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etherealemil-UsualScrap-1.6.9 icon


Adds 15+ unique equipment and scrap items that try to keep the vanilla tone

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.6.9
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Downloads 3938
Dependency string etherealemil-UsualScrap-1.6.9

This mod requires the following mods to function

Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Works in V64+


Purchasable Equipment

Handlamp (20C)

Costs 25 credits, Weighs 5

Compared to vanilla flashlights...


  • The lamp lights up the area around the holder in a radius that is larger than a baby flashlight's light reaches but not as large as a pro-flashlight reaches in one direction.

  • The lamp has a noticeably larger battery capacity than the pro-flashlight (It's battery can last almost the entire day when left on constantly).


  • The light produced by the lamp isn't as clear at long ranges as the pro-flashlight.

  • The lamp's light is pretty bright if used in fog, gas, smoke, dust storms, etc..

Mod Issue - Mods messing with global lighting can drastically affect the Hand Lamp making it basically unusable. Haven't found a universal way to fix this issue unfortunately.


Costs 20 credits, Weighs 1

Bandages are a 3 use consumable item that heals 20 health per use.

Compared to the Medical Kit, Bandages heal 60 health instantly, weighs less, and are cheap and disposable.

Medical Kit(90C)

Costs 90 credits, Weighs 3

The Medical Kit heals the user overtime when used. It has a limited amount of health it can heal at once (240) but will replenish its availbe health overtime.

Compared to Bandages, the Medical Kit can heal 2x the health (120) Bandages can heal (60) and can heal infinitely when given time to replenish.

Emergency Injector(60C)

Costs 60 credits, Weighs 1

When used, the Emergency Injector gives you a speed boost, boosts your sprint meter capacity, refills your stamina, and gives you a jump boost.

  • The effect lasts for 1 minute. After 1 minute you will receive a severe slowness debuff and your stamina will be drained.
  • If another injector is used while you already have the effect you will quickly take damage and the effect will not stack or be reapplied.
Shift Controller(225C)

Costs 225 credits, Weighs 4

The Shift Controller is a portable teleporter that saves your coordinates and can then teleport you back there as long as it has battery.

  • The Shift Controller's saved coordinates are set when used the first time, the second use will teleport you back at the cost of some of its battery.
  • The Shift Controller consumes battery slowly after your coordinates have been set.
  • The saved coordinates are wiped when the controller is recharged.

Shift controller connectivity mechanic:

  • The Shift Controller's connectivity is based on how far you are from the saved location, the farther you are the lower the connectivity. With full connectivity the controller works as expected but when connectivity starts to lower the controller will begin to experience glitches. Glitches will wipe your saved location and prevent you from using the controller for a short time.

Costs 115 credits, Weighs 5

The Tool Box can be used to dismantle landmines and turrets and will produce scrap when done successfully.

  • To dismantle a trap, look at it, press and hold the Left Click button, and listen for the sound effect playing, the sound means it's working. It is a bit wonky when crouching, when around weird geometry, or when the vanilla traps are changed (like bigger landmines).
  • Landmines produce 1 piece of scrap and take 6 seconds to dismantle.
  • Turrets produce 2-3 pieces of scrap and take 12 seconds to dismantle.

Costs 375 credits, Weighs 3

The defibrillator uses power to revive up to 3 deceased employees.

  • The defibrillator has a charge meter (Not related to power) on the side of it. The charge meter indicate how long you've held down the use button and it must be fully charged to revive a player.

  • When the charge meter is full but you continue to hold the use button you can be ready to revive at a moments notice but keep in mind that the items power is constantly drained when charging.

  • A power cost is used when you release the use button at full charge regardless of if a player was revived or not.

  • Currently I've made players cut in half (butler, sizable scissors) impossible to revive. I may make more death types perma death or may just remove this, we shall see.

Obtainable Scrap Items

Explosive Tank

High value, Weighs 32, Spawns anywhere rarely

Once the explosive tank is picked up, an internal timer will begin counting down to 0 which will then cause the tank to explode. The only way to deactivate the timer is by bringing the tank back to your ship safely.

