Don't forget to refill oxygen canisters!
Version 1.6.4:
- Fixed bug when picking up the OxyBoost will increase the player's weight from 0 lbs to 21 lbs
- Added ability to die early if you can't get out from under the water for a long time (configurable in the config)
Version 1.6.3:
- Added the config option to control the 'autoHideHUD' option
Version 1.6.2:
- Added the config option to hide HUD without installing ShyHUD if the oxygen value > 75
Version 1.6.1:
- Fixed bug caused by disabling OxyCharger
Version 1.6.0:
- Added support for LCVR
- NEW: Weather complications. When travelling to a planet with "eclipsed" weather conditions, the amount of oxygen on the ship is limited until you leave the planet. (configurable in the config). The amount of remained oxygen is synced between players.
- Fixed compatibility with the "Oops! All Flooded!" mod (didn't add oxygen consumption underwater in the facility)
- Fixed the problem with inaccurate vanilla HUD value display. (Thanks to the necrowing's DramaMask mod)
- Reworked oxygen consumption when player is running (now, it always checks whether the player is running and, based on that, subtracts a value calculated from the stamina used)
- Added auto-refill player's oxygen level when the round has just started
- Added variance to auto-fill oxygen when the player is on a ship and the doors are closed
- Updated oxygen HUD with the "EladsHUD" mod
- Added audio sync between players in OxyCharger
- Updated the audio logic to play a different sound if the player has just stopped being afraid
- The "oxygenRunning" variable was replaced on the "runningMultiplier" in the config
- Changed the name of some config entries (they should automatically migrate to new ones)
- New variable "AccurateMeter" in the config
Version 1.5.6:
- Fixed bug when you could breathe in a facility
- The "MakeItVanilla" option in the config has become obsolete.
- Updated dependencies version
Version 1.5.4:
- Tested on v50
- Updated CSync to 4.1.0
Version 1.5.3:
- fixed "comma-dots thing" bug in the config parser
Version 1.5.2:
- Fixed bug "OxygenUI is null"
- Removed SFX volume limit
Version 1.5.1:
- Added an option in the config to disable automatic oxygen recovery once ship has left
Version 1.5.0:
- Quick Fix: If EladsHUD is enabled, the mod will damage you by 0.1 instead of 0.3 amounts of oxygen, and it will give you slightly more oxygen (you can disable this in the config)
- Different moons now can have different oxygen settings
- Reworked an audio (Now it depends on the player's state. E.g., if you're standing, the sound won't play. If you're walking, it will, but you can disable it in the config)
- Support for ImmersiveVisor (if the helmet is severely broken, additional oxygen will be consumed)
- Now, after the ship leaves, oxygen will be automatically recovered
- Updated config (some variables were moved)
- Fixes
Version 1.4.0:
- Added the ability to disable custom items for joining vanilla games in the config (it doesn't sync with the host)
- Added a new way to refill oxygen, it's OxyCharger!
Version 1.3.1
- now Oxygen consumption on the company's planet can be disabled
- Added possibility to disable SFX on "The Company" planet
Version 1.3.0
- Fixed HUD position on ultrawide monitors (i hope)
- Added new item: OxyBoost
- Moved to CSync fork
- Reworked the descriptions in the config (two variables were replaced)
Version 1.2.3
- Added support for EladsHUD!
Version 1.2.2
- Now disabling consumption depends only on player's position (so diversity's rooms should also be included)
- The "InfinityOxygenInbackrooms" variable in the config has been replaced with InfinityOxygenInModsPlaces.
Version 1.2.1
- Support for CSync 2.0.0
Version 1.2.0
- Now, when a person is in the backrooms, oxygen will stop leaving and not being restored
- Added config synchronization with host
- Moved to latest C# version
- Fixed usage of variable "multiplyDecreasingInFear" when player in fear
- Added support for ShyHUD (hud disappears if oxygen value > 55)
- Added new field in config for moving Oxygen HUD
- Some code refactoring :)
Version 1.1.0
- Updated config
- Changed SFX's
- fixed statusEffectHUD's position and other problems :)
- Added oxygen consumption when player in fear (and SFX for that)
- Added backrooms simplification of gameplay (infinite oxygen in there)
- OxygenHUD now displays the player's remaining time until death when they fall into water (can cause a problems with other mods)
Version 1.0.2
- Quick Fix: Disabled the mod's functionality when the player is underwater due to a bug discovered. This is temporary.
Version 1.0.1
- config descriptions corrected
Version 1.0.0
- Release