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Szumi57-LethalInternship-0.19.7 icon


Recruit interns, take them with you, grab items, make company happy, they may or may not help but what can you do ? It's their first experience.

Date uploaded 2 days ago
Version 0.19.7
Download link
Downloads 1368
Dependency string Szumi57-LethalInternship-0.19.7

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1
Sigurd-CSync-5.0.1 icon

Configuration file syncing library for BepInEx.

Preferred version: 5.0.1
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.7.4 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.7.4



Lethal Internship

Note from HR :
As you may or may not know, our great company suffers from this staggering inflation, costs are rising, and budget cuts are on the way.
But our dearest executives have found a solution to get the company back on track :

Interns !

Willing to work, cheap and plentiful, these workers will support you and make your work faster and more efficient.
Don't worry, they're not intended to replace you.
So don't hesitate to make use of them and together become

Great assets to the company


Cheap Interns and where to find them

These passionate workers are available in a new section of your shop.
Buy them in space or on the moon and they will be delivered to you like regular items with the dropship.

They do not return to the ship
In fact, they are not authorized to get too close to the ship and will drop the items near it,
you will then just need to pick up the objects and bring them back inside.

They always follow you
Or at least try to follow you, or another player.
The moons are not very welcoming and the interns may have (some) difficulties to navigate smoothly in those tricky areas.

They are fragile
But replaceable, less life points and can carry only one object at a time.
Be patient, they are learning, just like you not so long ago.

How to use the mod

  • A new entry should be present in your help page in the terminal : menu
  • To enter the menu, type 'LethalInternship program' or 'pro' or 'in', you should arrive to the info page. info_page
  • From there you can buy intern with 'buy' command or 'buy nameOfIntern' if you know the name of the one you want.
    buy4 or buy_mathew
  • Type 'Status' to see check all of the available intern status. status_page
  • You can revive intern by buying them specifically while in orbit.
  • You can revive intern with other mods like 'Revive company', 'Bunkbed revives' and 'Zaprillator'

    While they are spawned, while pointing at them:
  • You can give them item with [G]
  • Make them drop item with [G]
  • Grab the intern with you [A], to go faster or useful on some map where the AI pathfind is not the best
  • Change the suit of the intern by the one you're wearing with [X]
  • All input are configurable.

Configuration files

Lots of configs are available for you, so go check them !
Mod is compatible with InputUtils so you can change your inputs !
There's also a config file for the identities of the interns (a name, a suit, a voice)
Identities can be found in a new config file at Your_profile_folder\BepInEx\config\LethalInternship\ConfigIdentitiesDefault.json
If you want to make your own file, name it 'ConfigIdentitiesUser.json' and the default one will be ignored. Details can be found in the default json.
To link the voice folder to the intern, simply change the "VoiceFolder" property in the identity you want.

Fully voices interns

A big thanks to Mathew Kelly and his incredible voice acting, there's more than 700 (!!) voice lines for those little guys.
Chilling with you, following, founding loot, panicking, you name it, there's a voice line for every state of mind !
You may know him as Dragon-V0942 from FurAffinity, and you can find some of his voice acting works on youtube (Voice acting example).

Some AI voices should be added next update (0.20.0)

Have fun with cosmetic mods !

This mod is compatible with ModelReplacementAPI and all of its users (tooManySuits, MoreSuits, ThiccCompany, etc...). It is also compatible with the emotes mod, emote in front of intern and they will copy your dance moves !


On a more serious note

This mod is very alpha and I still need some polishing.
I'm just happy to share this project with you, in hope that you find it fun and enjoyable.

Things to add

  • Orders, a system to control the interns in some way. Can take some time to implement that too.

Bug to fix

  • Sand spider web trap not working for interns.
  • Nutcracker ignoring interns.
  • Compatibility with modded maps, for environmental hazards damages.



0.19.8 [Alpha] - 2025-03-09


  • Not rendering more than 1 held intern for local player (does not work with default model for now, but no performance cost)


  • Fix index out of range exception when too many corpse and intern in FOV to cull.
  • Fix grabbing intern with model replacement not updating.

0.19.7 [Alpha] - 2025-03-07


  • Fix softlock when leaving moon if an intern died with a model replacement, thanks @MathewKelly on Discord.

0.19.6 [Alpha] - 2025-03-05


  • Fix not being able for the player to switch back to vanilla suit after switching to suit with custom model, thanks @DravenXD on GitHub, (issue #72)
  • Fix indexOutOfRange exception and softlock when leaving moon, thanks @MathewKelly on Discord.

