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bozzobrain-ShipMaid-3.2.6 icon


On keypress, within the ship, items in the ship or closet will be organized.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 3.2.6
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Downloads 3047
Dependency string bozzobrain-ShipMaid-3.2.6

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.6.3 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.6.3



A mod where the ship and the storage closet is cleaned up when you press the associated keybinding within the ship.


  • Press 'M' to cleanup the ship and closet
  • Press 'N' to cleanup the storage closet only
  • Press 'J' to set an objects placement location (if position overrides enabled)
  • Make sure that any players that you play with also have the mod installed for them to see the organized loot change positions.



  • Keypresses will organize each item type in groups by the name of the item
    • Ship cleanup default keybinding is 'M'
      • Items now are organized by [Value] by default. The futher from the door, the higher the value. Can also be [Stack] ed (See config settings)
      • Items are grouped in two locations, front of ship and back of ship (See config settings)
    • Closet cleanup default keybinding is 'N'
      • Items in the closet will be staggered slightly to the right of the 'first' item
    • Set object location default keybinding is 'J'
      • If UseOneHandedPlacementOverrides / UseTwoHandedPlacementOverrides / UseItemTypePlacementOverrides is enabled, pressing this keybind will log the location of the given item for future organization requests
      • Object override locations are stored in the config file and will persist into other game files

Config File Parameters

  • Keybinds

    • CleanupShipKey

      • Keypress used to cleanup the ship and closet
    • CleanupClosetKey

      • Keypress used to cleanup the closet only
    • SetObjectTypePositionKey

      • Keypress used to set an object's organization location
  • Ship Cleanup Configurations

    • ItemGrouping

      • Whether to group the items in tight clusters or to spread them out by value
      • Options
        • [Value]
          • Spread items up the ship by the value
        • [Stack]
          • Keep items stacked on top of one another to reduce clutter
        • Thanks to jcsnider for the suggestion
    • TwoHandedItemLocation

      • Where to place the two handed items, and inherrently where to place the single handed objects.
      • Options
        • [Front]
          • Two handed items to the front of the ship
          • One handed items to the back of the ship
        • [Back]
          • Two handed items to the back of the ship
          • One handed items to the front of the ship
      • Thanks to jcsnider and Artemis-afk for the suggestion
    • OrganizationTechniques

      • Options
        • [Loose]
          • Spread items accross the ship from left to right
        • [Tight]
          • Pack the items to the side of the ship with the suit rack.
  • Item Type Overrides

    • ClosetLocationOverride

      • A List of objects to force into the closet on ship cleanup
        • Enter a list of item names in comma separated form to force these items to be placed in the closet instead of on the floor.
      • Thanks to jcsnider for the suggestion
    • SortingDisabledList

      • Items on this list will be ignored during the sorting process
        • Enter a list of item names in comma separated form to ignore these items during organization.
      • Thanks to nontheoretical for the suggestion
  • Position Overrides

    • UseItemTypePlacementOverrides

      • When [Enabled] and you have pressed 'J' with an item type in a given location, all future cleanup commands will place this item type in its given location
      • During bootup all scrap objects that are not on the storage shelve list will be candidates for definiting these location prior to you setting the item locations using 'J'
      • Currently these candidates are not stored into the config file, you must press the keybind to store new locations into the config file to save objects locations if the plugin was not loaded before (tell me to change it if you want this feature)
    • ItemPlacementOverrideLocation

      • The position in the ship where items of a given types will be placed if overrides are enabled for one handed items
      • Configuration will be automatically updated when the keybind is pressed in game (although you could manually enter this information)
      • If someone wants to generate a list of all item names for reference, please send it to me and I'll place it in this readme
      • Format is:
        • "itemname(Clone),posx,posy,posz"
      • For multiple items, continue this format with a comma between item types
        • "itemname(Clone),posx,posy,posz,itemname2(Clone),posx,posy,posz"
    • UseTwoHandedPlacementOverrides

      • When [Enabled] and you have pressed 'J' with a one handed item in a given location, all future cleanup commands will place all one handed items in its the given location
      • During bootup all two handed objects that are not on the storage shelve list will be candidates for definiting this location prior to you setting the item locations using 'J'
      • Currently these candidates are not stored into the config file, you must press the keybind to store new locations into the config file to save objects locations if the plugin was not loaded before (tell me to change it if you want this feature)
    • TwoHandedItemPlacementOverrideLocation

      • The position in the ship where Two-Handed Objects will be placed if overrides are enabled for two handed items
      • Configuration will be automatically updated when the keybind is pressed in game
      • Format is:
        • "posx,posy,posz"
    • UseOneHandedPlacementOverrides

      • When [Enabled] and you have pressed 'J' with a two handed item in a given location, all future cleanup commands will place all two handed items in its the given location
      • During bootup all one handed objects that are not on the storage shelve list will be candidates for definiting this location prior to you setting the item locations using 'J'
      • Currently these candidates are not stored into the config file, you must press the keybind to store new locations into the config file to save objects locations if the plugin was not loaded before (tell me to change it if you want this feature)
    • OneHandedItemPlacementOverrideLocation

      • The position in the ship where One-Handed Objects will be placed if overrides are enabled for one handed items
      • Configuration will be automatically updated when the keybind is pressed in game
      • Format is:
        • "posx,posy,posz"


