2.0.0- initial release

2.1.0- Replaced maps with scoopy variety mod because of moon issues

2.2.0- Egypt fix, added 2 new moons (SCP and Abyss), added 2 new interiors (SCP and Bunker), I have decided to remove youtube boombox from the mod pack because it was causing too much lag for people without NASA computers]

2.4.0- 2 new interiors, 2 new moons, facility meltdown

2.5.0- added shy guy, removed facitily meltdown and C sync bc it doesnt work, added a casino

2.6.0- new monster, new moon, funny dice

2.6.1- removed skip to multiplayer menu, removed pools interior

2.7.0- new monster, added weed, added push company

2.8.0- Complete audio overhaul, added funny snail

2.9.0- Added new interior, removed push company in an effort to make the saves not corrupt

3.0.0- Removed dmg tweek and sandworm nerf, removed ganimedes, removed atlas abyss, made a universal config instructions for discord, added lethal config for easy config adustments. LETHAL EXPANSION MAPS ARE NOW COMPATIBLE!! Added back some old favorite maps

3.1.0- Added diversity mod, 2 new monsters, a new map, and a new interior

3.2.0- several new moons

3.2.1- removed the moon pack, instead added a few individual moons

4.0.0- complete modpack overhaul fro v50

4.1.0- functional

REMOVED MODS: Push company, skiptomultiplayermenu, c-sync, pools interior, Lethal API