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coderCleric-Poltergeist-1.1.0 icon


Lets players freecam on death as a ghost and do various interactions.

Date uploaded 4 months ago
Version 1.1.0
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Downloads 75955
Dependency string coderCleric-Poltergeist-1.1.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.7.7 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.7.7
Sigurd-CSync-5.0.1 icon

Configuration file syncing library for BepInEx.

Preferred version: 5.0.1



Adds things for dead players to do by letting them fly around in a freecam and perform various interactions.


  • Instead of spectating normally, fly around in a freecam to watch what your friends are doing, or just to explore the map.
  • Teleport to players (or what's left of them) with the press of a button.
  • Toggle a global light to help you see in dark areas when dead.
  • Perform various interactions. Mess with your friends, or try to communicate with them from beyond the veil!.


  • Movement: Same as how you move your living character, except that moving forwards and backwards can also change your elevation.
  • Vertical Movement: Dedicated controls to move up and down, defaulting to r and f. Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Altitude Lock: Toggleable altitude lock, preventing the camera from moving up and down except via the dedicated vertical controls. Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Sprint: Pressing the sprint key will multiply the camera movement speed by 5.
  • Speed: Accelerate and decelerate by scrolling the mouse wheel. Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Toggle Light: Toggle a global light that helps you see in dark areas while dead with the left mouse button. Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Teleportation: Pressing a number key will teleport you to the corresponding player, based on join order. This means that the host will be 1, the first player to join will be 2, and so on.
  • Interact: Pressing interact (default "e") on the objects listed below will let you interact with them as if you were still alive. Troll your friends, or try to help them out! Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Mode Switching: Switch between vanilla and modded spectate modes using the 'Q' key. Rebindable in the game settings.
  • Manifest: Temporarily appear before the living in a spectral form with the 'C' key. Rebindable in the game settings.

Interactable Objects

  • Doors: Can be opened and closed.
  • Pneumatic Doors: Pneumatic Doors can be opened and closed, assuming they have power.
  • Hangar Doors: Flip the levers on Artifice to open and close the big hangar doors.
  • Valves: Can stop them from gushing steam.
  • Ship Light Switch/Remote: Can be flipped on and off.
  • Ship Door Buttons: Allows the ship doors to be opened and closed.
  • Company Bell: Ring the bell at the company building!
  • Noisemaker Props: Items that make noise, such as the clownhorn, airhorn, and cash register.
  • Boombox: Can be turned on and off on the ground.
  • Ship Decorations: All vanilla purchasable ship decorations that have an interact feature can be used by ghosts.
  • Facility Lockers: The doors of the storage lockers occasionally found in the facility.
  • Pestering Enemies: Pester enemies to disrupt their current actions. Be careful though, do it too much and they might get mad at the closest player that they can see!
    • Note: This just has you hit the enemy for 0 damage. Some enemies don't do anything interesting when hit.
  • Loudhorn: Can be pulled for one second intervals.
  • Radar Boosters: Can be turned on and off.
  • Whoopie Cushions: Make a noise when you fly through them.


Interacting with the mortal plane isn't easy, and requires a certain amount of effort on the part of the ghost. This is represented by the power system.

  • Interacting with different objects consumes power, a resource that regenerates slowly over time.
  • As more and more players die, the maximum power available to ghosts will increase.
  • Some actions require so much power that they may not be possible unless a certain number of players are dead. This prevents ghosts from doing anything grand at the start, but they will become more and more capable as the day goes on!

Config Options

This mod uses Sigurd's CSync to enforce most config settings from the host onto joining players. This also means that everyone you want to play with has to have the mod installed in order to join the same lobby.

Client-Side Configs
These settings aren't synced so that you can tailor them to your personal preferences.

  • DefaultToVanilla: If true, dying will start you in the vanilla spectate mode.
  • GhostLightIntensity: Modifies the intensity of the light available to ghosts. (WARNING; this game has a lot of fog, so really high light intensities may actually decrease visibility.)

