Decompiled source of TwitchChatAPI v1.1.0


Decompiled a month ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using LethalConfig;
using LethalConfig.ConfigItems;
using LethalConfig.ConfigItems.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Dependencies;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Enums;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Helpers;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.MonoBehaviours;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Objects;
using com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Patches;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Add Twitch chat integration to your Lethal Company mods! Subscribe to events like Messages, Cheers, Subs, and Raids. No authentication required.")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.1.0+234903ace02a867e0a756d2b62b398d2c468ab49")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("TwitchChatAPI")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI
	public static class API
		public static ConnectionState ConnectionState => TwitchChat.ConnectionState;

		public static IReadOnlyCollection<TwitchUser> Users => UserHelper.Users.Values;

		public static event Action OnConnect;

		public static event Action OnDisconnect;

		public static event Action<TwitchMessage> OnMessage;

		public static event Action<TwitchCheerEvent> OnCheer;

		public static event Action<TwitchSubEvent> OnSub;

		public static event Action<TwitchRaidEvent> OnRaid;

		public static event Action<TwitchRoomState> OnRoomStateUpdate;

		public static bool TryGetUserByUsername(string username, out TwitchUser twitchUser)
			return UserHelper.TryGetUserByUsername(username, out twitchUser);

		public static bool TryGetUserByUserId(string userId, out TwitchUser twitchUser)
			return UserHelper.TryGetUserByUserId(userId, out twitchUser);

		public static TwitchUser[] GetUsersSeenWithin(TimeSpan timeSpan)
			return UserHelper.GetUsersSeenWithin(timeSpan);

		internal static void InvokeOnConnect()

		internal static void InvokeOnDisconnect()

		internal static void InvokeOnMessage(TwitchMessage message)

		internal static void InvokeOnSub(TwitchSubEvent subEvent)

		internal static void InvokeOnCheer(TwitchCheerEvent cheerEvent)

		internal static void InvokeOnRaid(TwitchRaidEvent raidEvent)

		internal static void InvokeOnRoomStateUpdate(TwitchRoomState roomState)
	internal class ConfigManager
		public ConfigEntry<bool> ExtendedLogging { get; private set; }

		public ConfigEntry<bool> TwitchChat_Enabled { get; private set; }

		public ConfigEntry<string> TwitchChat_Channel { get; private set; }

		public ConfigManager()

		private void BindConfigs()
			ExtendedLogging = ConfigHelper.Bind("General", "ExtendedLogging", defaultValue: false, "Enable extended logging.");
			TwitchChat_Enabled = ConfigHelper.Bind("Twitch Chat", "Enabled", defaultValue: true, "Enable/Disable the connection to Twitch chat.");
			TwitchChat_Channel = ConfigHelper.Bind("Twitch Chat", "Channel", "", "Your Twitch channel username.");
			ConfigHelper.AddButton("Twitch Chat", "Refresh Connection", "Refresh the connection to Twitch chat.", "Refresh", TwitchChat_Refresh_Clicked);
			TwitchChat_Enabled.SettingChanged += delegate
			TwitchChat_Channel.SettingChanged += delegate

		private void TwitchChat_Enabled_SettingChanged()
			if (TwitchChat_Enabled.Value)

		private void TwitchChat_Channel_SettingChanged()
			if (TwitchChat_Enabled.Value)

		private void TwitchChat_Refresh_Clicked()
			if (TwitchChat_Enabled.Value)
	internal static class Content
		public static GameObject PluginCanvasPrefab { get; private set; }

		public static GameObject MainThreadDispatcherPrefab { get; private set; }

		public static void Load()

		private static void LoadAssetsFromAssetBundle()
			AssetBundle val = LoadAssetBundle("twitchchatapi_assets");
			if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null))
				PluginCanvasPrefab = LoadAssetFromAssetBundle<GameObject>("TwitchChatAPICanvas", val);
				MainThreadDispatcherPrefab = LoadAssetFromAssetBundle<GameObject>("MainThreadDispatcher", val);
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Successfully loaded assets from AssetBundle!");

		private static AssetBundle LoadAssetBundle(string fileName)
				string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Info.Location);
				string text = Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName);
				return AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(text);
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to load AssetBundle \"{fileName}\". {arg}");
			return null;

		private static T LoadAssetFromAssetBundle<T>(string name, AssetBundle assetBundle) where T : Object
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load asset of type \"" + typeof(T).Name + "\" from AssetBundle. Name is null or whitespace."));
				return default(T);
			if ((Object)(object)assetBundle == (Object)null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load asset of type \"" + typeof(T).Name + "\" with name \"" + name + "\" from AssetBundle. AssetBundle is null."));
				return default(T);
			T val = assetBundle.LoadAsset<T>(name);
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load asset of type \"" + typeof(T).Name + "\" with name \"" + name + "\" from AssetBundle. No asset found with that type and name."));
				return default(T);
			return val;
	[BepInPlugin("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI", "TwitchChatAPI", "1.1.0")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	internal class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private readonly Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI");

		internal static Plugin Instance { get; private set; }

		internal static ManualLogSource Logger { get; private set; }

		internal static ConfigFile Config { get; private set; }

		internal static ConfigManager ConfigManager { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			Logger = Logger.CreateLogSource("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI");
			Logger.LogInfo((object)"TwitchChatAPI has awoken!");
			Config = Utils.CreateGlobalConfigFile();
			ConfigManager = new ConfigManager();
			if (ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Enabled.Value)

