0.8.6 AudioReverbTrigger fixed
0.8.5 Sound adjustment
0.8.4 NavMesh Updated
0.8.1 ScanNode fixed
0.8.0 Is the desynchronisation problem fixed?(restart), rebalancing, optimization
0.7.0 Fixed LevelTag for compatibility with Celestial Tint(sfDesat) mod
0.3.5 Trigger system revamped, now difficulty set to B-
0.3.0 Optimization, Compatibility with the Hypick-BetterShotgun mod added (thanks for Starlancer's help)
0.2.8 Ambient sound added
0.2.6 Added more enemy spawn points, NavMesh Updated
0.2.4 Desynchronization issue fixed
0.2.3 another pinch of optimization
0.2.2 Optimization, water temporarily removed.
0.2.1 changed water texture, big optimization patch, rebalance, LethalLevelLoader 1.1.6 >>> 1.2.0
0.1.8 DungeonFlow changed - 20/300
0.1.7 Lava damage fixed, Optimization
0.1.6 HotFix Patch
0.1.5 Optimization, NavMesh Updated
0.1.0 Release