Synced Configs
These settings are synced, so whatever settings the host has will be used by everyone

  • Max Power: The maximum power that can ever be available to ghosts.
  • Power Regen: How much power ghosts regenerate every second.
  • Alive for Max Power: The maximum number of players that can still be alive for the ghosts to achieve max power.
    • (Example: if this is set to 3, then ghosts will be at maximum power as long as no more than 3 players are left alive).
  • Pester Aggro Timespan: How many seconds have to pass before enemies forget that they've been pestered by any ghosts.
  • Aggro Hit Requirement: How many times do ghosts have to pester the same enemy before that enemy gets mad at the nearest player with line-of-sight.
  • Costs: Many different interaction costs are configurable, with the categories being:
    • Regular Doors
    • Big Doors: Both the pressurized facility doors as well as the Artifice hangar doors fall under this.
    • Noisy Items
    • Steam Valves
    • Ship Doors
    • The Company Bell
    • Enemy Pestering
    • Manifest
    • Miscellaneous: This is just any interaction not covered by the other categories, such as ship decorations.


Just the same as any of the other BepInEx-based mod, put the folder for the mod in BepInEx/plugins and it should work, or just install it via a mod manager (such as r2modman). Make sure to install any dependencies listed on Thunderstore as well. This mod has features that require all players to have the mod installed. If you have the mod active, players without it will be unable to join you, and you will be unable to join them.

Known Bugs/Misc Notes

  • Haven't quite figured out how to get weather effects to work properly, so for now it's just based on the last player you teleported to (or where you died if you haven't teleported to anyone yet). This means that, if you died in the rain and fly down to the dungeon, you'll see rain inside.
  • The dungeon is located way below the surface, so if you want to explore it you need to either teleport to someone who's already there, or just fly through the ground.
  • If you find any other bugs feel free to post an issue on the Github repo



  • Made it so that the mod actually loads on v61.
  • Fixed some issues that were making it so that the whoopie cushion interaction wasn't working.
  • I haven't had the time to do full testing in v61, but this should at least make the mod work. Please let me know on Github if you notice any issues!


  • Significant Additions
    • Gave dead players a "ghost head" as an avatar. This is visible to other dead players.
    • Added the ability to manifest when dead, allowing ghosts to be temporarily visible to living players.
    • Added the ability to interact with a few more things:
      • Loudhorn
      • Remotes
      • Radar Boosters
      • Whoopie Cushions (activated when ghosts fly through them)
  • Fixes/Improvements
    • Ghosts can now see nametags over living players.
    • Made the ghost light come in from more angles and no longer affect fog (This allows the light to be made more intense).
    • Fixed a formatting error on interact prompts.
    • Added an element to the death HUD to tell the player the controls.


  • Fixed an issue where looking straight up/down with the altitude locked would prevent movement forward.
  • Made it so duplicate camera controllers will destroy themselves (fixed a conflict with suitsTerminal).
  • Made the radar screen more consistent as a ghost.


  • Resolved an issue where CullFactory would cause the ghost light to not work inside.


  • Started using CSync to allow creation of many more options, such as:
    • Max power.
    • Power regen.
    • Alive for max power.
    • Pester aggro timespan.
    • Aggro hit requirement.
    • A bunch of cost settings.
  • Add a bunch more interactions, such as:
    • Stopping steam valves.
    • Opening/closing ship doors.
    • Ringing the company bell.
    • Opening/closing Artifice hangar doors.
    • Pestering enemies.
  • Made the ghost girl visible to dead players.
  • Made the interact key rebindable.


  • Added controls for vertical movement.
  • Added a button to stop regular camera movement from changing altitude.
  • Updated development environment, resulted in config name changing from "Poltergeist" to "coderCleric.Poltergeist". Sorry about that :(
  • Tested for v50 compatability, everything seems to work properly!


  • Started using InputUtils, allowing the remapping of the ghost light, accelerate, decelerate, and spectate mode switching actions.
  • Added a power system that aims to prevent spam and provide an interesting scaling as the game goes on.
    • Interacting with objects now costs a certain amount of power, a resource which will regenerate over time.
    • The maximum power available to ghosts scales with the percentage of players that are dead, making them more powerful as the day goes on.
  • Added support for additional interactables.
    • Generic support for noise maker props (thanks TheBlackEntity!).
    • Purchasable ship decorations.
    • Storage lockers in the facility.
    • Pneumatic doors.


  • Added the ability to switch between the modded and vanilla spectate modes using the "Item Secondary Use" key (default Q).
    • Also added a "DefaultToVanilla" config option to determine what spectate mode you start in on death.
  • Allow teleporting to player corpses and masked players.
  • Removed the "RunBarebones" option.


  • Added two config options to make things more customizeable.
    • RunBarebones: Tells the mod to not do most of the main functionality (good for people who like vanilla spectating, but want to play with others with the mod).
    • GhostLightIntensity: Determines the intensity of the global light for ghosts.


  • First release with basic functionality.