TheFrens-LethalDumpynyVR icon


This is the pack for those of us hauling around a massive dumptruck.


LethalDumpyny 1.2.0

Made the shit better\

LethalDumpyny 1.1.0

Added Mimics 2.2.1
Added InfiniteEmote 1.2.1
Updated LethalLib to 0.7.0

Weather multiplier for Rainy 1.1 -> 1.2
Weather multiplier for Stormy 1.35 -> 1.5
Weather multiplier for Flooded 1.35 -> 1.5

Updated EmployeeAssignments to 1.0.8
Removed "Kill Crawler" assingment
All players will now recieve an assignment

Updated More_Emotes to 1.2.2
Emotes ignore the item in your hand

Updated Lategame_Upgrades to 2.7.0
Removed Portable Teleporter
Removed Advanced Portable Teleporter
Beekeeper damager reduction 36%, 51%, 66%, 81% -> 35%, 50%, 65%, 80%
Bigger lungs "SprintTime" 55%, 66%, 77%, 89% -> 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%
Bigger lungs price $700, $350, $450, $550 -> $700
Running Shoes Movement Speed increase 30%, 41%, 52%, 63% -> 30%, 60%, 90%, 120%
Running Shoes price $1000, $500, $750, $1000 -> $1000

LethalDumpyny 1.0.3

Updated LethalLib to 0.6.3

LethalDumpyny 1.0.2

Lategame_Upgrades - Convert all upgrades to be shared. = true

LethalDumpyny 1.0.1

Updated Lategame_Upgrades to version 2.6.0
Updated More suits to version 1.4.1

LethalDumpyny 1.0.0

Added BepInExPack (duh!)
Added MoreCompany
Added LateCompany
Added LC_API
Added WeatherMultipliers
Added HookGenPatcher
Added LethalLib
Added Lategame_Upgrades (2.1.0)
Added ShipLoot
Added ReservedItemSlotCore
Added ReservedFlashlightSlot
Added More_Suits
Added More_Emotes
Added EmployeeAssignments