		public void SpawnPluginCanvas()
			if (!((Object)(object)PluginCanvas.Instance != (Object)null))
				Logger.LogInfo((object)"Spawned PluginCanvas");

		public void SpawnMainThreadDispatcher()
			if (!((Object)(object)MainThreadDispatcher.Instance != (Object)null))
				Logger.LogInfo((object)"Spawned MainThreadDispatcher");

		public void LogInfoExtended(object data)
			LogExtended((LogLevel)16, data);

		public void LogWarningExtended(object data)
			LogExtended((LogLevel)4, data);

		public void LogExtended(LogLevel level, object data)
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (ConfigManager == null || ConfigManager.ExtendedLogging == null)
				Logger.Log(level, data);
			else if (ConfigManager.ExtendedLogging.Value)
				Logger.Log(level, data);
	internal static class TwitchChat
		public const string ServerIP = "";

		public const int ServerPort = 6667;

		private static ConnectionState _connectionState;

		private static TcpClient _client;

		private static NetworkStream _stream;

		private static StreamReader _reader;

		private static StreamWriter _writer;

		private static CancellationTokenSource _cts;

		private static bool _isReconnecting;

		private static Task _reconnectTask;

		private static CancellationTokenSource _reconnectCts;

		private static int _reconnectDelay;

		private static bool _explicitDisconnect;

		private static readonly object _connectionLock;

		private static readonly SemaphoreSlim _readLock;

		public static bool Enabled => Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Enabled.Value;

		public static string Channel => ("#" + Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Channel.Value).Trim();

		public static ConnectionState ConnectionState
				return _connectionState;
			private set
				_connectionState = value;

		static TwitchChat()
			_connectionState = ConnectionState.None;
			_reconnectDelay = 5000;
			_connectionLock = new object();
			_readLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
			Application.quitting += OnApplicationQuit;

		public static void Connect()

		public static async Task ConnectAsync()
			lock (_connectionLock)
				if (_isReconnecting)
				_explicitDisconnect = false;
				_isReconnecting = false;
			if (!Enabled)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)"Failed to connect to Twitch chat. Twitch chat has been disabled in the config settings.");
			if (ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connecting)
				Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)"Twitch chat is already connecting.");
			if (ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected)
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Channel) || Channel == "#")
				Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)"Failed to start Twitch chat connection: Invalid or empty channel name.");
			Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Establishing connection to Twitch chat...");
			ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Connecting;
				_cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
				_client = new TcpClient();
				await _client.ConnectAsync("", 6667);
				_stream = _client.GetStream();
				_reader = new StreamReader(_stream);
				_writer = new StreamWriter(_stream)
					AutoFlush = true
				await _writer.WriteLineAsync("NICK justinfan123");
				await _writer.WriteLineAsync("CAP REQ");
				await _writer.WriteLineAsync("CAP REQ");
				await _writer.WriteLineAsync("JOIN " + Channel);
				ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Connected;
				_explicitDisconnect = false;
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Successfully connected to Twitch chat " + Channel + "."));
				await Task.Run((Func<Task?>)ListenAsync, _cts.Token);
			catch (Exception ex)
				ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
				_explicitDisconnect = false;
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to connect to Twitch chat {Channel}. {ex}");

		public static void Disconnect()
			lock (_connectionLock)
				_explicitDisconnect = true;
				if (ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected && ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connecting)
					Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Twitch chat is not connected or already disconnecting.");
				ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnecting;
				ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Twitch chat connection stopped.");

		private static void DisconnectStreams()
			_writer = null;
			_reader = null;
			_stream = null;
			_client = null;

		private static void ScheduleReconnect()
			lock (_connectionLock)
				if (!Enabled || _explicitDisconnect || _isReconnecting)
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)$"Reconnection to Twitch chat will be attempted in {_reconnectDelay / 1000} seconds.");
				_isReconnecting = true;
				_reconnectCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
				_reconnectTask = Task.Delay(_reconnectDelay, _reconnectCts.Token).ContinueWith((Func<Task, Task>)async delegate(Task task)
					if (!task.IsCanceled)
						lock (_connectionLock)
							_isReconnecting = false;
						if (Enabled)
							Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Attempting to reconnect to Twitch chat...");
							await ConnectAsync();

		private static void CancelReconnect()
			lock (_connectionLock)
				if (_reconnectTask != null && !_reconnectTask.IsCompleted)
					_reconnectTask = null;
				_isReconnecting = false;

		private static async Task ListenAsync()
			if (ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected || _reader == null)
				while (_cts != null && !_cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
					lock (_connectionLock)
						if (_reader == null)
					string message = await SafeReadLineAsync(_cts.Token);
					if (message != null)
						if (message.StartsWith("PING"))
							Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("Received PING, sending PONG...");
							await (_writer?.WriteLineAsync("PONG") ?? Task.CompletedTask).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
			catch (TaskCanceledException)
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Twitch chat listen task canceled.");
			catch (OperationCanceledException)
				Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Twitch chat listen task canceled.");
			catch (Exception ex4)
				Exception ex = ex4;
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Twitch chat listen task failed. {ex}");
				lock (_connectionLock)
					ConnectionState = ConnectionState.Disconnected;

