Decompiled source of AdminMode v1.0.0


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using AdminMode.Patches;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("AdminMode")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("AdminMode")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("deccf9ef-8561-4a1f-bcce-851b4506848f")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace AdminMode
	[BepInPlugin("AdminMode", "Testing AdminMode", "1.0.0")]
	public class AdminBase : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "AdminMode";

		private const string modName = "Testing AdminMode";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.0";

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("AdminMode");

		private static AdminBase Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource mls;

		public static Texture2D mainLogo;

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			mls = Logger.CreateLogSource("AdminMode");
			mls.LogInfo((object)"This mod has started");
			mls.LogInfo((object)"Mod completed loading patches");
namespace AdminMode.Patches
	internal class GrabbableObjectPatch
		private static void InfiniteBattery(ref Battery ___insertedBattery)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.ImprovedStats)
				___insertedBattery.charge = 1f;
	internal class DoorPatch
		private static bool LockDoor(ref InteractTrigger ___doorTrigger, ref bool ___isLocked, ref DoorLock ___twinDoor)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.OpenDoors)
				___doorTrigger.interactable = true;
				___doorTrigger.hoverTip = "No longer locked";
				___isLocked = false;
				if ((Object)(object)___twinDoor != (Object)null)
					___twinDoor.isLocked = false;
				return false;
			return true;
	internal class EnemyPatch
		private static bool DontTargetPlayer(ref bool __result)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.CantDie)
				__result = false;
				return false;
			return true;

		private static void InstantKill(ref int ___enemyHP)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.HandOfGod)
				___enemyHP = 0;

		private static void EnemyCanDie(ref EnemyType ___enemyType)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.HandOfGod)
				___enemyType.canDie = true;
				___enemyType.destroyOnDeath = true;
	internal class KillPlayerPatch
		private static bool DontKillPlayer()
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.CantDie)
				return false;
			return true;
	internal class HUDManagerPatch
		private static bool InfiniteScan(ref bool __result)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.ImprovedStats)
				__result = true;
				return false;
			return true;
	internal class TimeOfDayPatch
		private static void BuyingRate()
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.BuyingPower)
				StartOfRound.Instance.companyBuyingRate = 1f;
	internal class PlayerControllerPatch
		private static void InfiniteUpdatePatch(ref float ___sprintMeter, ref bool ___isPlayerDead, ref float ___drunkness, ref bool ___jetpackControls, ref bool ___isSinking, ref Light ___helmetLight, ref Light[] ___allHelmetLights, ref Light ___nightVision, ref float ___insanityLevel, ref float ___sinkingValue, ref float ___jumpForce)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.ImprovedStats)
				___sprintMeter = 1f;
				___isPlayerDead = false;
				___drunkness = 0f;
				___isSinking = false;
				((Behaviour)___allHelmetLights[0]).enabled = true;
				___helmetLight = ___allHelmetLights[1];
				((Behaviour)___nightVision).enabled = true;
				___insanityLevel = 0f;
				___sinkingValue = 0f;
				___jumpForce = 20f;

		private static void HandsNeverFull(ref bool ___twoHanded)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.TwoHands)
				___twoHanded = false;

		private static void DrownPatch()
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.CantDie)
				StartOfRound.Instance.drowningTimer = 1f;

		private static void InfiniteHealthPatch(ref int ___health, ref int damageNumber)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.CantDie)
				___health = 100;
				damageNumber = 0;

		private static bool StopDeathPatch(ref bool ___isPlayerDead)
			if (TerminalInterfacePatch.CantDie)
				___isPlayerDead = false;
				return false;
			return true;
	internal class TerminalInterfacePatch
		public static bool AdminMode = false;

		public static bool TwoHands = false;

		public static bool CantDie = false;

		public static bool BuyingPower = false;

		public static bool ImprovedStats = false;

		public static bool HandOfGod = false;

		public static bool OpenDoors = false;