0.19.5 [Alpha] - 2025-03-04


  • Config option for footstep loudness, suggestion from @dezzyfox55 on GitHub, (issue #68)
  • Lots of optimizations under the hood, the most noticeable, added new config section : Performance
    • "Max animated intern with default model at the same time", this one is not very useful as the default model does not cause lag when updating bones positions. Default 32
    • "Max animated intern with a replacement model at the same time", decide how many of the closest interns are fully visually updated every frame, the interns behind will only have a partial visual update, default to 6
    • "Max number of intern making footstep sound at the same time", decide how many footstep from intern you can hear at the same time, over 10 is not very useful, playing a sound has a cost performance wise, default to 7


  • Thanks to @MathewKelly, the voice files are now only 16 MB (down from 80).
  • Changed the config "Options for automatically switch suit", now it's a boolean, choose if you want your interns to automatically switch to your suit when assigned to you.
    If you want the interns to have random suit, it's on the identities config json (see mod main page for info).
  • (technical) Publified every class in the dll, so other modders have easier time to patch this mod if wanted/needed.
  • Interns have a greater range before losing player.
  • Removed config option for intern teleporting and skipping animation when using ladders, they do not use ladders anyway now, maybe a come back later.


  • Fix conflict with model that have jaw movement, thanks @DropDaDeuce on GitHub, (issue #63)
  • Fix severe framedrops with some model replacement, conflict with mipa models, thanks @DropDaDeuce on GitHub, (issue #66)
  • Fix a conflict with the page 'status' in terminal with the mode LethalLevelLoader, thanks @KyberCrow on GitHub, (issue #69)
  • Fix model of interns dying still appearing static next to the corpse, thanks @AdamHarney, @Timofey1337png and @NotAVerb on GitHub, (issue #70, #56)
  • Fix compat with the defibrillator of the mod UsualScrap.
  • Fix lag when player is up in the air and the pathfind of interns causes extreme lag, thanks @battleforce404 on GitHub, (issue #71)
  • Fix use of right voice when intern sink to his demise, thanks @MathewKelly.
  • Fix intern staying crouched when danger near by and player still crouched.
  • Fix dead interns on terminal view on next moon.
  • Fix interns scared too much of the spider if she is not hunting.
  • Fix name above head not following intern height when using unique models with mods.

0.19.4 [Alpha] - 2025-01-07


  • Images in thunderstore page readme - 2nd try.

0.19.3 [Alpha] - 2025-01-07


  • Images in thunderstore page readme.

0.19.2 [Alpha] - 2025-01-07


  • Updated readme with images


  • Attempt to fix issues #60 and #61 when loading identities from config file fails.
    Now the game loads but no identities are loaded, you can still buy default interns with command 'buy #number'. Thanks @sailorcandymilk and @wzb2002 on Github.
  • Compatibility with peepers and LethalMin
  • Fix method GetRandomSuit sometimes crashing.

0.19.1 [Alpha] - 2024-12-30


  • Suit column in status page in the lethalIntership program menu


  • Fix AI state not being reset when not owning intern or when the intern dies, resulting in strange behaviours, thanks @Mathew Kelly on Discord.
  • Fixes for the revive mods not working correctly (revive company, bunkbed revive, zapprilator), thanks @Mathew Kelly on Discord.
  • Fix black mesa not working with interns and other small fixes.


  • Compat peepers, lethalMin mods
  • Again some things not working well with the Bracken/Flowerman

2024-12-24 - Voices and road to Beta !

Now that I have a clear view of what is left to add to this mod,
I can say that we are 1 or updates away from beta !
I still need to add orders and configurable option with terminal, for now you can use lethal config for the client only configs.
In beta I won't be adding new stuff (unless some exceptions) and it will be only bug fixing and mod compatibility.

Hope you will like this new update, there's a lot changed under the hood but unfortunately not so much to show...
Expect for the voices of course !!
A big thanks to Mathew Kelly and his incredible voice acting, there's more than 700 (!!) voice lines for those little guys.
Chilling with you, following, founding loot, panicking, you name it, there's a voice line for every state of mind !
You may know him as Dragon-V0942 from FurAffinity, and you can find some of his voice acting works on youtube (Voice acting example).

For now let's check what's changed !

