Nightmare Freddy as a brand new Enemy! Beware the Freddles!
- Initial release
- Fixed a bug where flashing a Freddle changed the texture for all the Freddles
- Changed intended feature : Freddles that have not reached their designated will burn to death after reaching it
- Added Dynamic animation for Freddy to look at you, on his leg, and torso
- Added Better rendering of Freddy
- I don't remember what I did here...
This patch aims to make the Freddles less powerfull while keeping the overall balance of the mod! THE CONFIG WON'T CHANGE ON THEIR OWN SO DO EDIT THEM IF YOU WANT TO APPLY THIS PATCH
- You can now burn the freddles with your flashlight even when they are aggro
- The Freddles are now hittable with shovel / knife / shotgun, so there are now more ways to kills them!
- Changed base Freddles damage from 10 to 4
- Changed base Freddles spawn from 150 to 170
- Freddles now go back to ship if there are no targets for them
- Increased the needed number of Freddles from 6 to 7 before freddy aggro
- Reduced the range of the lullaby
- Reduced the range of laughing freddy
- Gave Freddes 1 hp so they can be killed with the shovel / knife / shotgun