		private static async Task<string> SafeReadLineAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			await _readLock.WaitAsync(cancellationToken);
				Task<string> readTask = _reader.ReadLineAsync();
				if (await Task.WhenAny(new Task[2]
					Task.Delay(-1, cancellationToken)
				}).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false) == readTask)
					return await readTask.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
				throw new OperationCanceledException(cancellationToken);

		private static void OnApplicationQuit()
			Plugin.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Application is quitting. Disconnecting Twitch chat...");
	internal static class Utils
		public static string GetEnumName<T>(T e) where T : Enum
			return Enum.GetName(typeof(T), e) ?? string.Empty;

		public static string GetPluginDirectoryPath()
			return Path.GetDirectoryName(((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Info.Location);

		public static string GetConfigDirectoryPath()
			return Paths.ConfigPath;

		public static string GetGlobalConfigDirectoryPath()
			return Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "TwitchChatAPI");

		public static ConfigFile CreateConfigFile(string directoryPath, string name = null, bool saveOnInit = false)
			//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Expected O, but got Unknown
			BepInPlugin metadata = MetadataHelper.GetMetadata((object)Plugin.Instance);
			if (name == null)
				name = metadata.GUID;
			name += ".cfg";
			return new ConfigFile(Path.Combine(directoryPath, name), saveOnInit, metadata);

		public static ConfigFile CreateLocalConfigFile(string name = null, bool saveOnInit = false)
			if (name == null)
				name = "com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI-" + name;
			return CreateConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath, name, saveOnInit);

		public static ConfigFile CreateGlobalConfigFile(string name = null, bool saveOnInit = false)
			if (name == null)
				name = "global";
			return CreateConfigFile(GetGlobalConfigDirectoryPath(), name, saveOnInit);

		public static void LogStackTrace()
			StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
			for (int i = 1; i < stackTrace.FrameCount; i++)
				StackFrame frame = stackTrace.GetFrame(i);
				MethodBase method = frame.GetMethod();
				Type declaringType = method.DeclaringType;
				string name = method.Name;
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended($"Call stack depth {i}: {declaringType}.{name}");
	public static class MyPluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "TwitchChatAPI";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.1.0";
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Patches
	internal static class MenuManagerPatch
		private static void AwakePatch(MenuManager __instance)

		private static void StartPatch(MenuManager __instance)
			if (!__instance.isInitScene)
	internal static class QuickMenuManagerPatch
		private static void StartPatch(QuickMenuManager __instance)

		private static void OpenQuickMenuPatch()

		private static void CloseQuickMenuPatch()
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Objects
	internal class JsonSave
		private JObject _data;

		public string DirectoryPath { get; private set; }

		public string FileName { get; private set; }

		public string FilePath => Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, FileName);

		public JsonSave(string directoryPath, string fileName)
			DirectoryPath = directoryPath;
			FileName = fileName;
			_data = ReadFile();

		public bool KeyExists(string key)
			if (_data == null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)"KeyExists: Data is null. Ensure the save file is properly loaded.");
				return false;
			return _data.ContainsKey(key);

		public T LoadValue<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T))
			if (TryLoadValue<T>(key, out var value))
				return value;
			return defaultValue;

		public bool TryLoadValue<T>(string key, out T value)
			//IL_0064: Expected O, but got Unknown
			value = default(T);
			if (_data == null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("LoadValue: Data is null. Returning default value for key: " + key + "."));
				return false;
			JToken val = default(JToken);
			if (_data.TryGetValue(key, ref val))
					value = val.ToObject<T>();
					return true;
				catch (JsonException val2)
					JsonException val3 = val2;
					Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("LoadValue: JSON Conversion Error for key: " + key + ". " + ((Exception)(object)val3).Message));
				catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
					Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("LoadValue: Argument Null Error for key: " + key + ". " + ex.Message));
				catch (Exception ex2)
					Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("LoadValue: Unexpected Error for key: " + key + ". " + ex2.Message));
				return false;
			Plugin.Instance.LogWarningExtended("LoadValue: Key '" + key + "' does not exist. Returning default value.");
			return false;

		public bool SaveValue<T>(string key, T value)
			if (_data == null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("SaveValue: Data is null. Cannot save key: " + key + "."));
				return false;
				JToken val = JToken.FromObject((object)value);
				if (_data.ContainsKey(key))
					_data[key] = val;
					_data.Add(key, val);
				return WriteFile(_data);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("SaveValue: Error saving key: " + key + ". " + ex.Message));
				return false;

		private JObject ReadFile()
			//IL_0080: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00de: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003b: Expected O, but got Unknown
				if (!File.Exists(FilePath))
					Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)("ReadFile: Save file does not exist at \"" + FilePath + "\". Initializing with an empty file."));
					return new JObject();
				using FileStream stream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
				using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
				return JObject.Parse(streamReader.ReadToEnd());
			catch (JsonException val)
				JsonException val2 = val;
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("ReadFile: JSON Parsing Error for file: \"" + FilePath + "\". " + ((Exception)(object)val2).Message));
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("ReadFile: Unexpected Error for file: \"" + FilePath + "\". " + ex.Message));
			return new JObject();

		private bool WriteFile(JObject data)
				if (!Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath))
				File.WriteAllText(FilePath, ((object)data).ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);
				return true;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("WriteFile: Unexpected Error for file: \"" + FilePath + "\". " + ex.Message));
			return false;
	public abstract class TwitchEvent
		public string Channel { get; set; }

