Editing the volume of sounds

Updated 9 months ago

Via the .bat files

Go to BepInEx\plugins\cirlgock-LessAnnoyingSounds\CustomSounds in here there will be some bat files "Set_To_Quiet" (-10db), "Set_To_Quieter" (-20db) and "Set_To_Quietest" (-30db) running these set the "Live" files as whichever one is picked, -20db is the default. Please do this while the game is not running, I have not tested it while the game is running but assume it will not work and might even do some damage to your files.


If you are more confident go ahead and move files around manually, anything in the "LessAnnoyingSounds" folder is "live" so if you think Quiet is ok but you want the Clown horn to be quieter then just move \Quieter\ClownHorn.wav into \LessAnnoyingSounds\ don't worry about overwriting it as you can reset it again by running "Set_To_Quieter" to go back to the default, or download the .zip and just grab the files from in there if you delete them by accident.