TestAccount666-ShipWindows icon


Adds glass windows to the ship so you can see what's going on outside.


Ship Windows


* Fixed door texture (Sorry it took so long)


* Hopefully finally completely fixed overriding celestial tint skybox
* Hopefully fixed all errors with shutter switch
- Reverted change regarding the Window layer


+ Added config option to fix enemies killing you through windows (If you're running into issues with enemy behavior, disable this)
# Windows are now on their own layer, called Windows (id should be 30)


And again...


* Fixed skybox override not working in certain scenarios


* Fixed Celestial Tint overriding the skybox override
* Fixed log spam, sorry about that


* Fixed voice lines playing without windows


+ Added option to override Celestial Tint's skybox
+ Added configurable rotation speed (Replaces boolean)
+ Added config option to disable hiding moon transitions
+ Added new screenshots to readme
* Fixed shutter switch spawning without windows
* Fixed NullReferenceExceptions when shutter is spawned
* Fixed mod refusing to load, if all except door window are deactivated
* Fixed 4k skybox never getting loaded
# Increased moon transition time for shutters by 1 second
# SpaceOutside config option now uses a self-explanatory enum instead of an integer


* Reduced the intensity of iridescence in glass materials


* Fixed door windows shutter being invisible
* Fixed shutter ScanNode being not deactivate-able


+ Added option to disable the Shutter Switch ScanNode
+ Added option to disable playing Wesley's voice lines on transitions
+ Added iridescence glass materials
* Fixed speaker sound being played with inactive VoiceLines
# Buying a new window will now honor the current shutter state
# If you change the glass material via LethalConfig, the setting will be applied without restart
# The enable refraction boolean has been replaced with an enum to allow for iridescence material to co-exist


+ Added ship door window!
+ Added ability for light sources to actually shine through all windows
+ Added voice lines for opening/closing the window shutters ( Thanks Wesley <3)
+ Added Scan Node for Shutter Switch
+ Added option to change the Light Switch tool tip
* Fixed being able to place furniture inside windows
* Fixed skybox 2


* Fix stretched ship hull texture


* Fix all window collisions (Hopefully...)


+ Shutter switch is now non-interactable while the windows are locked
+ Window state is now sync to the state switch, instead of being relative
* Fix posters


* Fix locked window state
# Improved window shutters closing/opening on level transitions


+ Initial Release