  • The internal timer can be any time around 3 minutes, better get moving!
  • Hitting the tank with a melee weapon will cause it to explode. immediately.
  • Each time the tank is dropped, its remaining time will be reduced by a percentage; On the third drop, the Tank will explode immediately.
  • After being brought to the ship the Tank will be in a inactive state, stopping the timer. In the inactive state, Hitting it will still cause it to explode and it can be reactivated by dropping it a few times (Dropping it only causes a explosion while it is active).

Tips for survival - Take it first or take it last and know the way back to the ship, the last thing you want to do while carrying the tank is waste time being lost or wandering.

Radioactive Cell

High value, Weighs 18, Spawns anywhere rarely

The Radioactive Cell produces a sickly green light in a radius around it infinitely. When the cell is held, the holder will regularly take damage until they drop it or perish.

  • The Cell inflicts ramping damage on a rough curve going from 5 to 20.

Tips for survival - The damage ramps based on how long you hold it continuously so just drop it to reset the damage ramp to take minimum damage, sometimes it's just safer to leave it behind.


High value, Weighs 16, Spawns anywhere rarely

Capsules are a new item that have different effect depending on the game states like whether it's day or night find them and discover what they do!

Next update I'll reveal what they all do.


Average value, Weighs 6.5, Spawns anywhere uncommonly

The Crowbar is a melee weapon that does normal damage but can open locked and unlocked doors by hitting them.


Low Value, Weighs 1, Spawns anywhere uncommonly

The Padlock locks doors open or closed, nothing more.

Walking Cane

High value, Weighs 1, Spawns on S and above difficulty moons rarely

Increases your movement speed when held.

Sizable Scissors

High Value, Weighs 16, Spawns on S and above difficulty moons rarely

Sizable Scissors are a two handed scrap item that randomly damages it's holder only if they are sprinting.

  • Every second or two while running a 4 sided dice is rolled that will deal 30 damage if a 1 is rolled.
Candy Dispenser

Average value, Weighs 12, Spawns on S and above difficulty moons rarely

The Candy Dispenser is a melee weapon that does 2x damage and will rarely drop a piece of candy when swinging it (1/25 chance each swing).

  • The candy dropped by the dispenser is worth 10 (It looks blank on clients but is still worth ten, I will fix this eventually) and can be eaten to heal you while also giving you a very minor speed boost.
  • The candy dispenser dropping candy is disabled in orbit and on moons that have no time cycle like the company building.

Average value, Weighs 1, Spawns on S and above difficulty moons rarely

The rose damages you a little when picked up or equipped.

  • You will recieve a small slowness debuff everytime it damages you.
Tickets of Exchange

Low value/High Value, Weighs 1, Spawns on S and above difficulty moons

The Regular Ticket of Exchange is a common low value item that can be used ONCE to transform any item into a gift box, essentially exchanging it for something else.

The Golden Ticket of Exchange is extremely rare and high value item that does the same thing it predecessor does but will make FIVE gift boxs instead of one.


  1. LethalLib
  2. BepInExPack
  3. Latest Version of Lethal Company for latest mod versions

Massive thanks to Malcolm on YouTube for their LC modding guides and examples.

Massive thanks to Evaisa and anyone else who has contributed to LethalLib

Massive thanks to everyone working on BepInEx

And the biggest thanks to Zeekers for creating Lethal Company

Report issues on my GitHub! -

I will list issues/Limitations below for easy viewing on mod-managers.

  • Mods that mess with the world lighting can make some of the items insanely bright. I'll try to account for it when choosing the item effects but I can't fix it.


