[V69] See new sights, make new friends, and take on new challenges with this higher-difficulty modpack. Will you survive Eifie's Redux Company? Check changelog for update code on versions with mods removed, and warnings for specific content.
By VulpixHouse
Update Code: 0195baf0-1eef-0582-7674-66b5bd005300 | Update all once downloaded
- Fixed Lategame Upgrades not having a config (silly me)
- Removed LobbyControl Experimental
- Removed MegaCosmeticsPack
- Removed Hadal Laboratories (might return in the future)
- Replaced Fiufki's Moons with Siabudabu and Fremist
- Readded SmartItemSaving, MoreCounterplay
- Added Dusted, DiFFoZTweaks, SpikeTrapFixes
- Added Atomics Cosmetics, SpookyDookies Glowsuits, Old Bird Suit
- Added Lunar Lights, Sector Beta interior
- Added Surfaced
- Split included MoreCompany cosmetics/suits to separate package
- looks like i forgot to include the new configs again lmfao
Note: The code uses LethalPerformance 0.0.121, if you don't want to use the beta package, update it to 1.0.1
- Removed BetterFog, QualityCompanyFork, ViewExtension, High_Quota_Fixes, NoPropShadows, LogNeuter, ToggleMute, Coroner
- Removed Acidir, Scarlet Devil Mansion
- Replaced Dungeons Ultimately Lacking Liveliness with Gray Apartments & Sub Systems
- Readded High Vis Suits
- Added SelfSortingStorage
- Added Orbits, DiversityNoFloppy
- Added Miku, Vocaloid, Persona suits
- Included default bindings
- Fixed some incorrect configs
2.4.0 | Major Update
- Removed TerminalApi, EnumUtils, LethalToolbox, UniTask
- Removed CoilheadStare, TheGiantSpecimens, TakeThatMaskOff, BetterLightning, LightsOut, TerminalConflictFix, MoreCounterplay, EnemySkinKit/Registry, MoreBlood, MovedMagnetSwitch, CozyImprovements, SmartItemSaving, NestFix
- Removed Spectate, Budapest, Pinnacle, Aerona, Lithium, Gorgonzola, Voxx, Starlancer, Black Mesa, Calypso moons, LC_Office, Xen, Slaughterhouse, Warehouse interiors
- Removed VoidLeak, MissileTurrets, HitMarker, JetpackHMD, High Vis Suits
- Removed Bowser modelswap
- Removed unneeded audio tracks
- Replaced Gray Apartments with Dungeons Ultimately Lacking Liveliness
- Replaced PoweredMoons with Scallg & Ferangdalion
- Replaced ShipInventory with ShipInventoryUpdated
- Switched to Stable WeatherTweaks
- Readded LethalPhones, Diversity, Mazon moon
- Converted back to SoundAPI stable due to 2.0.0 release
- Fixed Oldred not actually being in the manifest
- Nerfed darkness again
- Temporarily Disabled LethalElements, ShipWindows, BetterStamina, PathfindingLagFix, LobbyControl
- Updated Halation ambiance
- Added MrovWeathers, LethalElementsBeta, ShipWindowsBeta, AditionalNetworking, BetterShotgunTooltip, PathfindingLagFix Beta
- Added QualityCompanyFork, TwoRadarMaps, Touchscreen, MaskedInvisFix, MaskFixes, DoNotEatItems, ScienceBird Tweaks, LLLHotReloadPatch, ButteRyBalance, ItemLightsAndEffectsFix, LethalSponge
- Added Hadal Laboratories, Empra, Gratar moons
- Added MapImprovements, RebalancedMoonsBeta
- Added Lost Edifice, Storage Complex, Sector Alpha Interiors
- Removed Diversity until next update
- Removed Immersive Scrap
- Added Terras Scrap
- Converted to Beta SoundAPIV2 for the time being, SoundAPI V1 and UniTask have been disabled
- Replaced WeatherTweaksExperimental with BetaWeatherTweaksBeta
- Added PTEM scripts to play unique music on specific planets
- Added Summit moon
- Added Slaughterhouse Interior
- Added ToggleMute, Moved Magnet Switch
- Added 2 Story RV Cruiser, CruiserTerminal
- Added beta SoundAPI V2, it has been disabled temporarily due to issues loading soundpack
- Converted soundpack files from .wav to .ogg
- Updated configs
- Removed CompanyCruiserFix
