Updated to LethalLevelLoader.
Added Terrain around the map.
Added one Nutcracker and one Masked that spawn at CT Spawn upon landing.
Switched Main Entrance and Fire Exit.
Added roofs on buildings.
Sunlight should no longer shine into B Tunnels, CT Spawn and A Double Doors.
You can safely use the Jetpack now without the risk of falling throught the top of the buildings now that there are roofs. Be careful at the edges of the map though.
Added proper light at the lamps at B Tunnels, CT Spawn and A Double Doors.
Fixed the brightness issue inside.
It can rain and storm now.
Fixed some Monster spawn issues outside.
Monsters can now get on stairs.
Added clipping to stairs, they no longer require you to jump.
Changed the name to '16 Dust2' to fit the naming scheme.
Made the entrance and fire exit wider.
Monster spawn rate adjusted.
Nutcracker has a rare chance to outside now.
Added description