Version 1.0.0 Mod released with 3 scrap items and one equipment item.
Version 1.0.1 and 1.1.0 How does this website work?
Version 1.2.0 Figured out how this website works and made some name changes to avoid conflicts with other mods.
Version 1.3.0 Small code tweaks, starting work on a couple new items, and found some wonky mod interactions that I may or may not fix in the future but I will note them for now :D
Version 1.3.1 Small code tweaks, added bandages and the medkit, started work on a defibrillator and giving the crowbar a unique function.
Version 1.3.2 fixed some homepage text.
Version 1.3.3 fixed/updated some more homepage text.
Version 1.3.4 Added placeholder audio clips to stop the log spam and lag about it, sorry about that.
Version 1.3.5
  • Changed how the explosive tank works and changed the testing spawn rate I had forgot to change (my bad)
  • Disabled the crowbar and nail because I'm not happy with them
  • Worked on the defibrillator some more
  • Added the walking cane
  • A whole bunch of random fixes
Version 1.3.6 Added a github? New textures, fixes, nothing major.
Version 1.3.7 Fixed for v50
Version 1.3.8 Fixed the scrap values not being the correct value in-game, nerfed the walking cane speed, added effects to using the medkit and bandages, fixed bandages not giving enough uses, fixed medkit logic, probably fixed some other stuff.
Version 1.3.9 Buffed the handlamp, buffed the walking cane slightly, and the walking cane now properly spawns on titan, dine, and rend. The 4.0.0 update may take a bit longer as I have quite a few items I'm creating that will require more attention and testing to work properly.
Version 1.4.0 Cleaned up a ton of beginner code, first try syncing the explosive tank's explosion (If you're reading this please report issues on github, multiplayer issues are difficult to test solo), fixed the models and cleaned up their textures, fixed some of the items floating when spawning the first time, more stuff probably. The items I planned to add are on hold to see if this implementation of the explosive tank works, If everything seems to be working I will add them next update.
Version 1.4.1 New batch of items including: the toolbox, radioactive mineral cell, and gift wrap all with a new unique use or effect, new icons again. As always, this was tested in singleplayer and while I did account for multiplayer if any inconsistencies or bugs occur let me know on my github.
Version 1.4.2
  • Shrunk the handlamp so it doesn't cover as much screen space when held.
  • Fixed random inconsistencies.
  • Hopefully fixed the toolbox's syncing (forgot one word!).
Version 1.4.3

It's been a while since I started this update so I'll just note all the changes I can recall.

  • The Toolbox is now button presses instead of holding to use.
  • The Medkit is now hold to heal instead of toggle.
  • Replaced the Gift wrap with the Wish list.
  • "radioactive mineral cell" is now named "radioactive cell" because name too long.
  • Added the sizable scissors scrap item.
  • Various model tweaks or redoes.
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs I found that weren't too serious so I'm assuming nobody experienced them enough to report them.
  • A ton of code changes and improvements probably.
  • Replenished motivation.

And now for balance tweaks that I remember changing.

  • The Medkit costs less and heals slightly faster.
  • Bandages heal more with less charges (20 x 3) and now have a .5 second cooldown between uses.
  • When dismantling turrets with the toolbox it has a chance of dropping a high value laser pointer.
  • Explosive tank timer can be any time between 2-4 minutes.
  • Walking cane nerfed again because I felt literally untouchable running from monsters with it in hand so now it's speed boost is 2x.

The next update shouldn't take as long, and as always, please report any issues on the GitHub page.

Version 1.4.4

The First in a line of refinement updates.

  • The Handlamp now uses it's own script so it shouldn't be affected by mods that change the flashlight but will still be affected by mods that change world lighting.
  • The Handlamp no longer shows the flashlight's headlight when pocketed.
  • The Handlamp is the first and only item to receive sounds. More items will have sounds added gradually.
  • Fixed the radioactive cells model clipping from some angles and changed it's holding position.
  • Fix for the harmless toolbox use error.
  • Fix for the radioactive cell keeping it's previous name when scanned.
  • Lowered the amount of clicks for the toolbox slightly and removed the click cooldown so clicking too quickly won't only count some clicks.
  • Drastically improved the icons for everything.
  • Candy jar disabled for now while I decide what to do with it.

That's all for now. If any issues arise from the Handlamp's new script (as I only tested it in singleplayer) report the issue and I'll fix it asap.

Also, I'm looking to change the name of the mod without having to post this as a new mod so if anyone knows how, I could really use the advice. I was considering just changing the name in the files but I don't want to break user's games by accident.
Version 1.4.5

Quick update

  • Tweaked explosive tank holding position
  • Removed glitchlist the wishlist (wishlist)
Version 1.4.6

Refinement strikes twice. update.

  • Added sounds to the Explosive Tank, Radioactive Cell, Toolbox, Medkit, Bandages, and Sizable Scissors.
  • Added the Lollipop scrap item.
  • Added the Padlock scrap item.
  • Readded the crowbar (Just a normal piece of scrap for now).

Leave feedback, changes, or additions on my Github. Really wish there was a comments section somewhere but whatever.

Version 1.4.7

Small changes.