0.19.0 [Alpha] - 2024-12-24


  • Voices
    More than 700 voice lines added for every state of the interns. Voices made by Mathew Kelly/Dragon-V0942
    The interns do not talk when a player is talking, and they tend to avoid talking while other interns talk (unless panicking, getting hurt, that kind of stuff).
    After launching the game once you can find the audio folder in Your_profile_folder\BepInEx\plugins\Szumi57-LethalInternship\Szumi57-LethalInternship\Audio\Voices.
    From here you can find the voice folder named "Mathew_kelly" and inside, the voice lines organized by state (chilling, entering cruiser, running from monster).
    If you want to add you own voices, you will need to respect this tree. Add a new folder next to "Mathew_kelly" with the same sub folders hierarchy.
    But be aware if there is an update of this mod, the audio folder gets deleted, so keep a copy of you work (of course).
    But how do you link that folder to an intern ? That bring us to the next point :
  • Identities
    The interns have now a name, a suit, a voice, and all that makes his identity.
    Identities can be found in a new config file at Your_profile_folder\BepInEx\config\LethalInternship\ConfigIdentitiesDefault.json
    If you want to make your own file, name it 'ConfigIdentitiesUser.json' and the default one will be ignored. Details can be found in the default json.
    To link the voice folder to the intern, simply change the "VoiceFolder" property in the identity you want.
  • New terminal page : Status
    With this new way of working, interns can be tracked on your terminal with the keywork 'status' (while being in the 'lethalIntership program' page).
    You can see the list of all the interns and their status : name, hp, to dropped on moon, dead.
    You can buy specific interns by typing 'buy Mathew kelly' for example or quicker : 'bu math'.
    If they are dead, they can will be resurrected (only in while the ship is in orbit tho).
    If all identities are dead, buying more will make a default intern on the fly.

More additions

  • A spawn animation for interns, the dropship is pretty crammed so when the door opens... well I'll let you find out.
  • New configs : volume multiplier, taklativeness, swear words
  • New config : randomness of identities when buying them
  • New config : maximum animated interns at once (see performance fixes below)
  • Noise detection : they can hear you now and try to find you if they are lost while hearing you.
  • New logo ! made by... Mathew Kelly/Dragon-V0942 (can this guy ever stop ?)
  • Compatibility with reviving mods : 'Revive company', 'Bunkbed revives' and 'Zaprillator', so many ways to revive those little guys.


  • The interns can follow you in the ship now, but not in orbit (next update maybe).
  • Their whole movement got reworked (that took quite a while), they move like monsters now, following ai pathways, not falling in holes. No more ladder animation for the moment though sorry.
  • Made the blob monster only doing 5 damage to interns, they are quite dumb when it comes to avoid him, so at least they don't die in 2 hits now.


  • Performances fixes, found that the sound of their footstep what quite taxing on the framerate so I fixed that.
    Limit the number of animated interns too (see config), thanks @BetaSigmaOmega on Github, issue #51.
  • Fix death by shotgun or knife and grabbing interns corpses bug, thanks @Timofey1337png on GitHub, issue #56
  • Fixed saving interns already bought but kept the money when reloading.
  • Fixed compat with ImmortalSnail, they fear him now, thanks @AdamHarney on Github, issue #57.
  • Fixed items dropped in ship not getting registred by the host.
  • Fix compat with 'Always hear talkies', fix but more like not crashing, it's just not functionnal in intern hands.

0.18.3 [Alpha] - 2024-10-27


  • Fix v66 joining bug "... while syncing objects! The file may be corrupted.", thanks @Timofey1337png on Github, (issue #52).
  • Fix radar view on computer while a radar booster is active, thanks @Zeta on Discord.

0.18.2 [Alpha] - 2024-10-20


  • Play sound when buying, or error page in the terminal for the internship program.


  • Interns teleport more to try to follow player. They teleport if they see the player, are too far from him and no players can see the intern teleporting or the destination where the intern will teleport.
  • Rework the teleporters, the interns will be inverse teleported randomly like players (unless they are grabbed by a player) (issues #39 and #44).
  • Removed the config for making the interns follow or not the inverse teleported player. See above point.
  • Added config for monitoring interns on the radar ship computer, default value to false. Can now teleport interns to the ship like players.


  • Fix items invisible in interns hands after entering/leaving dungeon with Cullfactory.
  • Fix interns not being able to see the player in ship if doors are closed.
  • Fix tooltip for grenade like items showing to the player if an intern grab one.

