![WateryScoobydoo-ABetterButBrutalModpack icon](https://gcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/icons/WateryScoobydoo-ABetterButBrutalModpack-1.6.2.png.128x128_q95.jpg)
A Modpack containing LethalThings, Brutal Company Plus, Emotes, Quality of Life, Mimics, Skinwalkers and more!
Version 1.6.X
Version 1.6.2
- Updated LethalExpansion to version 1.3.22
- Updated LethalCompany_InputUtils to version 0.6.0
- Updated MirrorDecor to version 1.3.1
- Updated BetterItemScan to version 3.0.1
- Updated MoreCompany to version 1.7.6
- Updated LethalRichPresence to version 0.5.7
- Updated JigglePhysicsPlugin to version 1.1.2
- Updated E_Gypt_Moon to version 2.0.11
- Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to version 3.1.1
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.8.13
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.6.2
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot to version 1.6.1
- Updated FasterItemDropshop to version 1.2.1
- Updated VanillaContentExpansion to version 0.1.8
- Updated StarlancerMoons to version 0.3.0
Version 1.6.1
- Adjusted configurations for the BrutalCompanyPlus mod: "UNFAIR COMPANY" event reduced to 25% chance overall
- Updated Aquatis to version 1.1.0
- Updated MoreCompany to version 1.7.5
- Updated MoreHead to version 1.2.5
- Updated Boombox_Controller to version 1.1.9
- Updated StarlancerMoons to version 0.2.2
- updated E_Gypt_Moon to version 2.0.9
- Removed unnecessary configurations from the Modpack
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.6.0
- Added NoSellLimit by ViViKo: Remove the limit of items that can be placed on the deposit desk
- Added ToggleMute by quackandcheese: Adds a toggle mute hotkey
- Added LethalExpansionCore by jockie: De-bloated LethalExpansion fork with only the LethalSDK module support
- Added ExpansionAssets by sfDesat: Assets for some custom moons
- Added LethalSettings by willis81808: A centralised place for configuring mods from in-game
- Added JigglePhysicsPlugin by HGG: Dependency for adding jiggle physics to cosmetics
- Added Celest by sfDesat: Added the Celest Scrap Retrieval Program
- Added E_Gypt_Moon by KayNetsua: Added the E Gypt Moon Scrap Retrieval Program
- Added StarlancerMoons by AudioKnight: Added the StarlancerMoons Scrap Retrieval Program
- Added OrbitRecharge by mrov: Automatically recharge all items on the ship when going into orbit
- Added SlimeTamingFix by EliteMasterEric: Fixes a bug that made Hygroderes unable to be tamed with Boomboxes
- Added DimmingFlashlights by blink9803: Flashlights gets dimmer as the battery gets low
- Added GamblingMachineAtTheCompany by JunLethalCompany: Adds a gambling machine to gamble your scraps at The Company Moon
- Added VanillaContentExpansion by bigmcnugget: Vanilla Frendly Additions
- Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to version 3.1.0
- Updated LethalRichPresence to version 0.5.6
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.8.12
- Updated MoreHead to version 1.2.4
- Updated LC_API to version 3.4.5
- Updated LethalExpansion to version 1.3.21
- Updated LethalLib to version 0.13.2
- Updated MirrorDecor to version 1.3.0
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot to version 1.6.0
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.6.1
- Updated HotbarPlus to version 1.5.7
- Updated LethalLevelLoader to version 1.0.7
- Updated ghostCodes to version 1.5.1
- Updated LCSoundTool to version 1.5.0
- Updated Aquatis to version 1.0.1
- Updated SCP_Foundation_Suit to version 1.1.0
- Fixed a lag spike caused by MirrorDecor
- Fixed a bug that caused ghostCodes not to show correct signal tanslator codes
Version 1.5.X
Version 1.5.4
- Adjusted configurations for ghostCodes, increasing ghost events per round
- Adjusted configurations for ghostCodes, increasing chance to close doors
- Adjusted configurations for ghostCodes, increasing chance to turn off lights during ghost events
- Adjusted configurations for LethalThings, modifying the ToyHammer into a scrap, rather than a buyable item
