not functionnal for interns, no change (I hope) for the players.
  • Fix Masked unable to grab interns, thanks @Autumnis the Everchanging on discord.
  • Fix bracken unable to grab interns, thanks @random_axolotl on discord.
  • Fix terminal commands from base game pages, able to type 'c' to confirm, issue 12 (#12)

0.14.5 [Alpha] - 2024-08-03


  • Fix compatibility with MoreEmotes and ModelReplacementAPI, thanks @Nysvaa on discord. Fixed but not functionnal for interns, no change (I hope) for the players.

0.14.4 [Alpha] - 2024-08-02


  • Fix for "Typing Pro flashlight into the terminal forces you to the interns page preventing purchases of the pro", thanks @Loot Bug on discord.

0.14.3 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Fix for giving item to intern and it floats, issue 2 (#4)

0.14.2 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Possible fix for compatibility with BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundlesPatcher (#5)

0.14.1 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Fix compatibility with BetterEXP (#2)

0.14.0 [Alpha] - 2024-07-31

  • Initial release