Update 1.1.0: Finally a good version of the modpack, everything is in working order and all is well, soon i will add more general improvements and customization to make the game a little bit more even on the scare to funny factors, more suits and emotes will be added hopefully by the end of the week (01/28/2024) depending on how much time i have on my hands

Update 1.0.3: More adjustments, removed a few game changing mods in hopes the game doesnt freak out like the previous version

Update 1.0.2: Removed alot more mods i found either useless, or not enough change for the strain it induces. To many to list off, but Mod total has been narrowed down from 80 to 61. Future changes might be removing one of the Masked mods and a few silly ones (Not the YippeeMod though, thats too iconic)

Update 1.0.1: Removed Incompatable Dependencies, Mods included Coomfy Dungeons and Employee Assignments