  • V3.2.6

    • Adjusted valid positions to include the whole ship (The rear of the ship was excluded due to assumptions from previous organization methods)
    • Improved the position bounds for edges of ship (front is narrower than the rear of ship)
    • Addressed regex not including items with nubmers in name (Specifically the Magic 7 Ball).
    • Thanks to jcsnider for helping to identify these issues
  • V3.2.5

    • Overhauled some backend networking things to be compliant around either LC-API or other mods that were breaking things
    • Thanks to HiiJustin for the relaying information
  • V3.2.4

    • Introduced the configuration file handling of item positions for all placement overrides
    • Now placements locations for all overrides are stored in the config file and will persist across game resets and different save files.
    • Thanks to jcsnider for the pushing to develop this feature
  • V3.2.3

    • Patched issue with one handed object location settings being incorrectly stored
    • Thanks to jcsnider for the finding this issue
  • V3.2.2

    • Update readme for additional information and fixed old descriptions
  • V3.2.1

    • A minor patch fix for possible conflicting configuration issues
  • V3.2.0

    • Added custom placement options (set locations with 'J' or whatever key you bind)
      • Place all two handed objects in the same location using UseTwoHandedPlacementOverrides=[Enabled]
      • Place all one handed objects in the same location using UseOneHandedPlacementOverrides=[Enabled]
      • Place all items of a given type in the same location using UseItemTypePlacementOverrides=[Enabled]
  • V3.1.1

    • Fixed an issue where loot was landing either on the storage closet or in the suit rack area
  • V3.1.0

    • Improved the handling of the bounds of the ship and storage closet to prevent items from clipping out of the ship.
    • Thanks to nontheoretical for finding the issue.
  • V3.0.1

    • Fixes
      • Fixed a bug where modified scrap levels would teleport outside of ship when sorted by value
    • Features
      • Added a blacklist to sorting (Thanks to nontheoretical for the suggestion)
  • V3.0.0

    • Introduced a configuration system that will allow the customization and tailoring of the mod to your liking
    • Began working on ship storage closet functionality now that the ship functionality is ironing out.
    • Added Oranization configuration for stacking / spacing
    • Added closet override for defaulting storage location to closet for a customized list of items
  • V2.1.1

    • Adjusted loot placement to avoid suit rack
  • V2.1.0

    • Updated the networking for better tying to client side functions
  • V2.0.0

    • Made the system network compatible (definitely buggy)
  • V1.1.0

    • The main control of the mod is now through keybinds.
    • Pressing 'm' will organize ship objects
    • Pressing 'n' will organize the ship's closet


  1. Install BepInEx
  2. Run game once with BepInEx installed to generate folders/files
  3. Drop the DLL inside of the BepInEx/plugins folder
  4. No further steps needed


  • Feel free to leave feedback or requests at my github.

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  • V4.0.9

    • Fixed a bug where organizing by value when no items with any scrap value are present, the calculation will divide by 0 (Thanks to Seviper)
  • V4.0.8

    • Rebuilt with new V50 release libraries
  • V4.0.7

    • Added debugging to identify missing object reference issue #20
  • V4.0.6

    • Added GUI message when object location override is set by keypress
  • V4.0.5

    • WARNING: You may want to backup your config prior to launching this version of the app as config settings have changed.
    • Changed configuration settings to use bool instead of string for binary configuration settings [On/Off]
  • V4.0.4

    • Added terminal command option. (Thanks to UmaLPZ for the suggestion)
    • See [UseOnlyTerminal] configuration setting to disable keybinds and use only the terminal for cleanup
  • V4.0.3

    • Added shotgun organization by ammo capacity. (Thanks to jcsnider for the suggestion)
    • See new configuration options [OrganizeShotgunByAmmo] and [ShotgunPlacementOverrideLocation]
  • V4.0.2

    • Updates to closet location calculation. No longer using door locations for bounds, which should result more consistent organization. (Thanks to UmaLPZ)
    • Improving handling of a rotated storage closet to position items more intelligently in this case.
  • V4.0.1

    • Keybinds are now handled by InputUtils and accessible in the settings menu in-game. (Thanks to CatsArmy)
    • Now preventing the organization of items while the ship is moving (!shipHasLanded). Should allow organization while not on a ship (inShipPhase). (Thanks to Jonteiro)
  • V4.0.0

    • Introduced configuration settings for randomizing both position and rotation on object cleanups (Thanks to Jonteiro)
    • See configuration settings [ItemPlacementOverrideOffsetRotation] and [ItemPlacementOverrideOffsetPosition]
    • WARNING: This will break compatibility between previous versions of the plugin. Make sure all players are upto date on the plugin to not have issues.
  • V3.2.7

    • Made a guard for moving items that are inside of the LateGamesUpgrade wheelbarrow due to a reported game crash (Thanks to GrantisMantis)
    • Guarded the keybinds when the user is typing in chat (Thanks to jcsnider)
  • V3.2.6

    • Adjusted valid positions to include the whole ship (The rear of the ship was excluded due to assumptions from previous organization methods)
    • Improved the position bounds for edges of ship (front is narrower than the rear of ship)
    • Addressed regex not including items with nubmers in name (Specifically the Magic 7 Ball).
    • Thanks to jcsnider for helping to identify these issues