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goblinfiend-PlushiesPlus-2.3.0 icon


Adds 12 dynamic scrap into the game

Date uploaded 9 months ago
Version 2.3.0
Download link
Downloads 59613
Dependency string goblinfiend-PlushiesPlus-2.3.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

jockie-LethalExpansionCore-1.3.15 icon

De-bloated LethalExpansion fork with only the LethalSDK module support

Preferred version: 1.3.15
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


GoblinFiend's PlushiesPlus

Adds 12 new scrap into the game.

Adorable. Squishy. Uncommon.

Plushies! These animals prefer specific maps depending on their natural predispositions. Each plushie comes with a rare variant.







-Rare variants for each plush

SPOILER Variants of plushies:

-Black Bear

-Black Sheep

-Molten Pig

-Golden Penguin


-Robotic Rabbit

If you'd like to leave a comment, report a bug, or propose an idea you can drop a comment on the LethalCompany Discord

Known issues: SFX not yet set. Holding animation not proper.

v2.3.0 is in progress, but functionally everything works.


v2.3.0 Overhauled the spawnrates on all plushies again. Some were just too rare and there were plenty of plushies I have never even found in game. All plushies spawn rates are up now, especially on their respective maps. This also helps with when a modpack has a ton of extra modded scrap because it would make the plushies very rare, and they are supposed to be uncommon.

v2.2.0 Rare pig secrets, can you find it? Fixed all plushies clipping through ground. Tweaked some spawn rates.

v2.1.0 Changed emmisive map on the rare variant of the pig plush hopefully it looks a lot prettier. Increased a few plushies spawn rates (mostly for rare variants).

v2.0.0 Changed a few textures for rare plushies. Overhauled spawn rates on all plushies. Tweaked with the value of many plushies.

v1.2.0 Properly added textures. Added rare variant to the monkey plush. Tweaked spawn rates on all plushies.

v1.1.0 Fixed major bug causing some plushies to be uninteractible. Tweaked spawn rates.

v1.0.0 Initial release