0.18.1 [Alpha] - 2024-10-11


  • Added config to make interns use random suits when spawning. Changed the config to be 3 choices : 0: Change manually | 1: Automatically change with the same suit as player | 2: Random available suit when the intern spawn.


  • Interns can emote while moving (if player moves while emoting with TooManyEmotes option)


  • Fix item to be not grabbable when in shopping cart/wheelbarrow, thanks @AdamHarney on Github, (issue #46).
  • Fix interns not being able to enter cruiser, thanks @jakeisloud on Discord.
  • Small fixes for health and critical state calculation on interns.
  • Fix Model replacement on interns not working with late joining mods (Late company, lobby control), thanks @AdamHarney on Github and @Wizardpie on Discord.
  • Lot of small speculative fixes for 5th player bug losing control of camera when an intern spawn. Sorry I can not reproduce it, I will keep trying, so do not hesitate do send me logOuput AND modpack code, it helps a lot.

0.18.0 [Alpha] - 2024-10-04


  • Compatibility with Model replacement API , More suits, change the suits of interns with X (default, configurable).
  • Added a config to automatically change suits of intern when they get affected to you, default to false.
  • Compatibility with TooManyEmotes, BetterEmotes (MoreEmotes too but mod deprecated).
  • Interns mimic the emote you are doing when they are in a chill state (next to you not moving)
  • Added a new order : use C (default, configurable) to make the interns look at what you are looking. Example of use with betterEmotes: You and the interns are applauding, and everyone is looking at a specific player.
  • Added config for ignoring Wheelbarrow item (mod), ShoppingCart item (mod), default to true.


  • The minimum size of interns configurable is now 0.3 (from 0.85).


  • Fix interns holding a item weirdly, now the item position should follow the hand accurately.
  • Rework the code for giving item to interns, interns grabbing item, interns dropping item. Should work better when dropping items in ship.
  • Fix input duplication when leaving the game to main menu and returning.
  • Fix compatibility with QuickBuyMenu mod, thanks @Tye-wynd on Discord.
  • Fix other player not owning interns unable to damage intern.
  • Fix better compatibility with reserved item slot when giving/taking items from interns.

0.17.0 [Alpha] - 2024-09-05


  • Lethal Company v64
  • InputUtils, change the keybinds for interacting with interns how you want.
  • Added config option for intern to grab or not the maneater as a baby, default to false, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub, (issue #40).
  • Added config option to spectate or not interns.
  • Inverse teleporters works with interns, if they are close to the teleporters or grabbed by player, request from @AtomicJuno on GitHub, (issue #39).
  • Same with regular teleporters, only the grabbed interns will be bring back to the ship with the player.


  • Grab and release intern keybinds are now separate, default 'Q' for grab, 'R' for release.
  • Debug config simpler with one debug option.


  • Fix hard and soft dependencies completely forgotten in the plugin setup... hope compatibility fixes gets better for people now.
  • Attempt to fix the 4th player or 5th player (with moreCompany) bug with intern taking control and all that. Really not sure it's fixed, need further testing.
  • Fix some more movements for interns, they only teleport when no one is looking at them now.
  • Complete rewrite of the behaviour of grabbable intern body, should work better, fixes issue 42, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub (issue #42)
  • Fix size of intern bodies when dead or grabbed by player.
  • Fix dead interns appearing on the dead player spectator UI.
  • Fix some more bug with lethalPhones et ReviveCompany.
  • Fix picking up and release intern if their weight gets set to 0 with other mods, thanks @ShadowWolf90 on GitHub, (issue #41)

0.16.0 [Alpha] - 2024-08-30


  • Grab interns ! You can grab multiple interns with you but be carefull : their weight and their held item weight gets added to your weight. You may not be able to move after...
  • Indicator of state in the name of the intern, an attempt at giving intern more personnality and information.


  • Removed "Following you" tooltip because of the new indicator in the billboard name above interns.