		public TwitchUser User { get; set; }

		public string Message { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> Tags { get; set; }
	public class TwitchSubEvent : TwitchEvent
		public SubType SubType { get; set; }

		public bool IsPrime { get; set; }

		public SubTier Tier { get; set; }

		public int CumulativeMonths { get; set; }

		public string RecipientUser { get; set; }

		public int GiftCount { get; set; }

		[Obsolete("Use CumulativeMonths instead.", true)]
		public int Months => CumulativeMonths;
	public class TwitchCheerEvent : TwitchEvent
		public int CheerAmount { get; set; }
	public class TwitchRaidEvent : TwitchEvent
		public int ViewerCount { get; set; }
	public struct TwitchMessage
		public string Channel { get; set; }

		public TwitchUser User { get; set; }

		public string Message { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> Tags { get; set; }
	public struct TwitchRoomState
		public string Channel { get; set; }

		public bool IsEmoteOnly { get; set; }

		public bool IsFollowersOnly { get; set; }

		public bool IsR9K { get; set; }

		public bool IsSlowMode { get; set; }

		public bool IsSubsOnly { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> Tags { get; set; }
	public struct TwitchUser : IEquatable<TwitchUser>
		public string UserId { get; set; }

		public string Username { get; set; }

		public string DisplayName { get; set; }

		public string Color { get; set; }

		public bool IsVIP { get; set; }

		public bool IsSubscriber { get; set; }

		public bool IsModerator { get; set; }

		public bool IsBroadcaster { get; set; }

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return obj is TwitchUser other && Equals(other);

		public bool Equals(TwitchUser other)
			return string.Equals(UserId, other.UserId, StringComparison.Ordinal);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return UserId?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;

		public static bool operator ==(TwitchUser left, TwitchUser right)
			return left.Equals(right);

		public static bool operator !=(TwitchUser left, TwitchUser right)
			return !left.Equals(right);
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.MonoBehaviours
	public class MainThreadDispatcher : MonoBehaviour
		private static readonly Queue<Action> _actions = new Queue<Action>();

		public static MainThreadDispatcher Instance { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null && (Object)(object)Instance != (Object)(object)this)
			Instance = this;

		private void Update()
			lock (_actions)
				while (_actions.Count > 0)

		public static void Enqueue(Action action)
			lock (_actions)
	public class PluginCanvas : MonoBehaviour
		public GameObject SettingsWindowObject;

		public GameObject MainMenuObject;

		public GameObject QuickMenuObject;

		[Header("Settings Window Properties")]
		public TextMeshProUGUI ConnectionStatusText;

		public Toggle EnabledToggle;

		public TMP_InputField ChannelInputField;

		[Header("MainMenu Properties")]
		public RectTransform MainMenuSettingsButtonTransform;

		[Header("QuickMenu Properties")]
		public RectTransform QuickMenuSettingsButtonTransform;

		public static PluginCanvas Instance { get; private set; }

		public bool IsSettingsWindowOpen { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null && (Object)(object)Instance != (Object)(object)this)
				Instance = this;

		private void Start()

		private void OpenSettingsWindowFirstTimeOnly()
			if (!SaveHelper.LoadValue("OpenedSettingsWindowFirstTime", SaveLocation.Global, defaultValue: false))
				SaveHelper.SaveValue("OpenedSettingsWindowFirstTime", value: true, SaveLocation.Global);

		public void OpenSettingsWindow()
			if (!((Object)(object)SettingsWindowObject == (Object)null) && !IsSettingsWindowOpen && (!((Object)(object)QuickMenuManagerHelper.Instance != (Object)null) || QuickMenuManagerHelper.IsMenuOpen))
				IsSettingsWindowOpen = true;

		public void CloseSettingsWindow()
			if (!((Object)(object)SettingsWindowObject == (Object)null))
				IsSettingsWindowOpen = false;

		public void OnApplyButtonClicked()
			if ((Object)(object)EnabledToggle != (Object)null)
				Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Enabled.Value = EnabledToggle.isOn;
			if ((Object)(object)ChannelInputField != (Object)null)
				Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Channel.Value = ChannelInputField.text;

		public void OnCloseButtonClicked()

		private void UpdateSettingsWindowUI()
			if ((Object)(object)EnabledToggle != (Object)null)
				EnabledToggle.isOn = Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Enabled.Value;
			if ((Object)(object)ChannelInputField != (Object)null)
				ChannelInputField.text = Plugin.ConfigManager.TwitchChat_Channel.Value;

		public void UpdateSettingsWindowConnectionStatus()
			if (!((Object)(object)ConnectionStatusText == (Object)null))
				ConnectionState connectionState = TwitchChat.ConnectionState;
				if (1 == 0)
				string text = connectionState switch
					ConnectionState.Connecting => "#00FF00", 
					ConnectionState.Connected => "#00FF00", 
					ConnectionState.Disconnecting => "#FF0000", 
					ConnectionState.Disconnected => "#FF0000", 
					_ => string.Empty, 
				if (1 == 0)
				string text2 = text;
				string text3 = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2) ? Utils.GetEnumName(TwitchChat.ConnectionState) : ("<color=" + text2 + ">" + Utils.GetEnumName(TwitchChat.ConnectionState) + "</color>"));
				((TMP_Text)ConnectionStatusText).text = "Connection Status: " + text3;