  • Explosive tank can be reactivated by dropping it a couple times after it's been deactivated.
  • Explosive tank effect and sounds are now indicators of whether it is active or not (no more sound effect in the ship).
  • Shuffled the candy effects around and added a couple new ones.
  • Lowered candies spawn rates to account for there being more of them.

Planned Additions - More sounds, two completely new items, mod options, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

Updates will continue to be slow, sorry. Leave feedback, changes, or additions on my Github. Really wish there was a comments section somewhere but whatever.

Version 1.4.8

Updated to v55

  • Fixed the weight issues introduced in v55 that some of the items had. No more 120 lb lollipops.
  • Fixed Explosive tank being completely broken in v55.
  • Tried adding an image to the mod page. hopefully it works.

Planned Additions - More sounds, two completely new items, mod options, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

Updates will continue to be slow, sorry. Leave feedback, changes, or additions on my Github. Really wish there was a comments section somewhere but whatever.

Version 1.4.9

Updated to v55. again?

  • Fixed the weight issues introduced in v55 that some of the items had. No more 120 lb lollipops.
  • Fixed Explosive tank being completely broken in v55.
  • Tried adding an image to the mod page. hopefully it works.
  • Definitely didn't mess up something on the modpage in version 1.4.8 and updated again in two minutes to fix it.

Planned Additions - More sounds, two completely new items, mod options, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

Updates will continue to be slow, sorry. Leave feedback, changes, or additions on my Github. Really wish there was a comments section somewhere but whatever.

Version 1.5.0

So many changes so little time. update.

  • Changed some names and fixed inconsistent names.
  • Added tags for all items to prevent item conflicts.
  • Increased Radioactive Cell's price very slightly and dimmed its light a bit.
  • Radioactive Cell's damage now works differently and its damage is based on how long you've held it.
  • Fixed crash and syncing issue with the padlock.
  • Removed healing sounds because they were very annoying to listen to.
  • Scissors are more consistently dangerous.
  • Reverted Tool Box to hold to use instead of spam clicking.
  • Tried to fix Tool Box rewards being desynced.
  • Tool Box can now dismantle active turrets after a lengthy dismantle time (5 seconds for landmines, 15 for turrets).
  • Reduced the candies spawn rates further.
  • Increased the candies values.
  • Tweaked the Explosive Tank's functions.
  • Model and sprite tweaks.
  • Added control tooltips.
  • Added configs for whether an item is loaded and if it is scrap or a store item (Pretty messy, took hours, but works).
  • Added sound for deconstructing with the toolbox. I wanted UI but my mind refuses to sit through any more hours of confusion.
  • And as always random minor things I've forgotten about.

Planned Additions - More sounds, three completely new items, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page! Should be able to squeeze out one more update with some new content before I'll be very busy.

Version 1.5.1

New stuff, more fixes.

  • Added the rose scrap Item.
  • Added ticket of exchange and golden ticket of exchange scrap items.
  • Fixed some tool box and medical kit issues.
  • Fixed tangled configs issue.
  • Redid my latest icon changes because they looked terrible.
  • Code consolidation.
  • Reduced tool box turret dismantle time to 12, increased mine dismantle time to 6.
  • Added various sounds to items.
  • Rearranged the candy effects.

Planned Additions - More sounds, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.2

The "how many updates?" update.

  • Dimmed the hand lamp's bulb glow even further.
  • Some more toolbox fixes.
  • Gave exchange tickets the icons I forgot to add last update.
  • Fixed explosive tank drop counter getting stuck and slightly lowered the time before exploding.
  • Edits to the mod description.

Planned Additions - More sounds, think of more interesting candy effects, defib and crowbar functions finally.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.3

The final update of my week long update spree.

  • Various model tweaks.
  • Stopped the rose from hurting you twice when picked up initially.
  • Removed leftover logging from testing.
  • Dimmed the hand lamp EVEN FURTHER.
  • Fixed the padlock floating when first spawned.
  • Fixed instances where the explosive tank being created inside the ship room causes issues.
  • I don't know if this actually needs csync so I removed the dependency for now.
  • Crowbar is now a melee weapon that weighs a bit less than the usual shovel. opening doors with it will come later.
  • Tweaked spawnrates a bit.
  • Buffed healing a little.
  • Added a bunch of missing sounds
  • Simplified some code.