- Adjusted configurations for MaskedEnemyOverhaul, adding player names to masked enemies
- Adjusted configurations for WeatherMultipliers, increasing stormy weather multipler to 1.3
- Adjusted configurations for WeatherMultipliers, increasing eclipsed weather multipler to 1.55
- Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to version 3.0.0
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.8.10
- Updated LC_API to version 3.4.1
- Updated LethalExpansion to version 1.3.19
- Updated LethalLib to version 0.13.0
- Updated ReservedWeaponSlot to version 1.0.6
- Updated LethalCompany_InputUtils to version 0.5.5
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.5.10
- Updated HotbarPlus to version 1.5.4
- Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod to version 0.6.5
- Updated AdditionalContentFramework to version 1.0.3
- Updated Skinwalkers to version 4.0.1
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.2 where LethalRichPresence was not loading correctly
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.3 where ghostCodes was not working as intended
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.3 where LethalThings scraps were not spawning as intended
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.3 where More_Emotes did not load F9 and F10 emotes
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.3 where More_Emotes controller support was not loading correctly
- Fixed an issue in 1.5.3 where HotbarPlus item drop delay was vanilla
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.5.3
- Added Runtime_Netcode_Patcher by Ozone: Patches Netcode RPC methods during runtime utilising Harmony
- Added LethalLevelLoader by IAmBatby: A Custom API to support integrations of custom levels and dungeons
- Added AdditionalContentFramework AlexCodesGames: Acts as a module for other mods
- Added NiceChat by taffyko: Better text chat. Infinite scrolling message history
- Added VoiceHUD by 5Bit: Displays the ingame push-to-talk icon, when detecting voice activity
- Added AllTheScrap by ViViKo: Adds a bunch of scrap items
- Added WeatherMultipliers by Blorb: Moons with active weather will contain scrap with higher value
- Added SCP Foundation Suit by TeamClark: Adds an SCP Facility Guard suit to the game
- Added AmongUsSuits by ViViKo: Adds several amongus suits
- Added SquidGameSuits by ViViKo: Adds several squidgame suits
- Adjusted configurations for ScoopysVarietyMod, changing the Castle Dungeon to all paid moons
- Updated Boombox_Controller to version 1.1.8
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.8.9
- Updated MoreHead to version 1.2.3
- Updated LethalLib to version 0.12.1
- Updated ReservedWeaponSlot to version 1.0.5
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot to version 1.5.5
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.5.9
- Updated HotbarPlus to version 1.5.1
- Updated LethalLevelLoader to version 1.0.6
- Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod to version 0.6.4
- Updated ghostCodes to version 1.5.0
- Updated LethalThings to version 0.9.4
- Updated AdditionalSuits to version 2.0.0
- Updated More_Emotes to version 1.3.3
- Updated Skinwalkers to version 2.0.7
- Updated LethalFashion to version 1.0.6
- Updated MoreItems to version 1.0.2
- Updated Orion to version 1.2.0
Version 1.5.2
- Fixed missing configurations for the MirrorDecor mod
- Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to version 2.4.1
- Updated LethalRichPresence to version 0.5.3
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.8.4
- Updated MoreCompany to version 1.7.4
- Updated Mimics to version 2.3.2
- Updated LC_API to version 3.3.2
- Updated LethalExpansion to version 1.3.18
- Updated LethalLib to version 0.11.0
- Updated MirrorDecor to version 1.2.3
- Updated SpectateEnemies to version 2.2.1
- Updated HotbarPlus to version 1.5.0
- Updated Scoopys_Variety_Mod to version 0.6.3
- Updated Corporate_Restructure to version 1.0.6
- Updated LateCompany to version 1.0.10
- Updated NameplateTweaks to version 1.0.6