		public static bool[] patchBoolList = new bool[7] { AdminMode, TwoHands, CantDie, BuyingPower, ImprovedStats, HandOfGod, OpenDoors };

		private static void AddMenu(ref TextMeshProUGUI ___topRightText, ref int ___groupCredits)
			if (AdminMode || ___groupCredits == 999)
				TextMeshProUGUI obj = ___topRightText;
				((TMP_Text)obj).text = ((TMP_Text)obj).text + "ADMIN";
				___groupCredits = 999;
				TextMeshProUGUI obj2 = ___topRightText;
				((TMP_Text)obj2).text = ((TMP_Text)obj2).text + "USER";

		private static void AlwaysPurchase(ref int ___groupCredits, ref int ___totalCostOfItems)
			if (AdminMode)
				___groupCredits += ___totalCostOfItems;

		private static bool DisplayCommands(ref int ___textAdded, ref TMP_InputField ___screenText, ref TerminalNodesList ___terminalNodes, ref TerminalNode __result)
			string text = ___screenText.text.Substring(___screenText.text.Length - ___textAdded);
			if (text == "admin")
				__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[24];
				if (!AdminMode)
					AdminMode = true;
				return false;
			if (text == "user")
				Console.WriteLine("Admin mode has been de-activated!");
				AdminMode = false;
			if (AdminMode)
				switch (text)
				case "unkillable":
					CantDie = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[25];
					return false;
				case "two hands":
					TwoHands = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[26];
					return false;
				case "improved stats":
					ImprovedStats = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[27];
					return false;
				case "open doors":
					OpenDoors = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[28];
					return false;
				case "hand of god":
					HandOfGod = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[29];
					return false;
				case "buying power":
					BuyingPower = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[30];
					return false;
				case "all":
					CantDie = true;
					TwoHands = true;
					ImprovedStats = true;
					OpenDoors = true;
					HandOfGod = true;
					BuyingPower = true;
					__result = ___terminalNodes.specialNodes[31];
					return false;
			return true;

		private static void GenerateCommands(ref TerminalNodesList ___terminalNodes)
			string[] array = new string[8] { "ADMIN MODE ACTIVATED:\n----------\n\n>All\n-Activate all admin abilities\n\n>Unkillable\n-Player can't die (works for the most part)\n\n>Two Hands\n-Player can interact with objects while both hands are full\n\n>Improved Stats\n-Player stats are improved. Infnite sprint, big jump, infnite battery, better vision\n\n>Open Doors\n-All locked doors are open (doesn't work for double doors)\n\n>Hand of God\n-Player can one shot enimies\n\n>Buying Power\n-Company buying rate set to 0 + Infinite Spending\n", "UNKILLABLE ENABLED:\n\n>You are now unkillable\n", "TWO HANDS ENABLED\n\n>You can now do things with two hands\n", "YOU NOW HAVE:\nInfinite Sprint\nBig Jumps\nInfinite Battery\nHead flashlight\nMore features soon\n", "ALL DOORS UNLOCKED\n\n>Still working on double doors :(\n", "HAND OF GOD ENABLED\n\n>You can now one shot things\n", "BUYING POWER ENABLED\n\n>Spend away!!\n", "ALL MODS ACTIVATED\n" };
			string[] array2 = new string[8] { "Admin", "Unkillable", "Two Hands", "Improved Stats", "Open Doors", "Hand of God", "Buying Power", "All" };
			string[] array3 = new string[8] { "admin", "unkillable", "two hands", "improved stats", "open doors", "hand of god", "buying power", "All" };
			for (int i = 0; i < array3.Length; i++)
				TerminalNode val = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
				TerminalKeyword val2 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
				val.clearPreviousText = true;
				val.displayText = array[i];
				val.terminalEvent = array2[i];
				((Object)val).name = array2[i];
				((Object)val2).name = array2[i];
				val2.word = array3[i];
				CollectionExtensions.AddToArray<TerminalKeyword>(___terminalNodes.allKeywords, val2);