- Removed BRUTE Old Bird, config preserved incase it is readded
- Removed Mazon moon, Oneshot moons
- Removed Oneshot interiors, Guardia Fortress interior
- Replaced Scallg & Quasara with PoweredMoons
- Replaced Siabudabu with Fiufki's Moons
- Readded Arachnophilia
- Added SpiderPositionFix, Scrap Insurance
- Added UsualScrap, Motion Tracker V3
- Added Tartarus Interior
- Added WeatherTweaksExperimental
- Reduced intensity of FullDarkness
- Added MirageRevive, Poltergeist, LostEnemyFix
- Added Gray Apartments interior
- Removed SpectateEnemies, LethalWeightFix, Sector 0 Interior
- Updated configs
- Added Moon Day Speed Multiplier Patcher, TerminalConflictFix, SmartItemSaving
- Added MoreCounterplay, ghostCodes
- Removed CentralConfig, VanillaContentExpansion, BetterBreakerBox, RoseLib
- Replaced Affliction & Gordion Sector 0 with Gordion Saga
- Reconfigured some mods
- Added Generic_Interiors (Storehouse)
- Added Affliction moon
- Reconfigured mods for balance
- Added Quasara moon
- Reconfigured many mods
- Changed PTEM script to stop music when the ship leaves
- Changed Lategame Upgrades config to address an issue with the teleporter
- Removed Synthesis, Transmission, USC Vortex, & Jabiua moons, Nali Haven interior
- Removed SmoothReserves Decor
- Removed Wario suit
- Added Oneshot Moons/Interiors
- Changed PTEM script to stop music when the player dies
- Removed AdditionalNetworking, Turret Always Laser, Who Voted
- Removed Asteroid-13, Polarus, & Junic moons, Chizra Temple interior
- Removed Arachnophilia (might return if it gets updated, config will remain in the pack)
- Added Lethal Weight Fix, Better Fog
- Adjusted configs
- Removed EnhancedSpectator
- Readded FairAI, 310 Spectate moon
- Added new version of Chillax Scraps
- Added Lithium moon, PizzaTowerEscapeMusic
- Updated Cruiser sounds
- Adjusted configs
- Updated Old Bird and Shotgun sounds, more coming soon
- Changed some config values
2.2.3 | Optimization Part 2
- Removed Symbiosis, LethalPhones, Frailty, LetTheDeadRest, ShootableMouthDogs, LethalPipeRemoval, BetterShotgun, AlwaysHearActiveWalkies, ScannableCodes, SellTracker
- Removed Terbium, VanillaMoonsLagFix, HoldScanButton, CruiserMap, NoConsoleSpam, MagnetLock
- Added LCBetterSavesFix, BuyableShotgunPlus
- Added Asteroid-13, Scallg moons, Xen interior
- Actually added Lategame Upgrades as a dependency :skull:
- Added SmoothReserves Decor
- Fixed a problem with audio replacer for Old Birds, that did not play footstep sounds
- Readded Lategame Upgrades
- Adjusted configs
2.2.0 | The (Hopefully) Optimization Update
- Removed PerformanceEnhancer and FixRPCLag because they do not work
- Removed unpopular moons: MANTIF (& Dungeon), Calt Prime (& Hyperion Station), Aperture DunGen, Destitute, Tauralis, Rockwell, Catalyst, Verdance & Incalescence
- Removed CelestialTint, 3rdPerson, ChillaxSCRAPS, BetterSpectate, CoilheadCement
- Fixed many config problems, removed files from old mods
- Included new ReduxSounds package, containing audio picked between LethalResonance and OdysseySounds
- Added CodeRebirth, FixRPCLag, PerformanceEnhancer
- Removed XL Scrap, due to a game-breaking bug
- Removed BarchLib (deprecated)
- Added XL Scrap, Central Config, ShatteredTheme, LightsOut
- Added Calypso moon, Nali Haven interior
- Adjusted configs
- Removed Nyxchrono's Doorbreach and LandminesForAll, which were supposed to be removed in 2.1.0
- Replaced LateCompany and MoreItems with LobbyControl
- Removed AddonFusion, RadioNoPower, Lategame Upgrades, ImmersiveVisor, 310Spectate, Football, Herobrine
- Readded Kidnapper Fox, along with KidnapperFoxSettings. The fox can no longer make you drop your items, and has 8 HP now.
