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explodingMods-HullBreaker_Company_Ambigous_Fork-2.1.0 icon

HullBreaker Company Ambigous Fork

Making it more challenging to work for the company - a more ambiguous fork

Date uploaded 3 months ago
Version 2.1.0
Download link
Downloads 1042
Dependency string explodingMods-HullBreaker_Company_Ambigous_Fork-2.1.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
ButteryStancakes-FloodedLevelsFixed-1.1.0 icon

Fixes a bug that breaks Flooded weather after the first day of a new session.

Preferred version: 1.1.0



All Credits go to Venterok! This is the original mod HullBreaker Company and HullBreaker Company on GitHub. Check it out!

Please do not report issues with this fork to Venterok. Report them to me on GitHub!

I forked this mod for personal use / tweaking to personal preference. Initially I just changed some strings and made a few small modificiations to the mod's logic. Since then more significant changes have been made.

Major changes

Ambiguous event messages

All event long and short messages in game chat are more ambiguous i.e. less obvious. Basically I tried to fit the whole "Notes about this moon"-thing without giving away the exact event. For example all events that increase monster spawn rates can print the same message in game chat: telling you something about a dominant species. So even if you know all the events by heart you don't necessarily know whether it's spiders, lizards, slimes or bees you have to expect.

Basically the event messages in chat will mostly be more mysterious. This was intended to reduce spoiling specific monster types and such for newcomers.

Reworked event execution

Rewritten event execution logic allows to dynamically replace events that fail to execute by another random event. Events fail to execute on certain moons where mobs or scrap can't naturally spawn.

Integrated mod events

Depending on whether you have other mods installed certain events are enabled automatically. No user interaction or configuration required. Introducing events for Shy guy, Herobrine, FacilityMeltdown and more. Check the changelog.

More impactful enemy events

You will definitely notice enemy events more. No longer do events just bump up the rarity of let's say bunker spiders. They also increase their max count and decrease their power level accordingly.

More events

Events, events, events. Can one have enough events?

  • More scrap events like 'Jar of pickles'-event. Some make your working shift harder, some make it easier.
  • HordeModeEvent increases spawn rate of inside enemies.
  • Time dilation events. Make your day shorter or longer.


Fully compatible with LethalQuantities and AdvancedCompany overrides. Using these mods you can allow events that would usually fail on certain moons by setting their rarity. For example with vanilla moon configuration you can't get Jester event on Experimentation because Jesters don't spawn there. Set Jester rarity to 1 or any larger number to allow the Jester event to occur.

Config file

Reorganized and restructured - allowing for more customization. Hopefully you'll find some settings more intuitive. Mainly putting this here so you remember to check your config :)

Other changes


Custom Events

  • added support for modded enemies
    • make sure you use the enemy names exactly as they're printed in logs (case sensitive)
    • only works for mods that don't use custom spawn logic


  • The amount of credits rewarded for each kill is now random. Similar to an above average scrap item
    • Min/Max is configurable
  • The amount rewarded will show in game chat
  • New config: Limit the amount of rewards. The final reward will pay 150% of Max


  • The amount of bonus credits you receive is now random
    • Min/Max is configurable
  • The amount will show in game chat


  • When the mod randomly selects NothingEvent (no event) the event message is omitted from chat. With event counts this makes it so events seem more random especially when combined with the option that increments the number of events every day. With high EventCount it simply prevents flooding the chat with empty lines from NothingEvent to a point where things become unreadable. This depends on your configuration (event count and event weights) of course
  • When all events on a given day are NothingEvent the entire NOTES ABOUT MOON section is omitted from game chat


  • Now explodes mines periodically. Respects custom day lengths

Readded events

  • TurretsEvent, OneForAllEvent, MaskedEvent



  • only change enemy count and spawn rate
  • no more changes to scrap amount and value or quota

Check changelog for more


v2.1.0 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.3.11)

  • v50 compatibility
  • (NEW) ButlerEvent
  • (NEW) TimeAnomalyEvent: Time passes quicker (150-200% of default rate)
  • (NEW) TimeDilationEvent: Makes time pass slower (50-75% of default rate)
  • changed the way rarities are applied. Enemy and scrap rarities will now scale proportionally to the total rarities of the current level
    • This applies to custom events!
    • e.g. event A adds HoarderBug at 100 rarity. This will add HoarderBug at a rarity equal to the sum of all other monsters rarities resulting in every other enemy being a HoarderBug (on average)
    • Scrap events will automatically compensate for scrap that can't be spawned (missing from level's loot table)
      • The rarity of scrap that can spawn will increase proportionally to match the same overall event:normal scrap ratio
      • For example Event A spawns gold bar and cash register as 50% of total rarity each. If gold bar can't spawn, cash register will be added as 100% of total rarity.
  • refactored event execution code
    • NothingEvent is no longer removed from pool of events after being rolled
  • improved logging
  • changed order of event weights in config so custom events show at the very bottom
  • improved event descriptions in config section '3 - Event weights'
  • fixed bunker spider event failing even if SandSpider is spawnable on the moon

v2.0.2 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.3.11)

  • added support for modded enemies to custom events
    • make sure you use the enemy names exactly as they're printed in logs (case sensitive)
    • only works for mods that don't use custom spawn logic
  • changed DaysPassed to actually store the number of days that have passed in the current quota
    • avoids potentially confusing logs when IncreaseEventCountPerDay = true
    • doesn't affect anything other than logs

v2.0.0 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.3.11)


