General info about my assembly

Updated a year ago

I made this to clear up some things about what everything in my assembly is doing


This class just initializes the mod. Nothing special.


Handles logging messages to the BepInEx console.


Handles loading and reading the configuration file.


This class handles loading assets from the asset bundle. The method of loading the asset bundle is a little odd because it uses an embedded resource rather than a separate file, meaning the bundle is contained within GokuBracken.dll.

Enemy Patches

This is where I add the GokuController to a new Bracken instance


This class is a script attached to the Bracken that handles the replacement of the model and the swapping of the model when Goku transforms


This class is responsible for spawning an easter egg. It can be ignored for the purpose of enemy replacement.


This class replaces the data in the computer with Goku related info. enemyFiles[1] corresponds to the bracken's file while allKeywords[36] refers to the terminal keyword "bracken". If you wanted to change any of it for a different enemy you would need to do some sleuthing to figure out what the correct array index is for that enemy.