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Zehs-ToilHead-1.0.8 icon


CoilHeads can sometimes spawn with a turret on their head.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.0.8
Download link
Downloads 19045
Dependency string Zehs-ToilHead-1.0.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



Coil-Heads can sometimes spawn with a turret on their head.

  • This mod is for all clients.

Config Settings

Settings Setting type Default value Description
spawnChance Int32 60 The percent chance for a Coil-Head to turn into a Toil-Head.
maxSpawns Int32 3 The max amount of Toil-Heads that can spawn.
spawnTurretFacingForwardWeight Int32 1 The weight chance for the turret to spawn facing forward.
spawnTurretFacingBackwardWeight Int32 3 The weight chance for the turret to spawn facing backward.

Bug Reports, Help, or Suggestions

Discord server Channel Post
Lethal Company modding Discord #mod-releases ToilHead
Unofficial Lethal Company Community #mod-releases ToilHead

My Other Mods

Name Description
SellMyScrap Adds a few terminal commands to sell your scrap from the ship. Highly Configurable. SellFromTerminal +
OnlyPresents Moons will only spawn gift boxes. (Server-side)
Hitmarker Shows a hitmarker when you successfully hit an enemy. With additional features. (Client-side)
CoilHeadSettings This mod lets you configure the CoilHead.
OctolarPlush Adds an Octolar Plushie.



  • Turret-Head players can no longer spawn at the Company building or when playing alone.


  • Fixed an issue in v55



  • Fixed some Turret-Head turrets sometimes not properly despawning.
  • Small changes.


  • Changed some config settings default values.


  • Reduced Turret and Minigun damage.
  • Added Manti-Slayer
  • Added Toil-Player
  • Added Slayer-Player
  • Added more properties to the API.


  • Reworked all the configs and added some new ones.
  • Made some changes to the API.
Older Versions


  • Moved the moon Toilation to a separate mod.
  • Fixed Manti-Toil turrets not despawning after the Manticoil despawns.
  • Fixed Manti-Toil config settings not working properly.
  • Added ToilSlayerMaxSpawnCount config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Slayer max spawn count.
  • Added ToilSlayerSpawnChance config setting.
    • Description: The percent chance a Coil-Head turns into a Toil-Slayer.
  • Added Toil-Slayer properties to the API.



  • Added Toil-Slayer.


  • Added EnableConfiguration config setting.
    • Description: Enable if you want to use custom set config setting values. If disabled, the default config setting values will be used.
  • Changed PlushieCarryWeight config setting default value from 4 to 6
  • Changed PlushieMinValue config setting default value from 150 to 80


  • Changed Manti-Toil line of sight.
    • Decreased view distance from 50 to 30 meters.
    • Decreased horizontal view range from 40 to 30 degrees.
    • Increased vertical view range.
  • Added more LevelTypes to the PlushieMoonSpawnList config setting.


  • Added Manti-Toils
    • Description: Manticoils can sometimes spawn with a turret on their head.
  • Added MantiToilMaxSpawnCount config setting.
    • Description: Manti-Toil max spawn count.
  • Added MantiToilSpawnChance config setting.
    • Description: The percent chance a Manticoil turns into a Manti-Toil.


  • Added PlushieSpawnAllMoons config setting.
    • Description: If true, the Toil-Head plushie will spawn on all moons. If false, the Toil-Head plushie will only spawn on moons set in the moons list.
  • Added PlushieMoonSpawnList config setting.
    • Description: The list of moons the Toil-Head plushie will spawn on. (Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March, Adamance, Rend, Dine, Titan, Artifice, Embrion) Only works if PlushieSpawnAllMoons is false.
  • Added PlushieCarryWeight config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head plushie carry weight in pounds.
  • Added PlushieMinValue config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head plushie min scrap value.
  • Added PlushieMaxValue config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head plushie max scrap value.


  • Added PlushieSpawnWeight config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head plushie spawn chance weight. (Higher = more common)
  • Updated Asteroid13 secrets.


  • Updated CustomSpawnSettings config setting default value and formatting.



