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dancemoon-DanceTools-1.1.1 icon


Lethal Company plugin that allows you to spawn items/enemies/more using an in-game console!

Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 1.1.1
Download link
Downloads 8424
Dependency string dancemoon-DanceTools-1.1.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



A plugin with an in-game console that allows the host to spawn in items, spawn enemies, set credits, and more (to be added :^])
(Only the host needs this plugin as of right now)
The console can also be used while you are dead


Download the zip and extract DanceTools.dll and /DanceTools/ folder inside your plugins folder!
You need the /DanceTools/ folder with the included assetbundle (dancetoolsconsole) for the console to work.

Plugin Info

Currently there are 6 commands that are usable with the in-game console, and 2 chat commands (from older version)
Default key to open the console is ~ (Under your escape button) <- This can be changed in the config!
Most commands are HOST ONLY. Some can be used by client such as clear to clear the console.
In the future, there will be some client side commands

Each command has its own description and a way to see how to use it.
The help command will give you a list of all available commands.
Using help <another command name> will give you a description of that command.
Example: help item will show what the item command does and how to use it all within the console!

Current list of commands

clear, close, enemy, help, item, tester (does nothing), setcredits

Command Usage/Descriptions
  • Arguments that have a ? infront can be omitted and are optional.
Command Usage Description
clear clear Clears the console log
close close Closes the console UI. Use this in case of bug/getting stuck
enemy enemy enemyID ?amount ?onme Spawns X amount of enemies inside random vents. Use command without arguments to see list of all enemies available
help help ?command Without arguments shows list of commands, if used with an argument, it will show that commands description.
item item itemID ?amount ?value Spawns X amount of items on top of your (or spectated) player with a specified value.
tester tester Command for me to play around with. does nothing as of right now
setcredits setcredits amount Sets the groups credits to a specified amount
OLD Chat commands. As of v1.1.0 still work but buggy. Use console instead

Kept these here for anyone that was used to using them.

Item Spawn Command:

Using the command without arguments will show you how to use it in-game.
Note: Using .item in game will also show the full list of spawnable items (Including modded) in
the Bepin console IF your debug logging is enabled for Bepin

Usage: .item ItemID (optional: amount) (optional: value)
Example: .item 49 2 690 <- Spawns 2 Rubber Duckies with the sell value of 690
Example: .item 25 <- Spawns 1 Clown Horn with the sell value of 1

Enemy Spawn Command:

Spawn an enemy inside the building.
Note: Not all levels can spawn all enemies. This plugin goes off of the levels difficulty rating
Using the .enemy command will show you which enemies you can spawn

Usage: .enemy enemyID (optional: onme)
Example: .enemy 1 <- Spawns 1 Bunker Spider inside the building
Example: .enemy 1 onme <- Spawns a Bunker Spider directly on you. Doing this outside breaks the AI and may break the game

Vanilla Item List (v45) (Click to expand)
ItemID Item Name
0 Binoculars
1 Boombox
2 box
3 Flashlight
4 Jetpack
5 Key
6 Lockpicker
7 Apparatus
8 Mapper
9 Pro-flashlight
10 Shovel
11 Stun grenade
12 Extension ladder
13 TZP-Inhalant
14 Walkie-talkie
15 Zap gun
16 Magic 7 ball
17 Airhorn
18 Bell
19 Big bolt
20 Bottles
21 Brush
22 Candy
23 Cash register
24 Chemical jug
25 Clown horn
26 Large axle
27 Teeth
28 Dust pan
29 Egg beater
30 V-type engine
31 Golden cup
32 Fancy lamp
33 Painting
34 Plastic fish
35 Laser pointer
36 Gold bar
37 Hairdryer
38 Magnifying glass
39 Metal sheet
40 Cookie mold pan
41 Mug
42 Perfume bottle
43 Old phone
44 Jar of pickles
45 Pill bottle
46 Remote
47 Ring
48 Toy robot
49 Rubber Ducky
50 Red soda
51 Steering wheel
52 Stop sign
53 Tea kettle
54 Toothpaste
55 Toy cube
56 Hive
57 Radar-booster
58 Yield sign
59 Shotgun
60 Ammo
61 Spray paint
62 Homemade flashbang
63 Gift
64 Flask
65 Tragedy
66 Comedy
67 Whoopie cushion

Known Issues/Bugs

  • Items that are spawned have no value when scanned. These items still sell for the correct value.
  • Items that are spawned while in the ship/pre-game will sometimes go through the ship until landed.
  • Sometimes adding an extra space in the console will result in an invalid command.
  • Sometimes doesn't allow to be opened when the player dies.

Special Thanks to:

MrMiinxx - YouTube tutorial for how to make a plugin
GameMaster Plugin - Great Plugin with great examples


Feel free to use code from this plugin


Version 1.1.1

  • Added the option to change the default console key in the config file.
  • Fixed an issue with the enemy "onme" function to spawn an enemy correctly.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added Console UI with new commands
    • clear, close, help, tester (does nothing), setcredits
  • Moved item and enemy commands to the console and fixed bunch of bugs
  • Added config file. As of right now, it only has console customization for colors. Will be adding more in the future
  • Keeping the chat commands for the time being for anyone who still may want to use them.