		public void OnSettingsButtonClicked()

		public void UpdateSettingsButton()

		private void UpdateMainMenuUI()
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)MainMenuObject == (Object)null)
			MainMenuObject.SetActive((Object)(object)MenuManagerHelper.Instance != (Object)null);
			if (!((Object)(object)MainMenuSettingsButtonTransform == (Object)null))
				if (MoreCompanyProxy.Enabled)
					MainMenuSettingsButtonTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-145f, 48f);
					MainMenuSettingsButtonTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-24f, 48f);

		private void UpdateQuickMenuUI()
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)QuickMenuObject == (Object)null)
			if (!((Object)(object)QuickMenuSettingsButtonTransform == (Object)null))
				if (MoreCompanyProxy.Enabled)
					QuickMenuSettingsButtonTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-169f, 63f);
					QuickMenuSettingsButtonTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-52f, 63f);
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Helpers
	internal static class ConfigHelper
		public static void SkipAutoGen()
			if (LethalConfigProxy.Enabled)

		public static void AddButton(string section, string name, string description, string buttonText, Action callback)
			if (LethalConfigProxy.Enabled)
				LethalConfigProxy.AddButton(section, name, description, buttonText, callback);

		public static ConfigEntry<T> Bind<T>(string section, string key, T defaultValue, string description, bool requiresRestart = false, AcceptableValueBase acceptableValues = null, Action<T> settingChanged = null, ConfigFile configFile = null)
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (configFile == null)
				configFile = Plugin.Config;
			ConfigEntry<T> configEntry = ((acceptableValues == null) ? configFile.Bind<T>(section, key, defaultValue, description) : configFile.Bind<T>(section, key, defaultValue, new ConfigDescription(description, acceptableValues, Array.Empty<object>())));
			if (settingChanged != null)
				configEntry.SettingChanged += delegate
			if (LethalConfigProxy.Enabled)
				LethalConfigProxy.AddConfig<T>(configEntry, requiresRestart);
			return configEntry;

		public static Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string> GetOrphanedConfigEntries(ConfigFile configFile = null)
			if (configFile == null)
				configFile = Plugin.Config;
			PropertyInfo property = ((object)configFile).GetType().GetProperty("OrphanedEntries", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			return (Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string>)property.GetValue(configFile, null);

		public static void SetConfigEntryValue<T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry, string value)
			if (typeof(T) == typeof(int) && int.TryParse(value, out var result))
				configEntry.Value = (T)(object)result;
			if (typeof(T) == typeof(float) && float.TryParse(value, out var result2))
				configEntry.Value = (T)(object)result2;
			if (typeof(T) == typeof(double) && double.TryParse(value, out var result3))
				configEntry.Value = (T)(object)result3;
			if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool) && bool.TryParse(value, out var result4))
				configEntry.Value = (T)(object)result4;
			if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
				configEntry.Value = (T)(object)value;
			throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported type: {typeof(T)}");

		public static void ClearUnusedEntries(ConfigFile configFile = null)
			if (configFile == null)
				configFile = Plugin.Config;
			Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string> orphanedConfigEntries = GetOrphanedConfigEntries(configFile);
			if (orphanedConfigEntries != null)
	internal static class MenuManagerHelper
		public static MenuManager Instance { get; private set; }

