More in depth modpack info

Updated 9 months ago

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Requires strong pc !!!

And this mod uses the Kilogramme weight system because i'm too dumb to understand the imperial one, my fellow americans, turn it off if you want to use thy pounds instead

Random Images from this Modpack ‌ ohhhh what will this dooo

‌ ‌ monstarrs

Idk if this is the right place but since i can't make this modpack private i'll just type things here

So you'll have: emotes, moons, suits, and map gens, which work now, scraps and some monsters like the rolling giant and a button that tells you do not press it but upon pressing gives you free scrap (winky face), some scps if they work, some loud screamy monsters and some chasey monsters.

The moons each have pre-configurated custom interior so you never get bored when visiting new moons.

Fire exits are a bit unreliable (on some maps) ;)) so if you come in from the outside, the door you face now can be a mimic (very small chance ;) ) so the threat of a mouth is out there sometimes.

Mines work like actual mines, you have rocket launchers now, some logs you readers can read, and a few store rotation items that can be fun, like mirrors or windows or something secret ooooh i wont let you knoooow.

You can shoot people with weapons.

I also (well people who made the mods god bless upon them) added some suits and stuff, and scraps, which are like, some kitties !!!!, creepy monsters and a snail, the immortal kind, and some actually creepy moons. And keep in mind the ship is old, expect some malfunctions !!!

You can still overwrite all my configurations, it's encouraged if you don't like calm chaos.

And if i were you i wouldn't don't take the apparatice, it's vital for the facility.