WhiteSpike-Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library icon

Custom Item Behaviour Library

Library focused on providing custom GrabbableObject scripts which can be used on item implementations for other modders


  • Fixed issue with Bag Belt from latest beta release where containers wouldn't update their holding weight.
  • Also doesn't allow to put containers inside the Bag Belt.
  • Fixed the same issue again due to changes in version 62 of the main game.
  • Fixed issue with LookoutBehaviour not working correctly due to modification in SpringManAI's Update function, leading to the related patch give unwanted result.
  • Made enemies not being able to deposited to the containers unless they are dead (due to the new enemy from v60 release).
  • Added "ReplenishSanityBehaviour" abstract class which focuses on restoring player's sanity when consumed and provide a sanity rate over time after consuming it.
  • Modified "ContainerBehaviour" abstract class to allow making depositted items invisible and to make the deposit triggers inactive when overriding the condition to be active.
  • Added "ReplenishBatteryBehaviour" abstract class which focuses on charging items with a battery upon activating the item (Left Click by default)
  • Fixed issue with ContainerBehaviour scripts not resetting the movement debuffs when the player dies holding one.
  • Fixed issue with Lategame Upgrades Compatibility not being correctly implemented.


  • Initial release