- Added Lucario suit
- Added ReverbTriggerFix, High_Quota_Fixes, BetterVehicleControls, FairGiants, HoldScanButton, JetpackHMD, VentSpawnFix, GoodItemScan, HotBarPlus, ManeaterDamagePatch
- Added NiceChat, NoCompanyPenalty, BetterLightning, WhoVoted, Chameleon, HexiBetterShotgunFixed, Vanilla Content Expansion, Missile Turrets, Frailty, Full Darkness
- Added ReservedWalkieSlot, ReservedUtilitySlot, BagConfig, LethalPipeRemoval, Facility Meltdown, LetTheDeadRest, LethalElements, Fiufki's Scrap
- Added NikkisCosmeticKingdom, VoidLeak, CoilheadCement, BRUTE Old Bird, Flesh Stalker, Men Stalker, Biodiversity, Country Road Creature, Giant Specimens
- Added Vacuity, Gorgonzola (+ Enemy Variety), Destitute, Tauralis, Arcadia, Derelict, Rockwell, Catalyst, Incalescence, Verdance moons
- Adjusted configs
- Added Aerona moon, Halation moon, Mazon moon, Junic moon
- Added Guardia Fortress interior, Chizra Temple interior
- Added Bowser, Wario suits
- Adjusted configs
This modpack no longer supports V55/V56.
- Replaced LethalPaintings and LethalPaintingsSync with CustomPaintings
- Removed SoberShip due to Vain Shrouds and Kidnapper Fox being absent in V60/V61
- Removed FairGiants, Company Mines Interior
- Removed Schalttafel moon
- Removed LethalCasino for now due to incompatibility issue
- Added DetourContext Dispose Fix, which was supposed to be added in 1.2.2
- Added AutoHookGenPatcher
- Added Hitmarkers, VanillaMoonsLagFix, StopBeesOpeningDoors, darmuhsTerminalStuff, AntiSlimeCamp, BetterEXP, NestFix, MoreBlood, BetterSpectate, BetterPaycheck, MagnetLock, MattyFixes Experimental, TestAccountFixes, SellTracker, EnhancedRadarBooster, Emblem
- Added Pinnacle moon, Scarlet Devil Mansion interior
- Added ImmersiveScrap, TokucadeScrap, TooManyEmotesScrap, AddonFusion, Remnants
- Added ZZZ Bangboo suits
- Adjusted configs
- Removed individual Eeveelution suits in favor of Eeveelutions package
- Removed deprecated AdditionalNetworking-Experimental in favor of original AdditionalNetworking
- Added No_Console_Spam
- Adjusted configs
- (I made a mistake and overwrote the changelog for 1.2.1)
- Removed WesleysInteriors, SCP596
- Removed NuclearLib, as it was replaced
- Removed MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork, as it was replaced
- Added Spectate, Schalttafel, Black Mesa, Synthesis
- Added Jolteon suit, high-vis suits
- Added TerminalApi, BetterBreakerBox, SoberShip, CruiserImproved, CruiserAdditions
- Added LCGoldScrapMod
- Adjusted configs
- Rebalanced moons
- Removed ButlerAdditionalPlayerFix, as it is deprecated
- Removed DissonanceLagFix, as it has been replaced
- Re-downgraded ModelReplacementAPI to 2.4.5 due to glitch
- Kept LethalLevelLoader at 1.2.4 due to crashes
- Kept LethalToolbox at 1.0.2 due to crashes
- Added Calt Prime, USC Vortex, Hyperion Station
- Added Leafeon, Espeon suits
- Adjusted configs
- Added ArtificeBlizzard
- Added SCP 956
- Added Async Loggers
- Adjusted configs
- Added LETHALRESONANCE, loaforcsSoundApi
- Added Jabiua, Mantif
- Added CompanyCruiserFix
- Added FacelessStalker
- Adjusted config that prevented enemies from spawning
- Added LethalPerformance, Loadstone, LethalFixes, ButteryFixes, EnemySoundFixes, JetpackFixes, MeleeFixes, WeedKillerFixes, BarberFixes, and Terbium
- Adjusted configs
- Added Herobrine and Football
- Added Wesley's Interiors
- Added Cruiser Map
- Tested for Lethal Company V55
- Kept ModelReplacementAPI at 2.4.5 due to glitch
- Added Budapest and Siabudabu
- Added CelestialTint and ShipWindows
- Adjusted configs
- Removed redundant cosmetics
- Initial release