WhaleTeam-LethalWhaleNoisesLITE icon


[LC v49] Mid quality modpack containing 70+ "quality of life" and rebalance mods that improve the gameplay loop while increasing the difficulty curve slightly.



  • Config weather multiplier set to true (CORE weather multiplier covered by Advanced Company)
  • Config weather multiplier text hidden
  • Config SewerDungeonSpawnChance to 100
  • Config SewerDungeonMoonsList to match castle spawns


  • Added BetterEXP
  • Added Emergency_Dice
  • Added FasterItemDropship
  • Added FixRPCLag
  • Added ImmortalSnail
  • Added IntroTweaks
  • Added LC_Masked_Fix
  • Added LC_Office
  • Added LetMeLookDown
  • Added MaskedEnemyOverhaul
  • Added ToggleMute
  • Updated Brutal_Company_Minus to 0.7.5
  • Updated Ganimedes to 1.8.0
  • Updated GeneralImprovements to 1.1.7
  • Updated LCSoundTool to 1.5.1
  • Updated LethalCompany_InputUtils to 0.6.2
  • Updated LethalRichPresence to 0.5.8
  • Updated MoreInteriors to 1.3.2
  • Updated OrbitRecharge to 0.0.5
  • Updated ScarletDevilMansion to 1.1.12


  • Added Kitty_Suits
  • Config ShowVersionNumberOnMainMenu to false
  • Removed all moons from sfDesat


  • Testing Release