  • reworked the event execution logic
    • when an event can't be executed on the given moon another event will be randomly selected and executed
    • events can't execute when a moon doesn't naturally allow the enemy or scrap to spawn
      • e.g you can't get Jester event on (unaltered) Experimentation but you can get Girl and Nutcracker event
  • reworked the chat messaging logic to be more flexible
  • added a variety of event messages (long and short)
    • each event now has multiple possible 'Notes'. One of which is randomly selected on each execution. Some more, some less ambiguous.
  • fancy enemy and loot logging (Host only)
    • this can be especially helpful when you're balancing custom moons or changing things with LQ or AC


  • fully compatible with LethalQuantities and AdvancedCompany
    • if you set custom enemy or scrap rarities for a moon using these mods it will allow relevant events
      • i.e. when you set Jester rarity to 1 on Experimentation you can get the Jester event where otherwise you could not
  • Implicit compatibility with ImmersiveScrap, wesley's moons and other mods that add scrap
    • If you have those mods their scrap will be utilized for some events

Integrated mod events

Reworked event execution also allows for dynamic modded enemy events and other integrated events:

  • (NEW) MeltdownEvent (only available with FacilityMeltdown installed)
  • (NEW) BoombaEvent (only available with LethalThings installed)
  • (NEW) HerobrineEvent (only available with Herobrine installed)
  • (NEW) ShyGuyEvent (only available with Scopophobia installed)
    • IMPORTANT You currently must use this mod (ShyGuyPatcherPatcher) to prevent Scopophobia from overwriting the spawn logic. The event will be disabled when you don't have this installed.

It's easy to add more modded enemy events unless they use custom spawning logic like Scopophobia. Feel free to request more.

More events

I probably forgot some..

  • (NEW) HordeModeEvent: spawns more inside enemies, earlier.
  • (NEW) ArmdayEvent: spawns a lot of heavy loot
  • (NEW) ChristmasEveEvent: spawns a lot of gifts
  • (NEW) ClownshowEvent: spawns a lot of scrap that can be used to make noise
  • (NEW) DayDrinkingEvent: spawns a lot bottles, alcohol flask, canteen and similar items
  • (NEW) LuckyDayEvent: increases chance for high value loot (cash register, gold bar, ..)
  • (NEW) SelfDefenseEvent: spawns a lot of scrap wepons (stop, yield, toy hammer, )

Enemy events

  • made enemy events more impactful by not only increasing rarity but also (where applicable) increasing the enemy's max count, decreasing its power level and increasing the level's overall max power to compensate
    • e.g. during a bunker spider event you might encounter up to 4 spiders on the map


  • made the range of credits rewarded for BountyEvent configurable
    • added a configurable limit to the amount of rewards until the bounty is considered complete
  • made the range of credits rewarded by HullBreakEvent configurable
  • new level settings selection: vanilla, hullbreaker or custom
    • level settings no longer change scrap amount and value or quota settings
  • changed behvior of having IncreaseEventCountPerDay enabled to increase number of events on top of the amount set in EventCount

Other event changes

  • readded and fixed OneForAllEvent (auto vote ship leave after 1st death)
  • readded MaskedEvent
  • reworked OnAPowderKegEvent
    • After a random delay mines will explode one by one (with random delays inbetween) instead of all expldoding at the same time
    • this will properly scale with custom day lengths set by other mods
  • fixed BeeEvent
  • fixed a bug with EnemyBountyEvent where killing an enemy resulted in multiple rewards (for good now)
    • Despawned enemies will no longer trigger a reward
    • Bounty rewards now print more diverse and better chat messages
  • fixed a bug with BabkinPogreb event where pickles would keep spawning the next rounds until the ship was routed and landed on a different moon

Other changes

  • fixed IncreaseEventCountPerDay (config where nr. of events increases each day) being incorrect when loading a save or getting fired resulting in more or less events than expected on a given day

v1.1.1 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.3.11)

  • fixed a bug with EnemyBountyEvent in MP lobbies where killing an enemy resulted in multiple rewards
    • fixed a typo in the EnemeyBountyEvent reward chat message

v1.1.0 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.3.11)

  • Re-enabled the turrent event that is currently disabled in original HullBreaker
    • spawning and despawning of turrets
    • works fine according to my testing
      • turrets can spawn in weird positions but that's the vanilla game - spawning more just makes it more obvious
  • OnAPowderKeg will spawn some additional mines (66% of LandmineScale in config) - so it can explode more mines :D
    • changed the random explosion interval to 10-300s
  • HullBreakerLevelSettings config option will only affect enemies from now on
    • no changes to scrap value or amount
    • no changes to quota
  • removed error message in console when no custom event folder is found
  • fixed an error in ArachnophobiaEvent (checked spawnability of wrong enemy type)
  • merged changes from upstream repo

v1.0.1 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.4.0-alpha)

v1.0.0 (based on HullBreaker_Company_v1.4.0-alpha)

  • initial fork release
  • fork changes (check README for more information)
    • short and long event messages reveal less information about the event (more ambigous)
    • BountyEvent: random reward; print reward to chat
    • HullBreakEvent: random amount of credits; print amount to chat
    • NothingEvent: omit message from game chat; if all events are NothingEvent omit everything from game chat including 'NOTES ABOUT MOON'