Configurable climbing speed, extension ladder time, and climbing with two-handed items
- Transpilers are now unpatched correctly ()
- IL code is now only logged if debugMode is true in the config
- Fixed broken directory structure in zip file
- Fixed enableKillTrigger not resetting when leaving a lobby
- Added new config options
- transitionSpeedMultiplier - Multiplier for the time between pressing interact and entering/exiting a ladder
- enableKillTrigger - Whether or not extension ladders can kill players while falling
- Held item visibility is now synced between clients as long as the host has the mod
- Clients who have hideOneHanded disabled will still see other players items, same with hideTwoHanded
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a vanilla bug where ladder animation would play while holding left/right
- Progress bar no longer appears when trying to pick up an extension ladder while holding a two handed object or while it is not grabbable
- Fixed climb animation not playing for other clients
- Fixed transpilers duplicating code when a client leaves and joins another game
- Transpilers that rely on synced config values should now actually use the synced config values
- Previously, they were running on game launch, so they were using the client's config, not the host's config
- Reorganized all patches
- Moved changelog to
- Added new config options for extension ladders
- timeMultiplier - Extension ladder time multiplier (0 for permanent)
- holdToPickup - Whether the interact key needs to be held to pick up an activated extension ladder
- holdTime - How long, in seconds, the interact key must be held if holdToPickup is true
- Fixed NullReferenceException when climbing ladder with a ReservedItemSlot mod installed
- Currently, the reserved item won't be hidden if climbing a ladder while holding it
- Added config syncing with host
- If joining a host who doesn't have this mod, config options that can be synced will be set to their vanilla defaults
- When using a mod that adds hotkeys to switch item slots, items are properly hidden
- Tested with HotbarPlus
- Fixed
- Added new config options
- hideOneHanded
- hideTwoHanded
- Fixed ladder animation playing while not moving
- Added new config options
- sprintingClimbSpeedMultiplier
- scaleAnimationSpeed
- Fixed NullReferenceException when climbing ladder without two-handed object
- Release