Zigzag-RandomMoonFX icon


Randomize the moon every day upon using the ship's lever. Compatible with LethalLevelLoader and Celestial_Tint.

By Zigzag



  • Updated
    • Added a new config Randomize last day, false by default
    • If set to true, it allows the ship to perform a random route on the last day if and only if you don't have enough scraps on the ship to meet quota. This can be used to mess around on a moon but you will be fired at the end of the day
      • This config also takes into acount the number of players that you can potentially kill at the Company to gain an additional 5 credits per bodies
      • With this, routing to a moon will be announced by the classic 'Halt!' warning


  • Updated
    • Added 2 configs Celestial_Tint animation and Quota check, both of them true by default
    • Quota check can be set to false to enable quota rollover mods compatibility


  • Fixed
    • Compatibility patch with Fix_LeverDeadline of LethalFixes


  • Added
    • The ship will now use the vanilla routing animation when the random moon is selected
    • Added compatibility with weather and misc infos on extra monitors provided by GeneralImprovements
    • Added compatibility with Celestial_Tint's routing animation
  • Updated
    • The chosen moon info on the ship's main monitor is now synchronized to all players
    • Changed the 'Auto route to Gordion' feature : the ship will not auto route to the Company Building on the last day but upon using the ship's lever it will route to this moon directly
      • The 'Halt!' warning has been completly disabled to ensure a smooth routing process
    • Changed how the moon is chosen in the code, this should prevent some mods conflicts but has no impact on gameplay


  • Added
    • Improve the routing process to the Company Building by auto routing to it on the last day of the quota
      • This will make the ship in orbit, you still need to pull the lever to start the level
  • Updated
    • Compatible with v64 of Lethal Company


  • Initial release