- Updated More_Emotes to version 1.3.1
- Updated SuitSaver to version 1.1.4
- Updated Skinwalkers to version 2.0.5
- Updated LethalFashion to version 1.0.5
- Updated Orion to version 1.1.4
- Updated CHANGELOG to be shorter
- NOTE: Due to the release of V47, some mods may not function as intended
Version 1.5.1
- Added Aquatis by sfDesat: Added the Aquatis moon
- Added Orion by sfDesat: Added the Orion moon
- Updated BetterItemScan to version 3.0.0
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.5.7
- Updated HotbarPlus to version 1.4.8
Version 1.5.0
- Added MirrorDecor by quackandcheese: Adds a working mirror decoration to the ship
- Added Scoopys_Variety_Mod by scoopy: Adds a new dungeon-themed interior and more scraps
- Added LethalExpansion by HolographicWings: Large game expansion with SDK support
- Added Kast by Ceelery: Adds a new late-game moon. Proceed with caution
- Added MoreCompany by notnotnotswipez: A stable lobby player count expansion mod
- Added LandmineFix by TheBeeTeam: Fixes landmine behaviour in v45
- Added Corporate Restructure by Jamil: A QoL Overhaul for Corporate Executives
- Added MoreHead by Mhz: Simple cosmetics, joy for you
- Adjusted configurations for the LethalExpansion mod: Enabled LethalCompanyPlus controller
- Updated BetterItemScan to version 2.1.9
- Updated Mimics to version 2.3.1
- Removed BiggerLobby by bizzlemip: Incompatible and duplicate, replaced with MoreCompany
- Removed ShipClock by ATK: Duplicate mod, replaced by LethalExpansion
- Removed QuickRestart by AllToasters: Duplicate mod, replaced by Corporate Restructure
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.4.X
Version 1.4.5
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to version 1.7.7
- Updated ReservedWeaponSlot to version 1.0.3
- Updated BetterItemScan to version 2.1.8
- Updated LC_API to version 3.3.0
- Updated Boombox_Controller to version 1.1.5
- Updated SpectateEnemies to version 2.1.1
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot to version 1.5.5
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot to versionn 1.5.3
- Updated LethalPresents to version 1.0.4
- Updated TooManySuits to version 1.0.5
- Updated FasterItemDropship to version 1.2.1
- Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to version 2.2.1
- Updated LethalRichPresence to version 0.5.2
Version 1.4.4
- Updated ReservedItemCoreSlot by FlipMods to version 1.7.5
- Updated ReservedWeaponSlot by FlipMods to version 1.0.1
- Updated HotbarPlus by FlipMods to version 1.4.7
- Updated LethalLib by Evaisa to version 0.10.1
- Updated LC_API by 2018 to version 3.2.3
- Updated SpectateEnemies by AllToasters to version 2.1.0
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot by FlipMods to version 1.5.4
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot by FlipMods to version 1.5.2
Version 1.4.3
- Added DissonnanceLagFix by linkoid: Reduces the duration of lag spikes
- Added DoorFix by itsmeowdev: Fixes the hitboxes of doors so items can be picked up through them
- Added FixCentipedeLag by MassiveNewCoilers: Removes sudden lag by destorying stuck centipede objects
- Updated LateCompany by anormaltwig to version 1.0.9
- Updated ReservedItemCoreSlot by FlipMods to version 1.7.3
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot by FlipMods to version 1.5.3
- Updated HotBarPlus by FlipMods to version 1.4.6
- Updated Boombox_Controller by KoderTeh to version 1.1.4
- Updated LethalRichPresence by mrov to version 0.4.1
Version 1.4.2
- Removed FunMines: Unstable support for this modpack
- Adjusted configurations for the KarmaForBeingAnnoying mod: Decreased chance using remote from 40% to 5%
- Adjusted configurations for the KarmaForBeingAnnoying mod: Decreased chance using airhorn from 25% to 5%
- Adjusted configurations for the KarmaForBeingAnnoying mod: Decreased chance using clownhorn from 10% to 5%
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.4.1
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore by FlipMods to version 1.7.2