		public static void SetInstance(MenuManager menuManager)
			Instance = menuManager;
	internal static class MessageHelper
		public static void ProcessMessage(string message)
				if (message.StartsWith("@") && message.Contains("PRIVMSG"))
				else if (message.StartsWith("@") && message.Contains("USERNOTICE"))
				else if (message.StartsWith("@") && message.Contains("ROOMSTATE"))
					Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("Unhandled RAW message: " + message);
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_PRIVMSG(string message)
				string text = message.Split(' ')[0].Substring(1);
				Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = text.Split(';').ToDictionary((string tag) => tag.Split('=')[0], delegate(string tag)
					string result;
					if (!tag.Contains('='))
						result = string.Empty;
						int num3 = tag.IndexOf('=') + 1;
						result = tag.Substring(num3, tag.Length - num3);
					return result;
				string text2 = message.Split("PRIVMSG")[1];
				string channel = text2.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim().TrimStart('#');
				string text3 = string.Empty;
				int num = text2.IndexOf(':');
				if (num != -1)
					string text4 = text2;
					int num2 = num + 1;
					text3 = text4.Substring(num2, text4.Length - num2).Trim();
				TwitchUser twitchUser = GetTwitchUser(channel, dictionary);
				if (!twitchUser.Equals(default(TwitchUser)))
					if (dictionary.ContainsKey("bits"))
						ProcessMessage_PRIVMSG_Cheer(message, channel, twitchUser, text3, dictionary);
					TwitchMessage twitchMessage = default(TwitchMessage);
					twitchMessage.Channel = channel;
					twitchMessage.User = twitchUser;
					twitchMessage.Message = text3;
					twitchMessage.Tags = dictionary;
					TwitchMessage message2 = twitchMessage;
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process PRIVMSG message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_PRIVMSG_Cheer(string message, string channel, TwitchUser twitchUser, string chatMessage, Dictionary<string, string> tags)
				string[] value = new string[25]
					"Cheer", "cheerwhal", "Corgo", "uni", "ShowLove", "Party", "SeemsGood", "Pride", "Kappa", "FrankerZ",
					"HeyGuys", "DansGame", "EleGiggle", "TriHard", "Kreygasm", "4Head", "SwiftRage", "NotLikeThis", "FailFish", "VoHiYo",
					"PJSalt", "MrDestructoid", "bday", "RIPCheer", "Shamrock"
				string pattern = "\\b(" + string.Join("|", value) + ")\\d+\\b";
				chatMessage = Regex.Replace(chatMessage, pattern, string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Trim();
				TwitchCheerEvent twitchCheerEvent = new TwitchCheerEvent
					Channel = channel,
					User = twitchUser,
					Message = chatMessage,
					Tags = tags,
					CheerAmount = int.Parse(tags.GetValueOrDefault("bits", "0"))
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("RAW cheer message: " + message);
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended($"[!] Cheer event: {twitchCheerEvent.User.DisplayName} cheered {twitchCheerEvent.CheerAmount} bits!\n{JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)twitchCheerEvent, (Formatting)1)}");
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process PRIVMSG message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_USERNOTICE(string message)
				string text = message.Split(' ')[0].Substring(1);
				Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = text.Split(';').ToDictionary((string tag) => tag.Split('=')[0], delegate(string tag)
					string result;
					if (!tag.Contains('='))
						result = string.Empty;
						int num3 = tag.IndexOf('=') + 1;
						result = tag.Substring(num3, tag.Length - num3);
					return result;
				string valueOrDefault = dictionary.GetValueOrDefault("msg-id", string.Empty);
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueOrDefault))
					Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to process USERNOTICE message:\n\n" + message));
				string text2 = message.Split("USERNOTICE")[1];
				string channel = text2.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim().TrimStart('#');
				string chatMessage = string.Empty;
				int num = text2.IndexOf(':');
				if (num != -1)
					string text3 = text2;
					int num2 = num + 1;
					chatMessage = text3.Substring(num2, text3.Length - num2).Trim();
				TwitchUser twitchUser = GetTwitchUser(channel, dictionary);
				if (twitchUser.Equals(default(TwitchUser)))
				switch (valueOrDefault)
					if (!(valueOrDefault == "submysterygift"))
						if (valueOrDefault == "raid")
							ProcessMessage_USERNOTICE_Raid(message, channel, twitchUser, dictionary);
							Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("Unhandled USERNOTICE message: " + message);
					goto case "sub";
				case "sub":
				case "resub":
				case "subgift":
					ProcessMessage_USERNOTICE_Sub(message, channel, twitchUser, chatMessage, dictionary);
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process USERNOTICE message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_USERNOTICE_Sub(string message, string channel, TwitchUser twitchUser, string chatMessage, Dictionary<string, string> tags)
				string valueOrDefault = tags.GetValueOrDefault("msg-id", string.Empty);
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueOrDefault))
					Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to process USERNOTICE message: " + message));
				SubType subType = SubType.Sub;
				switch (valueOrDefault)
				case "resub":
					subType = SubType.Resub;
				case "subgift":
					subType = SubType.SubGift;
				case "submysterygift":
					subType = SubType.SubMysteryGift;
				if (subType == SubType.SubGift && tags.ContainsKey("msg-param-community-gift-id"))
					Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("Skipping subgift since it originates from a submysterygift. Message: " + message);
				bool isPrime = false;
				SubTier tier = SubTier.One;
				if (tags.TryGetValue("msg-param-sub-plan", out var value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
					switch (value)
					case "Prime":
						isPrime = true;
					case "2000":
						tier = SubTier.Two;
					case "3000":
						tier = SubTier.Three;
				TwitchSubEvent twitchSubEvent = new TwitchSubEvent
					Channel = channel,
					User = twitchUser,
					Message = chatMessage,
					Tags = tags,
					SubType = subType,
					IsPrime = isPrime,
					Tier = tier,
					CumulativeMonths = int.Parse(tags.GetValueOrDefault("msg-param-cumulative-months", "0")),
					RecipientUser = tags.GetValueOrDefault("msg-param-recipient-display-name", string.Empty),
					GiftCount = int.Parse(tags.GetValueOrDefault("msg-param-mass-gift-count", "0"))
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("RAW subscription message: " + message);
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("[!] Subscription event: \n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)twitchSubEvent, (Formatting)1));
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process USERNOTICE message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_USERNOTICE_Raid(string message, string channel, TwitchUser twitchUser, Dictionary<string, string> tags)
				TwitchRaidEvent twitchRaidEvent = new TwitchRaidEvent
					Channel = channel,
					User = twitchUser,
					Message = string.Empty,
					Tags = tags,
					ViewerCount = int.Parse(tags.GetValueOrDefault("msg-param-viewerCount", "0"))
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("RAW raid message: " + message);
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended($"[!] Raid detected: {twitchRaidEvent.User.DisplayName} is raiding with {twitchRaidEvent.ViewerCount} viewers!\n{JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)twitchRaidEvent, (Formatting)1)}");
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process USERNOTICE message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static void ProcessMessage_ROOMSTATE(string message)
				string text = message.Split(' ')[0].Substring(1);
				Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = text.Split(';').ToDictionary((string tag) => tag.Split('=')[0], (string tag) => tag.Contains('=') ? tag.Split('=')[1] : "");
				string channel = message.Split("ROOMSTATE")[1].Trim().TrimStart('#');
				TwitchRoomState twitchRoomState = default(TwitchRoomState);
				twitchRoomState.Channel = channel;
				twitchRoomState.IsEmoteOnly = dictionary.ContainsKey("emote-only") && dictionary["emote-only"] == "1";
				twitchRoomState.IsFollowersOnly = dictionary.ContainsKey("followers-only") && dictionary["followers-only"] != "-1";
				twitchRoomState.IsR9K = dictionary.ContainsKey("r9k") && dictionary["r9k"] == "1";
				twitchRoomState.IsSlowMode = dictionary.ContainsKey("slow") && dictionary["slow"] != "0";
				twitchRoomState.IsSubsOnly = dictionary.ContainsKey("subs-only") && dictionary["subs-only"] == "1";
				twitchRoomState.Tags = dictionary;
				TwitchRoomState twitchRoomState2 = twitchRoomState;
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("RAW roomstate message: " + message);
				Plugin.Instance.LogInfoExtended("[!] Room state change detected: \n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)twitchRoomState2, (Formatting)1));
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to process ROOMSTATE message:\n\n{message}\n\nError: {arg}");

