Adds an inventory to the ship, allowing it to store items and retrieve them.
1.2.6 (2025-02-26)
- Fixed how the items spawn, now spawning inside the ship correctly
1.2.5 (2025-01-18)
- Fixed the blacklist to be case-insensitive
- Fixed items clearing when storing the chute
- Fixed items being parented to the chute
- Fixed a crash when a client tries to respawn the chute after being fired
1.2.4 (2025-01-12)
- Fixed an issue where selecting "Understood" does nothing
- Fixed the blacklist to ignore whitespaces before and after items
- Fixed the chute not respawning after fire when it's not an upgrade
- Fixed the chute clearing itself even when 'PersistentThroughFire' was set to true
- Added the config 'InventorySortOrder', which allows to show the inventory in four different orders
- Added the config 'KeepRemovalAll', which allows to enable/disable the 'retrieve all' option for all players
- Added compatibility with OpenMonitors, now adding the total in the chute to the Loot monitor
- Added a support link in the README.md
- Added a license in the README.md
- Changed the blacklist to support REGEX patterns
1.2.3 (2025-01-01)
- Fixed a type in the english version of the configs
- Fixed typo in ItemManager.cs
- Fixed the client desync when a client leaves and rejoin
- Added a simplified chinese version of the configs (by CoolLKKPS)
- Added a way for other mods to define how an item should convert into data (Helpers/ConvertItemHelper)
- Added a compatibility with Shopping Carts and any container item from Custom Item Behaviour Library
- Removed the update for the host, due to it being unnecessary
- Changed the belt bags to store themselves and their items instead of just themselves
- Softened the error when an item has an invalid ID (Exception => Logged Error)
1.2.2 (2024-12-30)
- Fixed the problems related to the unlock feature
- Added the config 'UnlockName', which defines the command to type to buy/retrieve the chute
- Added a locked screen when the chute is not present
- Changed 'ChuteIsUnlock' to only requires a lobby reload
1.2.1 (2024-12-29)
- Fixed the languages being wrongly extracted
- Fixed the chute movement when the chute is not an upgrade
- Removed the dependency of SmartItemSaving
1.2.0 (2024-12-29)
- Changed how the item system works
- Added a way for other mods to define if an item is allowed or not (Helpers/InteractionHelper)
- Added a proper support for the missing items. Now, missing items transform into 'Bad Item'
- Added the config 'TimeToStore', which defines how quick you can store an item
- Added the config 'InventoryCommand', which defines what is the keyword to access the ship's inventory
- Added the config 'InventoryRefreshRate', which defines how frequent the inventory refreshes
- Added the config 'InventoryUpdateCheckSilencer', which prevents the logging when the inventory is up-to-date
- Added the config 'ForceUpdateUponAdding', which forces the local inventory to get updated when storing an item
- Added the config 'ForceUpdateUponRemoving', which forces the local inventory to get updated when retrieving an item
- Added the config 'KeepRate', which allows to define how likely each item is to be kept when wiping
- Added the config 'IsUnlock', which defines if the chute is an upgrade to buy or if it is already unlocked by default
- Added the config 'UnlockCost', which defines how expensive the upgrade is
- Simplified the language package (lang-en.json => langs/en.json)
- Organized configs
- Renamed SpawnDelay to TimeToRetrieve
- Made the chute an unlockable upgrade
- Made the chute movable
1.1.8 (2024-12-09)
- Saving the items in the inventory now works
1.1.7 (2024-12-08)
Previous saves are not compatible (again)
- Changed how items are stored, using mod and item names instead of IDs
- Fallback item if an item is not found
1.1.6 (2024-11-25)
Previous saves are not compatible
- Changed how items are stored, using IDs instead of names
- Permission to store items in the chute
- Permission to retrieve items from the inventory
1.1.5 (2024-10-24)
Not sure what changed, since dates are messed up.
1.1.4 (2024-09-28)
- The inventory now clears only when all players died
1.1.3 (2024-09-28)
- Added a new config
- Use InteractiveTerminalAPI paging system
- Use InteractiveTerminalAPI exit key to go back
- Always return the user to the last menu they were in
- Shows the "copyright" on every screen
- Changed some texts to be more polite
- Changed the default value for YesPlease
- Fixed the method ItemManager.GetInstances
1.1.2 (2024-09-27)
- Added soft compatibility with LethalConfig
- Added a new config (YesPlease)
- Replaced the Steam ID by the username
- Removed the ability to change the language used through LethalConfig
- Removed the VentProp.cs component from the chute, making it not a grabbable
- Fixed how the items are chosen to be allowed
- Fixed bugs with ShipApplication.cs
- Fixed how items spawn from the chute
1.1.1 (2024-09-08)
- Added localization support
- Added 2 configs
- Added that the inventory resets when fired
1.0.4 (2024-08-25)
- Added cycling idle information (total, amount)
- Added method in ItemManager that returns the sum of the items stored
- Added 6 new configs
- Added a proper icon
- Organized the configs by sections
- Fixed the unlockable bug(?)
- Fixed a bug with the blacklist not updating upon joining
1.0.3 (2024-08-16)
- Added UI from Interactive Terminal API
- Added a blacklist for the items allowed
- Added a cooldown for the item spawn
- Added multiple configs
- Added a panel to see the status of the chute
- Fixed a duplication glitch
1.0.2 (2024-08-8)
- Added the command 'retrieve all'
- Added the command 'retrieve random'
- Added a separate class to manage the items
- Added a blacklist for the items allowed inside
- The chute removes the radar icon of the items put inside it
- The chute removes its own radar icon
- How the terminal displays the different texts
- Removed the command 'retrieve [amount]'
- Cleaned the class ItemData
- Cleaned the methods in Terminal_Patches
- The chute doesn't save when the other items save
- Fixed the random clearing of the chute (only clears when all players died)
- Fixed an error inside the player request
- The chute now doesn't count towards the day quota
- The chute loads empty when no items were saved in the save file
1.0.1 (2024-08-07)
- Unity Assets for this mod
- Clearing the inventory upon a loss
- License to the mod (oops)
- Now compatible with other scanning mods
- When the ship's inventory gets cleared
- Removed redundant code
- Removed the target check for an item request
- Fixed typos
- Fixed problems related to the object Chute
- Fixed the spawn of items from the chute
- Fixed the scan node for the chute
1.0.0 (2024-08-07)
- Mod itself :3