Planned Additions - defib and crowbar functions eventually.

I can never playtest enough so if you encounter ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.4

Was supposed to be the last update for this week but...oops.

  • Was testing some new teleporter item code using chocolate and I forgot to put chocolate back to how it's suppose to be last update. OOPS.
  • Explosive tank and rad cell value increased.
  • Rad cell damage nerfed.
  • Added tips to the mod page for surviving only the most dangerous scrap items.
  • Candies that gave minor speed now also refill your stamina.

Planned Additions/Changes - defib and crowbar functions eventually.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.5

The "It's technically next week" update.

  • Handlamp bulb now properly changes whether it's on or off.
  • Explosive tank sound was playing when it wasn't yet enabled. don't know how this started but I fixed it.
  • Nerfed the radioactive cell's damage intervals even further to try and give more time when eyeless dogs force you to hold it and when the map is a longer one.
  • Following the previous change, I've increased the explosive tanks timer a bit to give more time.
  • Rewrote a chunk of old code to fix instances where the radioactive cell continued to hurt its holder from the grave when they are killed while holding it.

Planned Additions/Changes - defib and crowbar functions eventually.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.6

The ..stable? update.

  • Completely rewrote how the handlamp code functions.
  • Consolidated some code, fixed some bugs.
  • Disabled candies in configs by default for now because they aren't too useful and bloat the spawning pool with lower value scrap items. If I don't find a use for them I may scrap them.
  • Added the candy dispenser.
  • Made the crowbar able to open doors by hitting them.
  • Messed with the medical kit, hopefully it works correctly now. probably not.

Planned Additions/Changes - defib.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.7

The ..stable? update. again.

  • Completely rewrote how the handlamp code functions.
  • Consolidated some code, fixed some bugs.
  • Disabled candies in configs by default for now because they aren't too useful and bloat the spawning pool with lower value scrap items. If I don't find a use for them I may scrap them.
  • Added the candy dispenser.
  • Made the crowbar able to open doors by hitting them.
  • Messed with the medical kit, hopefully it works correctly now. probably not.
  • Forgot to import..

Planned Additions/Changes - defib.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.8

An update of all time.

  • Tweaked radioactive cell damage to put you on critical health before killing you instead of killing you instantly at 25 health sometimes.
  • Crowbar takes two-three hits to unlock a locked door instead of 1 and will knock it open.
  • Crowbar can knock open unlocked closed doors by hitting them once.
  • Reduced time to heal with the medical kit.
  • The medical kit now replenishes its healthpool overtime instead of being restocked at the ship, it'll take a bit to get it balanced right but it's a start.
  • Possibly fixed spawning issues with all items including the tickets, dispenser, and toolbox. Or made it worse, we shall see.
  • Tweaked spawn rates a bit.
  • Model tweaks.

Planned Additions/Changes - defib For real this time.

I've been working on a few more interesting items but with my new job and needing to learn new code stuff for them it's taking a bit longer, and I just wanted to get this update out. If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.5.9

V60 compatibilty confirmation update.

  • Increased crowbar's spawnrate to account for other item spawn increases.
  • Made any tools or scrap tools grabbable in orbit.
  • Lowered candy spawn rates.
  • Lowered the golden ticket conversions to 5 instead of 10 and increased it's spawn rate to 5.
  • Tried to fix spawned scrap values only showing for the host, like the candy from the dispenser.
  • Updated some internal stuff to the latest versions.

Planned Additions/Changes - defib For real THIS time.

Next update will be 2-3 new items. If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.6.0