		private static TwitchUser GetTwitchUser(string channel, Dictionary<string, string> tags)
				string valueOrDefault = tags.GetValueOrDefault("display-name", "Anonymous");
				string text = tags.GetValueOrDefault("color", "#FFFFFF");
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
					text = "#FFFFFF";
				TwitchUser result = default(TwitchUser);
				result.UserId = tags.GetValueOrDefault("user-id", "0");
				result.Username = valueOrDefault.ToLower();
				result.DisplayName = valueOrDefault;
				result.Color = text;
				result.IsVIP = tags.TryGetValue("vip", out var value) && value == "1";
				result.IsSubscriber = tags.TryGetValue("subscriber", out var value2) && value2 == "1";
				result.IsModerator = tags.TryGetValue("mod", out var value3) && value3 == "1";
				result.IsBroadcaster = valueOrDefault.Equals(channel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
				return result;
			catch (Exception arg)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"Failed to get TwitchUser: {arg}");
				return default(TwitchUser);
	internal static class QuickMenuManagerHelper
		public static QuickMenuManager Instance { get; private set; }

		public static bool IsMenuOpen => (Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null && Instance.isMenuOpen;

		public static void SetInstance(QuickMenuManager quickMenuManager)
			Instance = quickMenuManager;
	internal static class SaveHelper
		private static JsonSave _modpackSave;

		private static JsonSave _globalSave;

		static SaveHelper()
			_modpackSave = new JsonSave(Utils.GetConfigDirectoryPath(), "TwitchChatAPI_Save");
			_globalSave = new JsonSave(Utils.GetGlobalConfigDirectoryPath(), "GlobalSave");

		public static bool KeyExists(string key, SaveLocation saveLocation)
				string key2 = GetKey(key, saveLocation);
				switch (saveLocation)
				case SaveLocation.CurrentSave:
					return ES3.KeyExists(key2, GetCurrentSaveFilePath());
				case SaveLocation.GeneralSave:
					return ES3.KeyExists(key2, GetGeneralSaveFilePath());
				case SaveLocation.Modpack:
					return _modpackSave.KeyExists(key2);
				case SaveLocation.Global:
					return _globalSave.KeyExists(key2);
					Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"KeyExists: Unknown SaveLocation: {saveLocation}");
					return false;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"KeyExists Error: Key: \"{key}\", SaveLocation: {saveLocation}. Exception: {ex.Message}");
				return false;

		public static T LoadValue<T>(string key, SaveLocation saveLocation, T defaultValue = default(T))
			if (TryLoadValue<T>(key, saveLocation, out var value))
				return value;
			return defaultValue;

		public static bool TryLoadValue<T>(string key, SaveLocation saveLocation, out T value)
			value = default(T);
			if (!KeyExists(key, saveLocation))
				return false;
				string key2 = GetKey(key, saveLocation);
				switch (saveLocation)
				case SaveLocation.CurrentSave:
					value = ES3.Load<T>(key2, GetCurrentSaveFilePath(), default(T));
					return true;
				case SaveLocation.GeneralSave:
					value = ES3.Load<T>(key2, GetGeneralSaveFilePath(), default(T));
					return true;
				case SaveLocation.Modpack:
					return _modpackSave.TryLoadValue<T>(key2, out value);
				case SaveLocation.Global:
					return _globalSave.TryLoadValue<T>(key2, out value);
					Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"LoadValue: Unknown SaveLocation: {saveLocation}");
					return false;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"LoadValue Error: Key: \"{key}\", SaveLocation: {saveLocation}. Exception: {ex.Message}");
				return false;

		public static bool SaveValue<T>(string key, T value, SaveLocation saveLocation)
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) || value == null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)"SaveValue: Invalid key or value.");
				return false;
				string key2 = GetKey(key, saveLocation);
				switch (saveLocation)
				case SaveLocation.CurrentSave:
					ES3.Save<T>(key2, value, GetCurrentSaveFilePath());
					return true;
				case SaveLocation.GeneralSave:
					ES3.Save<T>(key2, value, GetGeneralSaveFilePath());
					return true;
				case SaveLocation.Modpack:
					return _modpackSave.SaveValue(key2, value);
				case SaveLocation.Global:
					return _globalSave.SaveValue(key2, value);
					Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"SaveValue: Unknown SaveLocation: {saveLocation}");
					return false;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Plugin.Logger.LogError((object)$"SaveValue Error: Key: \"{key}\", SaveLocation: {saveLocation}. Exception: {ex.Message}");
				return false;