  • Added RealToilHeadPlayerRagdolls config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, will spawn a real turret on the Toil-Head player ragdoll.
  • Added CustomSpawnSettings config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head spawn settings for modded moons. You can now specify any modded moon's Toil-Head MaxSpawnCount and SpawnChance.
  • Added ExperimentationSpawnSettings config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head spawn settings for 41-Experimentation
  • Added AssuranceSpawnSettings config setting.
    • Description: Toil-Head spawn settings for 220-Assurance
  • Decreased TurretCodeAccessCooldownDuration from 10 to 7
  • Increased AdamanceSpawnSettings SpawnChance from 25 to 30
  • Increased TitanSpawnSettings MaxSpawnCount from 1 to 2
  • Increased ArtificeSpawnSettings MaxSpawnCount from 1 to 2
  • Added XML file for API documentation.


  • Added forceMaxSpawnCount int property to the API.
    • Description: If set to any value above -1, will temporarily override the Toil-Head max spawn count for the day. This will get reset automatically when the day ends.
  • Changed forceToilHeadSpawns bool property in the API to forceSpawns.


  • Added SpawnToilHeadPlayerRagdolls config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, will spawn a Toil-Head player ragdoll when a player dies to a Toil-Head in any way.
  • Increased DineSpawnSettings SpawnChance from 30 to 45.
  • Added forceToilHeadSpawns boolean property to the API.
    • Description: If enabled, will force any spawned Coil-Heads to become Toil-Heads. This will get reset automatically when the day ends.


  • Replaced all Toil-Head config settings with new per moon config settings.
  • Updated all turret config settings keys.
  • Added ExtendedLogging config setting.
  • Improved random percent calculations.


  • Changed spawnChance config setting default value to 40
  • Added useAdditionalSpawnChance config setting.
    • Description: The dynamic additional spawn chance for the Toil-Head based on certain circumstances.



  • Improved line of sight logic.
  • Renamed turretRotationWhenSearching config setting to turretDetectionRotation.
  • Added turretLostLOSDuration config setting.
    • Description: The duration until the turret loses the target player when not in line of sight.
  • Added turretChargingDuration config setting.
    • Description: The duration of the turret charging state.
  • Added turretFiringRotationSpeed config setting.
    • Description: The rotation speed of the turret when in firing state.
  • Added turretBerserkDuration config setting.
    • Description: The duration of the turret berserk state.
  • Added turretBerserkRotationSpeed config setting.
    • Description: The rotation speed of the turret when in berserk state.
  • Balanced config settings to be more fair.
  • Other changes.


  • Removed hideTurretBody config setting.
  • Removed spawnTurretFacingForwardWeight config setting.
  • Removed spawnTurretFacingBackwardWeight config setting.
  • Added turretRotationWhenSearching config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, the turret will rotate when searching for players.
  • Added turretDetectionRotationSpeed config setting.
    • Description: The rotation speed of the turret when searching for players.
  • Added turretChargingRotationSpeed config setting.
    • Description: The rotation speed of the turret when charging at the target player.
  • Added turretRotationRange config setting.
    • Description: The rotation range of the turret in degrees.
  • Added turretCodeAccessCooldownDuration config setting.
    • Description: The duration of the turret being disabled from the terminal in seconds.
  • Fixed the radar map graphics for the turret.
  • Fixed the turret code radar map graphic to follow the Toil-Head.
  • Hitting the Toil-Head will now trigger the turret berserk state.
  • Disabled Asteroid13 secrets until the moon supports version 50.
  • Other changes.


  • Tested and working in version 50 and version 49.
  • Renamed maxSpawns config setting to maxSpawnCount.
  • Added hideTurretBody config setting.
  • Moved all config settings to new categories.
  • Changed spawnChance and maxSpawnCount config setting default values.
  • Fixed Toil-Head turrets not despawning when the Toil-Head despawns.


  • Hopefully fixed an issue where Toil-Head turrets aren't despawning properly when you leave the moon.




  • Small config changes.
  • Updated secrets.



  • Fixed Toil-Head spawning from incorrect seed.
  • Fixed max Toil-Head spawns.


  • Turrets can now spawn facing forward or backward depending on the spawn chance weight.
  • Added spawnTurretFacingForwardWeight and spawnTurretFacingBackwardWeight config settings.


  • Changed config settings default values.
  • Updated README.


  • Initial release.