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bozzobrain-ShipMaid-3.0.0 icon


On keypress, within the ship, items in the ship or closet will be organized.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 3.0.0
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Downloads 1783
Dependency string bozzobrain-ShipMaid-3.0.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.6.3 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.6.3



A mod where the ship and the storage closet is cleaned up when you scan press the associated keybinding within the ship.



  • Keypresses will organize each item type in groups by the name of the item
    • Ship cleanup default keybinding is 'm'
      • Items now are organized by value. The futher from the door, the higher the value.
      • Items are grouped in two locations, one group closest to the door are single handed items. The group futher from the door are two handed objects.
    • Closet cleanup default keybinding is 'n'
      • Items in the closet will be staggered slightly to the right of the 'first' item

Config File Parameters

  • CleanupShipKey

    • Keypress used to cleanup the ship only
  • CleanupClosetKey

    • Keypress used to cleanup the closet
  • ItemGrouping

    • Whether to group the items in tight clusters or to spread them out by value
    • Options
      • [Value]
        • Spread items up the ship by the value
      • [Stack]
        • Keep items stacked on top of one another to reduce clutter
        • Thanks to jcsnider
  • TwoHandedItemLocation

    • Where to place the two handed items, and inherrently where to place the single handed objects.
    • Options
      • [Front]
        • Two handed items to the front of the ship
        • One handed items to the back of the ship
      • [Back]
        • Two handed items to the back of the ship
        • One handed items to the front of the ship
    • Thanks to jcsnider and Artemis-afk
  • OrganizationTechniques

    • Options
      • [Loose]
        • Spread items accross the ship from left to right
      • [Tight]
        • Pack the items to the side of the ship with the suit rack.
  • ClosetLocationOverride

    • A List of objects to force into the closet on ship cleanup
      • Enter a list of item names in comma separated form to force these items to be placed in the closet instead of on the floor.


  • V3.0.0

    • Introduced a configuration system that will allow the customization and tailoring of the mod to your liking
    • Began working on ship storage closet functionality now that the ship functionality is ironing out.
    • Added Oranization configuration for stacking / spacing
    • Added closet override for defaulting storage location to closet for a customized list of items
  • V2.1.1

    • Adjusted loot placement to avoid suit rack
  • V2.1.0

    • Updated the networking for better tying to client side functions
  • V2.0.0

    • Made the system network compatible (definitely buggy)
  • V1.1.0

    • The main control of the mod is now through keybinds.
    • Pressing 'm' will organize ship objects
    • Pressing 'n' will organize the ship's closet


  1. Install BepInEx
  2. Run game once with BepInEx installed to generate folders/files
  3. Drop the DLL inside of the BepInEx/plugins folder
  4. No further steps needed


  • Feel free to leave feedback or requests at my github.

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  • V4.0.9

    • Fixed a bug where organizing by value when no items with any scrap value are present, the calculation will divide by 0 (Thanks to Seviper)
  • V4.0.8

    • Rebuilt with new V50 release libraries
  • V4.0.7

    • Added debugging to identify missing object reference issue #20
  • V4.0.6

    • Added GUI message when object location override is set by keypress
  • V4.0.5

    • WARNING: You may want to backup your config prior to launching this version of the app as config settings have changed.
    • Changed configuration settings to use bool instead of string for binary configuration settings [On/Off]
  • V4.0.4

    • Added terminal command option. (Thanks to UmaLPZ for the suggestion)
    • See [UseOnlyTerminal] configuration setting to disable keybinds and use only the terminal for cleanup
  • V4.0.3

    • Added shotgun organization by ammo capacity. (Thanks to jcsnider for the suggestion)
    • See new configuration options [OrganizeShotgunByAmmo] and [ShotgunPlacementOverrideLocation]
  • V4.0.2

    • Updates to closet location calculation. No longer using door locations for bounds, which should result more consistent organization. (Thanks to UmaLPZ)
    • Improving handling of a rotated storage closet to position items more intelligently in this case.
  • V4.0.1

    • Keybinds are now handled by InputUtils and accessible in the settings menu in-game. (Thanks to CatsArmy)
    • Now preventing the organization of items while the ship is moving (!shipHasLanded). Should allow organization while not on a ship (inShipPhase). (Thanks to Jonteiro)
  • V4.0.0

    • Introduced configuration settings for randomizing both position and rotation on object cleanups (Thanks to Jonteiro)
    • See configuration settings [ItemPlacementOverrideOffsetRotation] and [ItemPlacementOverrideOffsetPosition]
    • WARNING: This will break compatibility between previous versions of the plugin. Make sure all players are upto date on the plugin to not have issues.
  • V3.2.7

    • Made a guard for moving items that are inside of the LateGamesUpgrade wheelbarrow due to a reported game crash (Thanks to GrantisMantis)
    • Guarded the keybinds when the user is typing in chat (Thanks to jcsnider)
  • V3.2.6

    • Adjusted valid positions to include the whole ship (The rear of the ship was excluded due to assumptions from previous organization methods)
    • Improved the position bounds for edges of ship (front is narrower than the rear of ship)
    • Addressed regex not including items with nubmers in name (Specifically the Magic 7 Ball).
    • Thanks to jcsnider for helping to identify these issues