The laying foundations update 1/2

  • Tried to sync the padlock's door locking mechanic between players so you can lock your friends in rooms. You asked for it.
  • Added the Defibrillator (disabled by default for testing. If you'd like to try it, enable it in the configs, but expect bugs).
  • Added the Lifeline (disabled by default for testing. If you'd like to try it, enable it in the configs, but expect bugs).
  • Added the Pocket Watch (Was supposed to have a function but I gave it's function to the Lifeline Device after I had already made its model. If you have any ideas what it should do I'd love to hear them).
  • Added the adrenaline shot
  • Removed candies.
  • Restored some textures that mysteriously disappeared.
  • Reduced the handlamp's battery capacity slightly so I could boost it's light reach slightly
  • Made dropping the explosive tank deduct less time so new users have more time to think about picking it back up and so dropping it the first couple times isn't as punishing.
  • The explosive tank's dropping mechanics are now completely disabled when dropped within the ship. Hitting it still blows it up.
  • Messed with the spawn values again, one day maybe they'll feel correct.
  • Worked on the spawn method for everything again.
  • Increased the chance to spawn candy with the candy dispenser slightly.
  • Tweaked the toolbox's trap detection to be more stable and accurate because it turns out landmines just have a weird collider or something. It also works more consistently while crounching now.
  • Increased the value of scrap produced by the toolbox and slightly reduced it's cost because everytime I buy a toolbox it feels like traps mysteriously cease to exist.
  • Changed some item's weights.
  • Stuff I forgot about.

Planned Additions/Changes - Use medkit on teamates to heal them functionality, I actually hate doing ui but the toolbox will get ui someday, ...

The next update will have bug fixes for issues I recieve, some configs (I hate coding configs), effects/animations/sounds I didn't do due to lack of time, and probably balancing changes after I playtest the additions. I'm going to bed... Report ANY and ALL issues if possible, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.6.1

Small follow-up update

  • Undid some changes I made that just broke more stuff.
  • Various fixes
  • Fixed defib and lifeline not having battery initially.
  • Made defib and lifeline disabled by default like I intended.
  • Increased the toolbox price.
  • Fixed plenty of incorrect code.
  • I'm redoing most icons so those will be coming soon but I've added temporary icons to the new items.
  • Tweaked some of the models.

Planned Additions/Changes - I'm messing with the defib model and will add It's icon when I finish it (the white square on the hotbar is a missing item texture not a bug), some sounds are still missing, some effects are still missing, rename lifeline, more bugs.

Pretty tired so the next update will take a few days unless a bug is critical, see y'all then. If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.6.2 & 1.6.3


  • Fixed an OLD major bug that caused the medical kit and bandages to stop working after a day or reset.

  • Fixed ticket uses not registering.

  • Gave candy dispenser it's damage back, that change wasn't intentional.

  • When items are destroyed (Tank exploding, Ticket used, etc.) their radar icons are now destroyed with them.

  • Many new/redone item icons.

  • Added configs for spawn rate and store cost. I will not be adding anymore configs anytime soon, this was tedious.

  • Renamed some items. Lifeline -> Displacement Controller, Adrenaline Injector -> Emergency Injector, Broken Pocket Watch -> Pocket Watch.

  • Displacement Controller heavily polished code wise and balanced so for now I will enable it by default.

  • Added missing sounds.

  • Tweaked models some more.

  • Fixed pocket watch scan node not being where it's supposed to be.

  • 1.6.3 -> Forgot to update the README with updated information :)

Plans for next update - A couple new deadly/dangerous scrap items, Polished defibrillator.

Thanks for 100,000 downloads I really appreciate it! If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.6.4

Bugfixes, consolidation.

  • Fixed Handlamp staying on when running out of battery.
  • Reduced light intensity of the controller's screen so it might not be so bright on modded moons.
  • Removed unused assets and references.
  • Reduced the glitch time of the controller a bit, extended the first connectivity stage range a bit.
  • Changed the teleport method of the controller so it hopefully works for clients now.

Planned Additions/Changes - I'm messing with the defib model and will add It's icon when I finish it (the white square on the hotbar is a missing item texture not a bug), some sounds are still missing, some effects are still missing, rename lifeline, more bugs.

This'll be all for this weekend! See y'all next weekend! If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page!

Version 1.6.5

Small Update.

  • Shrunk the handlamp model by around 1/3.
  • Tried to make the candy spawned by the dispenser update the prices on the clients so everyone can see the price. If it works I will do this to all the other items that spawn other items.
  • Smoothed out displacement controller code and added more checks. It should be close if not complete code wise unless some random bugs crop up.
  • Medical kit and bandages now update the hurt overlay and ui as you are healed. You also won't be stuck limping when healing over 20 with either of them as that is also updated.
  • Tried to make defib work v2.

Planned Additions/Changes - Defib is still being messed with, more bugs, already brainstorming/creating some new dangerous scrap items.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page! I am also on the modding discord.