		private static string GetKey(string key, SaveLocation saveLocation)
			if (1 == 0)
			string result = (((uint)saveLocation > 1u) ? key : ("com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI." + key));
			if (1 == 0)
			return result;

		private static string GetCurrentSaveFilePath()
			if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance == (Object)null)
				Plugin.Logger.LogWarning((object)"GetCurrentSaveFilePath: GameNetworkManager instance is null. Returning an empty string.");
				return string.Empty;
			return GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentSaveFileName ?? string.Empty;

		private static string GetGeneralSaveFilePath()
			return "LCGeneralSaveData";
	internal static class UserHelper
		public static Dictionary<string, TwitchUser> Users { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, TwitchUser>();

		public static Dictionary<string, string> UsernameToUserId { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public static Dictionary<string, float> TimeLastSeen { get; private set; } = new Dictionary<string, float>();

		public static bool TryGetUserByUsername(string username, out TwitchUser twitchUser)
			if (UsernameToUserId.TryGetValue(username.ToLower(), out var value) && Users.TryGetValue(value, out twitchUser))
				return true;
			twitchUser = default(TwitchUser);
			return false;

		public static bool TryGetUserByUserId(string userId, out TwitchUser twitchUser)
			return Users.TryGetValue(userId, out twitchUser);

		public static TwitchUser[] GetUsersSeenWithin(TimeSpan timeSpan)
			float realtimeSinceStartup = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
			float minTime = realtimeSinceStartup - (float)timeSpan.TotalSeconds;
			TwitchUser value;
			return (from entry in TimeLastSeen
				where entry.Value >= minTime
				select Users.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out value) ? value : default(TwitchUser) into user
				where true
				select user).ToArray();

		public static void UpdateUser(TwitchUser twitchUser)
			if (!twitchUser.Equals(default(TwitchUser)))
				Users[twitchUser.UserId] = twitchUser;
				string key = twitchUser.Username.ToLower();
				if (UsernameToUserId.TryGetValue(key, out var value) && value != twitchUser.UserId)
				UsernameToUserId[key] = twitchUser.UserId;
				TimeLastSeen[twitchUser.UserId] = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Enums
	public enum ConnectionState
	internal enum SaveLocation
	public enum SubTier
		One = 1,
	public enum SubType
namespace com.github.zehsteam.TwitchChatAPI.Dependencies
	internal static class LethalConfigProxy
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "";

		private static bool? _enabled;

		public static bool Enabled
				bool valueOrDefault = _enabled.GetValueOrDefault();
				if (!_enabled.HasValue)
					valueOrDefault = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("");
					_enabled = valueOrDefault;
				return _enabled.Value;

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static void SkipAutoGen()

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static void AddConfig<T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry, bool requiresRestart = false)
			//IL_009a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a4: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c8: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00da: Expected O, but got Unknown
			AcceptableValueBase acceptableValues = ((ConfigEntryBase)configEntry).Description.AcceptableValues;
			if (acceptableValues != null)
				if (acceptableValues is AcceptableValueRange<float> || acceptableValues is AcceptableValueRange<int>)
					AddConfigSlider<T>(configEntry, requiresRestart);
				if (acceptableValues is AcceptableValueList<string>)
					AddConfigDropdown<T>(configEntry, requiresRestart);
			if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<string> val))
				if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<bool> val2))
					if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<float> val3))
						if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<int> val4))
							throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported type: {typeof(T)}");
						LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new IntInputFieldConfigItem(val4, requiresRestart));
						LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new FloatInputFieldConfigItem(val3, requiresRestart));
					LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new BoolCheckBoxConfigItem(val2, requiresRestart));
				LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new TextInputFieldConfigItem(val, requiresRestart));

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static void AddConfigSlider<T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry, bool requiresRestart = false)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<float> val))
				if (!(configEntry is ConfigEntry<int> val2))
					throw new NotSupportedException($"Slider not supported for type: {typeof(T)}");
				LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new IntSliderConfigItem(val2, requiresRestart));
				LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new FloatSliderConfigItem(val, requiresRestart));

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static void AddConfigDropdown<T>(ConfigEntry<T> configEntry, bool requiresRestart = false)
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (configEntry is ConfigEntry<string> val)
				LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new TextDropDownConfigItem(val, requiresRestart));
			throw new NotSupportedException($"Dropdown not supported for type: {typeof(T)}");

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static void AddButton(string section, string name, string description, string buttonText, Action callback)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Expected O, but got Unknown
			LethalConfigManager.AddConfigItem((BaseConfigItem)new GenericButtonConfigItem(section, name, description, buttonText, (GenericButtonHandler)delegate
	internal static class MoreCompanyProxy
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany";

		private static bool? _enabled;

		public static bool Enabled
				bool valueOrDefault = _enabled.GetValueOrDefault();
				if (!_enabled.HasValue)
					valueOrDefault = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany");
					_enabled = valueOrDefault;
				return _enabled.Value;
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
	internal sealed class IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute : Attribute
		public IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute(string assemblyName)