A calculator used in the terminal that calculates how much scrap you need to sell to achieve your wanted value of money.
By Wilhelmi
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release
Version 1.0.1
- Now the program will also send a chat message to all players containing how much scrap to sell
- The program checks the quota and the players credits by itself, inputting them isn't necessary
Version 1.1.1
- Now the program supports expressions in the command, e.g. 'calc 1500+400'
Version 1.1.2
- Added a method, that checks if the quota is grater than the wanted value of money. If so, the program advices you to sell as much as your quota is
Version 1.1.3
- Corrected the mod to work as it should. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Version 1.2.3
- Using the command 'calc help' will now bring you to the CreditCalculator command catalog.
- Added a new command, 'calc quota'. Executing this command will subtract the money you've already earned from your quota, showing you how much scrap you still need to sell to reach your quota.
Version 1.2.4
- Corrected the 'calc quota' command to use a different variable for the calculation, so that it works. The command previously subtracted all the money you've sold so far in your save.