  • Fix some v60 conflict, the maneater should be working with interns, for the mineshaft elevator, for now you can grab interns with you, I will look for a fix so they come with you in the elevator on next update
  • Fix some movements and behaviours, the state of looking for players should be working, and the intern should less teleport when losing player.
  • Fix some more conflicts with lethalphones, especially when an intern dies
  • Fix major bug when a 4th player join lobby (taking control and other weird things), thanks @Dyz89 on Discord
  • Fix menu "Lethal Internship" duplicating in the terminal help menu, thanks @Ryyye on GitHub, (issue #29)
  • Fix compatibility with ReviveCompany, you can revive intern now with this mod
  • Fix interns keeping items in hand for next round at the end of round, if items are not in the ship

0.15.2 [Alpha] - 2024-08-21


  • Added config for internship program title in help menu, be careful, the title will become the command to type in the terminal to access the internship program


  • Some strings in the terminal, suggestion from @Ryyye on GitHub


  • Fix doors not working, looked like a v62 compil problem with the mod, thanks @jakeisloud on Discord, @Ryyye on GitHub, (issue #24)

0.15.1 [Alpha] - 2024-08-20


  • Fix softlock at end of game with a client (not host), thanks @Instaplayer on Discord

0.15.0 [Alpha] - 2024-08-19


  • Added a landing option for intern, should the dropship land intern on moons or keep them for later ? Type 'land' or 'abort' to change the option.
  • Configurable parameters for the internship program. You can now configure :
    • The maximum of interns available to buy, from 1 to 32, default to 16
    • The price of one intern, from 0 to 200, default to 19
    • The maximum health of an intern, from 1 to 200, default to 51
    • The size of an intern, from 85% to 100% of player size, default to 85%
    • The names of the interns, choose between de default names "Intern #(number)", a list of random names of my own (mostly reddit actually), or your own list of names.

      You can configure the behaviour of an intern too :
    • Should the intern just teleport when using ladders ? default to false
    • Should the intern grab items near entrances (main and fire exits) ? default to true
    • Should the intern grab bees nets ? default to false
    • Should the intern grab dead bodies ? default to false

      All of those configs are synced with the host, that means that whatever config you have, if you are a client you will use the host's config. Not for the log debug stuff though, that's still client side.


  • Raised default hp to 51, thanks @Ogryn named Finger, on discord for the suggestion
  • Spawning from the dropship should be smoother


  • SpringManAI patch not working (v60 compatibility)
  • Forest giant not targeting players, was actually a conflict with more company, thanks @jakeisloud discord, @doubletime32 on Github (issue #17)

0.14.8 [Alpha] - 2024-08-10


  • Turret not damaging players. Thanks @Kimiko on Discord, Imiquel on Github, (issue #21)
  • Conflicts with AdditionalNetworking and ShowCapacity, thanks @wwww on Discord

0.14.7 [Alpha] - 2024-08-09


  • Interns ignore bee nest and dead bodies, configurable on next update.


  • Attempt to fix compatibility error type of "[Error : Unity Log] NetworkPrefab ('prefabName') has a duplicate GlobalObjectIdHash source entry value of: 'value'!", thanks @Adrian on discord.
  • Fix for Jester and ForestGiant (can not reproduce for ForestGiant) not targetting player, thanks @Adrian on discord. thanks @doubletime32 on Github, (issue #17)
  • Fix for compatibility with mod FasterItemDropship, thanks me.
  • Fix for old bird missiles pushing interns, also errors between old bird and interns (CheckSightForThreat stuff), thanks @Autumnis the Everchanging on Discord

0.14.6 [Alpha] - 2024-08-05


  • Interns are faster on ladders.
  • Interns can use ladders even with a two handed item in hands.


  • Fix compatibility with LethalPhones, thanks @crump_laude on discord. Fixed but not functionnal for interns, no change (I hope) for the players.
  • Fix Masked unable to grab interns, thanks @Autumnis the Everchanging on discord.
  • Fix bracken unable to grab interns, thanks @random_axolotl on discord.
  • Fix terminal commands from base game pages, able to type 'c' to confirm, (issue #12)

0.14.5 [Alpha] - 2024-08-03


  • Fix compatibility with MoreEmotes and ModelReplacementAPI, thanks @Nysvaa on discord. Fixed but not functionnal for interns, no change (I hope) for the players.

0.14.4 [Alpha] - 2024-08-02


  • Fix for "Typing Pro flashlight into the terminal forces you to the interns page preventing purchases of the pro", thanks @Loot Bug on discord.

0.14.3 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Fix for giving item to intern and it floats, (issue #4)

0.14.2 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Possible fix for compatibility with BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundlesPatcher (issue #5)

0.14.1 [Alpha] - 2024-08-01


  • Fix compatibility with BetterEXP (issue #2)

0.14.0 [Alpha] - 2024-07-31

  • Initial release