Wagmi-CompanyEssentials icon


Company Essentials is a carefully curated compilation of popular mods centered around AdvancedCompany. It is designed for stability, quality of life, enhanced immersion, and improved core gameplay mechanics.


Version 2.3.0

  • Updated ALL mods
  • Added Oxygen mod
  • Added WeatherTweaks mod
  • Added a lot of new suit options
  • Fixed all gamebreaking bugs
  • Disabled Masks spawning on player death
  • Temporarily removed interiors to fix desync issues

Version 2.2.0

  • Updated ALL mods
  • Removed Backrooms
  • Introduced new scrap for every moon
  • Completely overhauled all moons:


  • Route price $0
  • Loot amount = 10 - 17
  • Avg loot value = $603


  • Route price $0
  • Avg loot amount = 13 - 20
  • Avg loot value = $736


  • Route price $0
  • Avg loot amount = 16 - 23
  • Avg loot value = $867


  • Route price $0
  • Avg loot amount = 19 - 26
  • Avg loot value = $1,003


  • Route price $0
  • Avg loot amount = 22 - 29
  • Avg loot value = $1,136


  • Route price $400
  • Avg loot amount = 25 - 32
  • Avg loot value = $1,270


  • Route price $600
  • Avg loot amount = 28 - 35
  • Avg loot value = $1,404


  • Route price $800
  • Avg loot amount = 31 - 38
  • Avg loot value = $1,537


  • Route price $1,000
  • Avg loot amount = 34 - 41
  • Avg loot value = $1,671


  • Route price $1,200
  • Avg loot amount = 37 - 44
  • Avg loot value = $1,803


  • Route price $1,400
  • Avg loot amount = 40 - 47
  • Avg loot value = $1935

Version 2.1.1

  • Added Outpost31 moon, and configured loot table
  • Added Egypt moon, and configured loot table
  • Updated SellMyScrap mod
  • Updated ImmersiveScraps mod
  • Updated FacilityMeltdown mod

Version 2.1.0

  • Updated AdvancedCompany mod
  • Added Locker mod
  • Removed Kast moon, and LethalExpension dependency
  • Fixed an issue where loot despawns after rejoining lobby
  • Fixed numerous errors in console, ensuring better compatibility

Coming Soon

  • Adding numerous modded moons and completely overhauling all vanilla moons to add custom route prices, loot tables, and monster spawning. The goal is to add more of a progression system in the game

Version 2.0.1

  • Fixed a README error

Version 2.0.0

  • Added FasterItemDropShip mod
  • Removed InsanityRemastered mod
  • Balanced LethalMissions rewards based on difficulty
  • Fixed chances of getting MentalHospital interior
  • Fixed SFX of FacilityMeltdown when taking the apparatus
  • Decreased generation scale of PoolRooms (2.5 -> 2.0)
  • Decreased weight of Peepers (10 -> 8)
  • Edited Backrooms so player's drop all items when triggering Backrooms
  • Edited GeneralImprovements to remove health station in ship
  • Updated all mods
  • Completely Overhauled mob spawning on Kast
  • Fixed console spamming warnings

Version 1.0.7

  • Added Diversity mod
  • Updated PoolRooms mod
  • Updated LethalExpansion mod
  • Small change in README

Version 1.0.6

  • Added a lot of suits via MoreSuits
  • Disabled default AdvancedCompany presets

Version 1.0.5

  • Added TakeThatMaskOff mod
  • Removed DissonanceLagFix mod
  • Updated Mirage mod
  • Updated OpenBodyCams mod
  • Updated LethalCasino mod
  • Updated SellMyScrap mod
  • Updated DantorsMentalHospital mod
  • Updated README to provide more information about this modpack
  • Changed logo on homescreen to say "Company Essentials"

Version 1.0.4

  • Updated Poolrooms mod
  • Updated TooManyEmotes mod
  • Updated SellMyScrap mod
  • Updated loaforcsSoundAPI mod
  • Updated LethalResonance mod
  • Updated OpenBodyCams mod
  • Updated LethalCasino mod

Version 1.0.3

  • Added LessLogs mod
  • Added LightsOut mod
  • Added TerminalFormatter mod

Version 1.0.2

  • Added Lethal_Missions mod
  • Renamed AdvancedCompany profile to CompanyEssentials
  • Updated README to include more keybinds

Version 1.0.1

  • Updated AutoCompanyBuilding
  • Updated LethalCasino