Zotza-ZotzasModpack icon


A mostly vanilla feeling modpack that works well with lobbies of any size

By Zotza



  • Added ShootableMouthDogs by AgentRev
  • Updated BandaidsMegaCosmetics to V1.1.0
  • Updated Lethal_Doors to V1.0.4
  • Updated Coroner to V1.6.0
  • Updated LethalSettings to V1.4.0
  • Updated LateCompany to V1.0.11
  • Updated LethalLib to V0.14.2
  • Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul to V3.1.2
  • Updated EnhancedRadarBooster to V1.6.2


  • [Custom Change] Added new cat name
  • [Custom Change] Changed default radar booster names
  • Added MoreRadarNames by Excuze
  • Added SignalTranslatorAligner by LeKAKiD
  • Updated RouteRandom to V1.3.1
  • Updated FlashlightFix to V1.0.7
  • Updated EnhancedRadarBooster V1.6.0
  • Updated BuyableShotgunShells to V1.0.5
  • Updated LCBetterSaves to V1.7.3
  • Updated MirrorDecor to V1.3.1
  • Updated PizzaTowerEscapeMusic to V2.3.0


  • [Custom Change] Made suggested config apply automatically
  • [Custom Change] Only on hard moons, masked enemies now mimic your friends via the mods MaskedEnemyOverhaul and Skinwalkers
  • [Custom Change] Changed the values for the gambling machine
    • Expected value is 0.9975 (Expected to lose 0.75% of the original value over time)
    • --------< Values >--------
      • 5x = 1%
      • 3x = 4%
      • 2x = 16%
      • 0.5x = 38%
      • 0.25x = 41%
  • [Custom Change] Replaced the current painting images with 64 images of my friend's dog Pepsi, the stupidest little girl :3
  • [Custom Change] Changed the default list of cat names to a custom one
  • [Custom Change] Made the mirror decor only purchasable when it is in stock
  • [Custom Change] Removed hoarding bug dispersion, as it made nests almost nonexistent
  • Added MaskedEnemyOverhaul by HomelessGinger (Don't worry, the spawns are still vanilla)
  • Added Skinwalkers by RugbugRedfern (Again, don't worry, this only applies to masked enemies)
  • Added MeteoMultiplier by Fredolx
  • Added AEIOUCompany by Bibendi
  • Added HideChat by Monkeytype
  • Added LCBetterSaves by Pooble
  • Added RouteRandom by stormytuna
  • Added SnapRotateFurniture by SleeplessKyru
  • Added RotateBackwards by Coltrain
  • Added AlwaysPickup by NutNutty (May cause issues on old saves, but will fix itself after being fired or making a new save)
  • Added CupboardFix by Rocksnotch
  • Added LethalSettings by willis81808
  • [Bugfix] Fixed an issue where painting images wouldn't load
  • Updated LethalLib to V0.13.2
  • Updated SellTracker to V1.2.1
  • Updated LC_API to V3.4.5
  • Updated GamblingMachineAtTheCompany to V1.3.5
  • Updated PintoBoy to V1.0.4
  • Updated MirrorDecor to V1.3.0
  • Updated Boombox_Controller to V1.1.9
  • Updated PizzaTowerEscapeMusic to V2.2.0
  • Updated MoreCompany to V1.7.6


  • Updated AdditionalContentFramework to V1.0.3
  • Updated SellTracker to V1.2.0
  • Updated OuijaBoard to V1.5.2
  • Updated LC_API to V3.4.3
  • Updated TakeThatMaskOff to V1.3.0


  • Added LethalPaintingsSync by McDucky
  • Updated LethalLib to V0.13.1


  • [Custom Change] Added custom paintings based on images suggested by my friends
  • Added LethalPaintings by femboytv


  • Added MirrorDecor by quackandcheese
  • Added VoiceHUD by 5Bit
  • Added FireExitFlip by PC
  • Added TakeThatMaskOff by SillySquad
  • Updated LethalLib to V0.13.0


  • Updated GamblingMachineAtTheCompany to V1.3.4


  • Added BuyableShotgunShells by MegaPiggy


  • Added NeedyCats by Jordo