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e3s1-BetterLadders-1.4.3 icon


Configurable climbing speed, extension ladder time, and climbing with two-handed items

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.4.3
Download link
Downloads 73686
Dependency string e3s1-BetterLadders-1.4.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100




  • Change climbing speed and sprint-climbing speed
    • The climbing animation speed can be scaled to speed
  • Change the speed of entering/exiting a ladder
  • Allow using ladders while holding a two-handed item
  • Hide held item while climbing a ladder
    • Visibility is synced with other clients, as long as the host has this mod
  • Change the time extension ladders stay up for (or make them permanent)
  • Require holding the interact button to pick up an extended extension ladder
    • Hold time can be adjusted or disabled



entry default description synced with host
climbSpeedMultiplier 1.0 Ladder climb speed multiplier
sprintingClimbSpeedMultiplier 1.5 Ladder climb speed multiplier while sprinting, stacks with climbSpeedMultiplier
transitionSpeedMultiplier 1.0 Ladder enter/exit animation speed multiplier
allowTwoHanded true Whether to allow using ladders while carrying a two-handed object
scaleAnimationSpeed true Whether to scale the speed of the climbing animation to the climbing speed
hideOneHanded true Whether to hide one-handed items while climbing a ladder
hideTwoHanded true Whether to hide two-handed items while climbing a ladder

Extension Ladders

entry default description synced with host
timeMultiplier 0.0 Extension ladder time multiplier (0 for permanent) - lasts 20 seconds in vanilla
enableKillTrigger true Whether extension ladders should kill players they land on
holdToPickup true Whether the interact key needs to be held to pick up an activated extension ladder
holdTime 0.5 How long, in seconds, the interact key must be held if holdToPickup is true


entry default description
debugMode false Logs IL code to console when patching or unpatching transpilers




  • Transpilers are now unpatched correctly ()
  • IL code is now only logged if debugMode is true in the config


  • Fixed broken directory structure in zip file


  • Fixed enableKillTrigger not resetting when leaving a lobby


  • Added new config options
    • transitionSpeedMultiplier - Multiplier for the time between pressing interact and entering/exiting a ladder
    • enableKillTrigger - Whether or not extension ladders can kill players while falling
  • Held item visibility is now synced between clients as long as the host has the mod
    • Clients who have hideOneHanded disabled will still see other players items, same with hideTwoHanded
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a vanilla bug where ladder animation would play while holding left/right
    • Progress bar no longer appears when trying to pick up an extension ladder while holding a two handed object or while it is not grabbable
    • Fixed climb animation not playing for other clients
    • Fixed transpilers duplicating code when a client leaves and joins another game
    • Transpilers that rely on synced config values should now actually use the synced config values
      • Previously, they were running on game launch, so they were using the client's config, not the host's config
  • Reorganized all patches
  • Moved changelog to CHANGELOG.​md


  • Added new config options for extension ladders
    • timeMultiplier - Extension ladder time multiplier (0 for permanent)
    • holdToPickup - Whether the interact key needs to be held to pick up an activated extension ladder
    • holdTime - How long, in seconds, the interact key must be held if holdToPickup is true


  • Fixed NullReferenceException when climbing ladder with a ReservedItemSlot mod installed
    • Currently, the reserved item won't be hidden if climbing a ladder while holding it
  • Added config syncing with host
    • If joining a host who doesn't have this mod, config options that can be synced will be set to their vanilla defaults


  • When using a mod that adds hotkeys to switch item slots, items are properly hidden


  • Fixed README.​md


  • Added new config options
    • hideOneHanded
    • hideTwoHanded
  • Fixed ladder animation playing while not moving


  • Added new config options
    • sprintingClimbSpeedMultiplier
    • scaleAnimationSpeed


  • Fixed NullReferenceException when climbing ladder without two-handed object


  • Release