- Updated HotbarPlus by FlipMods to version 1.4.5
- Updated LethalRichPresence by mrov to version 0.4.0
- Adjusted configurations for the Skinwalker mod: Increased voice frequency from 1.5 to 1.75
- Adjusted configurations for the CoilHeadStare mod: Increased max stare distance from 6 to 8
Version 1.4.0
- Added KarmaForBeingAnnoying by CTMods: A chance to explode for using Airhorn, Clownhorn, or remote
- Added LethalRadiation by gamehog44: Adds repercussions for removing the apparatus
- Added LethalRichPresence by mrov: Enables Discord Rich Presence support
- Added FunMines by RedaOps: Enables mines to have proximity sensors
- Added LethalFashion by BatTeam: Unlocks vanilla suits by default
- Adjusted configurations for the KarmaForBeingAnnoying mod: Increased chance using remote from 10% to 40%
- Adjusted configurations for the KarmaForBeingAnnoying mod: Increased chance using airhorn from 10% to 25%
- Updated LateCompany by anormaltwig to version 1.0.8
- Updated Boombox_Controller by KoderTeh to version 1.1.3
- Updated DiscountAlert by akechii to version 2.3.0
- Updated Coroner by EliteMasterEric to version 1.5.3
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.3.X
Version 1.3.3
- Added GlowStickSuits by Norman: New coloured suits to choose from
- Fixed a bug where changing suit pages did not work as intended
- Updated README to reflect new remapped keybinds
Version 1.3.2
- Added Hold_Scan_Button by FutureSavior: Allows you to hold right click to scan, rather than smashing your mouse
- Added MaskedEnemyOverhaul by HomelessGiner: Removes mask from Mimic enemy and wears their custom suit
- Added CoilHeadStare by TwinDimensionalProductions: Allows the coilhead to move its face towards you
- Fixed a bug where performance report notes were not loading correctly
- Updated Touchscreen by TheDeadSnake to version 1.0.8
- Updated LC_API by 2018 to version 3.2.2
- Updated Coroner by EliteMasterEric to version 1.5.1
Version 1.3.1
- Adjusted configurations for the ghostCodes mod: Increased minimum ghost events from 5 to 25
- Adjusted configurations for the LethalThings mod: Increased chance to spawn Boomba from 30% to 50%
- Adjusted configurations for the LethalPresents mod: Increased chance to spawn an enemy from 10% to 25%
- Updated ReservedFlashlightSlot by FlipMods to version 1.5.2
- Updated ReservedWalkieSlot by FlipMods to version 1.5.1
- Updated ReservedItemSlotCore by FlipMods to version 1.7.1
- Updated Modpack description to reflect the new mods and features available
Version 1.3.0
- Added LethalPresents by Azim: 10% chance to spawn a random enemy by opening a present
- Added ghostCodes by darmuh: Adding a ghost to the terminal that can open/close doors randomly
- Adjusted configurations for the Brutal_Company_Plus mod: Decreased the number of scraps spawned on some moons
- Updated Touchscreen by TheDeadSnake to version 1.0.7
- Updated LethalCompany_InputUtils by Rune580 to version 0.4.4
- Updated DiscountAlert by akechii to version 2.2.0
- Updated README to include the new mods
- NOTE: It is highly recommended to create a new profile to enforce new configurations after this release
Version 1.2.X
Version 1.2.1
- Adjusted configurations for the BetterStamina mod: Set configurations to default values
- Adjusted configurations for the Brutal_Company_Plus mod: Increased chances of some events to occur
- Adjusted configurations for the Mimics mod: Increased chances of Mimics to spawn per moon
- Adjusted configurations for the BetterItemScan mod: Lowered item scan range
- Adjusted configurations for the FasterItemDropShip mod: Increased seconds after door opened
Version 1.2.0
- Added MoreBlood by FlipMods: Adds more blood spillage to the map
- Added ReservedWeaponSlot by FlipMods: Add a reserved item slot for any weapon (except ladders)
- Removed BuyableShotgun by MegaPiggy: Mod add-on was too forgiving
- Removed BuyableShotgunShells by MegaPiggy: Mod add-on was too forgiving
- Updated README to include the new mods and added Lag Mitigation section
Version 1.1.X
Version 1.1.0
- Release version