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Updated 9 months ago

ScannableTools Mod

So you're a developer and want to spare me from adding explicit support for your items and for some reason the GrabbableObject#Start (Or GrabbableObject#Update) method doesn't run?

Well, here's a method that allows you to fix this:
ScannableTools.AddScanNodeToGrabbableObject(GrabbableObject grabbableObject)
This will add a scan node to your item.

You should also add this to your Update or LateUpdate method:
public static void UpdateScanNodeOfGrabbableObject(GrabbableObject grabbableObject)
This will make the scan node not scannable, if held.
Also, this will update the battery percentage, if your item needs batteries.

Note, that the method will check the GrabbableObject#itemProperties#requiresBattery variable and use the GrabbableObject#insertedBattery variable.
If you're using a different system, for some reason, you have to wait until I (might) support it.
