explodingMods-LethalMoonUnlocks icon


Unlock moons permanently or progressively reduce their costs. Add new moon progression mechanics in Discovery Mode. Moon sales and more.




  • Terminal Scrolling: Added an option to smooth terminal scrolling and avoid skipping moons when you have a lot visible at once.
    • Disabled by default. Toggling requires game restart.
    • Can be configured in Advanced config section.
    • This is the same patch used by StoreConfigRotation and TerminalFormatter. Don't use more than one or the effect will multiply!
    • Currently has no effect when AdvancedCompany is installed.
    • Thanks @pacoito123 for the transpiler patch!
    • Thanks BULLETBOT for making me aware of the skipping moons issue!
  • Quota Discovery: New Match cheapest constellation option
    • Use this config setting to change the behaviour of Match cheapest group to discover the next cheapest undiscovered constellation instead of the one that has the cheapest undiscovered moon.


  • Quota Discovery: Chat message will now print the group name similar to other chat messages.


  • Fixed an issue where disabling Discovery Mode and loading an existing savegame that previously had it enabled would not show all moons.



  • An issue where certain moon names could break the moons catalogue.



  • WeatherTweaks: Added a compatibility workaround to ensure WT's custom weather types are displayed on terminal until a better solution is found.


  • Alert messages: removed redundant alert messages when an entire LethalConstellation or custom group was discovered on Quota Discovery with Match cheapest group enabled.


  • An issue with Reset permanent discoveries on .. expiry config settings resetting the discovery status more often than they should.
  • An issue where the new day discoveries are permanent discoveries config setting was not respected.



  • Group tags (custom groups and LethalConstellation) will now show on terminal regardless of whether they are used for any discovery mechanic group matching..
    • .. as long as the respective group matching method is selected and the tag itself is enabled.


  • Fixed/changed a few chat messages being sent even if chat messages were disabled.



  • An issue where group tags wouldn't display when using custom groups and Quota Discoveries match cheapest group was the only group matching option enabled.
  • An issue where Quota Discovery match cheapest group wouldn't correctly match moons under certain conditions.



  • Terminal Formatting: Customizable font size config for the moons catalogue.


  • LethalConstellations: Ensured the default constellation is set correctly for better integration.
  • Terminal Formatting: Attempting to prevent some inconsistent ugly line breaks in the moons catalogue.
    • LLL changes the font size depending on the numbers of moons visible.
    • LMU now overrides that behaviour and enforces a constant font size.
    • The max line width config was changed accordingly to allow for longer lines when using smaller font sizes
  • Group tags: All Custom groups and LethalConstellations tags are now displayed in uppercase for visual consistency with the LethalConstellations page and other LMU terminal tags.


  • Minor bugs, inconsistencies and config descriptions.



  • LethalConstellations:
    • Removed LethalConstellations patch.
    • Subscribed to the new RouteConstellationSuccess event (thanks @darmuh!)


  • Resolved warnings and errors that occurred when LethalConstellations was not installed.
    • This was due to an interaction between Linq compiler magic and referenced types that are not present, along with runtime reflection.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to route to an unaffordable constellation was incorrectly interpreted as purchasing the constellation's default moon.
  • Corrected an error when LethalConstellations was selected as the group matching method but was not installed.



  • Addressed an issue where the assembly was missing from the v2.1.1 release package.



  • Hotfix for the moon catalogue breaking when LethalConstellations was not present.



  • LethalConstellations compatibility:
    • Introduced a new group matching method for LethalConstellations.
    • In Discovery Mode, constellations are discovered when at least one moon is discovered.
    • The number of discovered moons is displayed in the LethalConstellations Terminal screen ([optionals] in your LethalConstellations config)
    • Terminal tag (shares 'Group tag' config)
    • Show alerts when discovering new constellations.
    • Config option to override constellation prices with the cheapest discovered moon, applying unlocks and discounts to constellations.
  • Quota Discovery: New option to match the currently cheapest not fully discovered group (custom group or LethalConstellation).
  • Fallback options: Added fallback options for group matching in all additional discovery mechanics.


  • Cheap Moon Bias:
    • Now applies to Quota Unlocks, Quota Discounts, and Quota Full Discounts.
    • Separate toggle and bias values for each applicable mechanic.
    • Added an option to ignore price changes.
  • updated in-game messages


  • Corrected some incorrect logs and other minor issues.



  • Alert Messages Networking: Improved alert message handling across the network.


  • Discovery Mode Safety Check: Now considers moons on the whitelist.
    • Added several fallbacks for better reliability.
  • Whitelist Verbosity: Enhanced error messages for incorrect entries in the whitelist.


  • Resolved issues with alert messages not displaying on clients.
  • Fixed a bug where a moon was incorrectly added to the rotation when both free and dynamic free base counts were set to 0 but a whitelist was used.



  • Corrected the display of terminal tags, which were shown with default settings.


Note: This is a major update. Please refer to the README and configuration for detailed information on new features and options. It is recommended to delete your existing config for optimal performance.


  • New Unlock Mode Mechanics:
    • Unlocks can expire.
    • Introduced Quota Unlocks.
  • New Discount Mode Mechanics:
    • Discounts can expire.
    • Added Quota Discounts and Quota Full Discounts.
  • Discovery Mode:
    • Base selections and shuffling mechanics.
    • Introduced Quota Discoveries, Travel Discoveries, and New Day Discoveries.
    • Added Cheap Moon Bias
    • Added Moon Group Matching (including custom groups).
    • Automated ship rerouting on deadlines and after shuffles.
    • Extensive configuration options for all features.
  • Terminal Tags and Formatting:
    • Improved compatibility with LethalQuantities (LQ risk level preference).
  • Alert Messages:
    • Implemented a queue system for alerts, with compatibility for other alert sources.
  • Malfunctions Compatibility: Navigation malfunction can be handled as buying a moon.


  • Code Rewrite: A significant portion of the old code was rewritten to improve functionality while maintaining existing features.

The behavior of LethalMoonUnlocks in default configuration remains unchanged.


  • Resolved a bug where purchasing equipment after routing to a free moon was incorrectly counted as buying the moon.
  • Fixed several smaller bugs from v1.0.1.



  • Code Optimization: Refactored and optimized code related to original prices.
    • Always retrieve original prices from LLL and restore them on disconnect.
  • Updated chat message on new quota unlock.
  • Updated various logs.
    • Consolidated excessive logs from development.
  • Minor performance and stability improvements.


  • Corrected issues with discounted prices not reflecting changes to moon prices (e.g., via LLL config) when loading existing saves.
  • Fixed incorrect log data during saving.


  • Initial Release