Wexop-RandomColors icon


[V55] Items, monsters and every lights sources have now a random color !




  • Fix an issue where every outdoor light sources are not affected


  • Fix an issue that make flashlights having a random light color every day, it now save the color on spawn
  • Add a chance of random color config (0 is never, 100 is always)
  • Add a theme config with 4 themes : default (any rgb color), colorful (any light color), dark (any dark color), neon (change emissive color of textures)


  • Fix affectFlashLight config
  • Emissive colors (Apparatus middle light, flashlights, old bird eye...) are now affected to be more coherent with light sources


  • Fix transparent items
  • Fix invisible bees
  • Cruiser can now be affected by the mod
  • More lights sources are now affected (Flashlights, Old birds)
  • Every texture of an object is now affected (Not only the first one)
  • Sunlight is not affected by default


  • Release version
  • Montsers, items and every light sources have a random color
  • You can config what this affect (Monsters, items, lights)