Version 1.6.6

The mass fix update 1/2


It's been a little bit but I've not stopped working on the mod in my free time. This is the first of two updates that contains all of the fixes that have been reported or have been found by me playtesting the mod. Because of the shear amount of playtesting and bug fixing I had to do, I decided to postpone the new items until the next update and most of the extra visual effects and sounds will also be added then.

  • Medical kit replenish rate slowed so that 2 or 3 of them will increase the amount of available health more drastically instead of one giving basically infinite health to the entire crew.
  • Medical kit Healthpool is now set to max at the start of each planet.
  • Fixed a couple instances where the handlamp would use battery when it shouldn't.
  • Defibrillator now has sounds and works correctly.
  • Tickets now work as intended.
  • The rose will now apply a small slowness debuff each time it damages you.
  • Brought back a few of my candies as special drops from the candy dispenser. The rest were lost to the void. The candies all do the same thing, they restore 10 health and give a very minor speed boost.
  • Padlocks locking doors is now synced between players.
  • Candy dispenser no longer spawns candy if the ship is in space, is currently in motion, or the current moon doesn't have a time cycle.
  • The injector no longer heals, increases your sprint meter capacity, gives more speed, gives a jump buff, and changes your sprint meter color while active.
  • The injector also drains your sprint meter and gives you a short slow debuff when the speed expires. Your sprint meter will also change to a seperate color while the slow is active.
  • When used by clients the crowbar will now properly open the doors when unlocking locked doors.
  • Model changes, new color variations for some objects, and improved effects for some objects.
  • Fixed scissors not correctly being registered as a scrap item.
  • Renamed displacement controller to shift controller to avoid terminal issues.
  • Halved the glitch chance of the shift controller in the average connection range.
  • Added a cushion to when the glitchs start randomly rolling in the average connection range so it can't roll to glitch as soon as you leave the great connection range.
  • Spent like 5 hours trying to make a simple screen effect and have nothing to show for it. Maybe another time.
  • Switched out most of the objects networking to my own networking and tested it so I ended up redoing most of them several times to get them working correctly and synced. This is what delayed this update so long.
  • The most noticable fixes are above but I fixed an insane amount of bugs that I did not bother recording here.

Planned Additions/Changes - Finish new items, rework the toolbox's function, looking at making a monster at some point but no promises.

May be a couple fix updates after if needed but otherwise I'll be taking a short break. If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page! The mod is also on the modding discord under the name "Usual Scrap" with a space.

Version 1.6.7

Quick follow up fixes

  • Fixed defibrillator working without being fully charged.
  • Possibly fixed duplicate dead bodies when using the defibrillator.
  • In addition to being cut in half any death that removes your head is also impossible to revive.
  • Ticket use on corpses is now disabled.
  • Fixed some typos.
Version 1.6.8

Quick follow up fixes #2

  • Fixed crowbar doing it's functions multiple times when used in multiplayer resulting in it one-shotting stuff sometimes and open/closing doors rapidly.
  • Updated content image.
Version 1.6.9


I don't like going weeks without updating if I can help it so if an item taking long to make (frigid capsule in this case) i'm just going to update with what I have and the item will sit until it's done.

  • Removed leftover logging.
  • Fixed injector draining stamina instead of restoring stamina initially.
  • removed injector changing ui colors because of problems, will figure something else out.
  • Shift controller no longer glitches from just being dropped inside the ship.
  • Fixed harmless ticket error.
  • Increased the great connection range of the shift controller by around 30%.
  • Pocketwatch disabled.
  • Hopefully fixed defibrillator bodies being duplicated or remaining upon revival for good.
  • Made some light attempts at fixing a inconsistent invisible model issue upon revival (I tried some light fixes because I don't want to break other stuff doing random changes).
  • Added check so slowing effects won't go negative and reverse your controls.
  • Added Gloomy Capsule.
  • Added Frigid Capsule (Still a bit unstable).
  • Items that spawned on hard moons only now also spawn on any modded moons. Looking into spawning items based on the interior instead of the moon if possible.

Upcoming - Toolbox rebuild,golden ticket changes, some new configs, a few more items eventually.

If there are ANY issues, the link to my github is at the top of the page! The mod is also on the "Lethal Company Modding" discord under the name "Usual Scrap" with a space.