WoodPeakerProd-SmallkillerzCompany icon


Modpack that tries to keep the core fun of the game and adding some QOL and mods that adds more chaos to the looting experience.


v1.2.0 Modpack Updated

  • Added OuijaBoard
  • Added MetalGearTurretSound
  • Added LateCompany
  • Added CoilHeadStare
  • Added SlimTamingFix
  • Added BetterInverseTeleporter
  • Added ShipLoot
  • Added Backrooms
  • Removed DeathShovel

v1.1.0 Modpack Updated

  • Added TVLoader Mod
  • Added MoonmonkeyAds
  • Removed Television_Controller
  • Removed CustomTelevisionVideo

v1.0.1 Changelog and Readme setup

  • Setup for Changelog and Readme
  • Updated mods

v1.0.0 Release 😎

  • Added initial mods for the modpack