goodCompany-LethalExpansions_Modpack icon

LethalExpansions Modpack

This simple Lethal Company modpack offers many client-side Quality-of-Life changes. This modpack is compatible with v49


v0.1.4 Chatter Update

Added NiceChat by taffyko
Lowered the BetterClock HUD to make the compass more visible (currently a temporary workaround)

Known Issues

CompatibilityChecker is deprecated, but still compatible with v49. I will currently keep this mod until a stable alternative is found.
If you encounter any issues, please report them here!

+ taffyko-NiceChat-1.2.4

v0.1.3 Little Expansion

Updated AlwaysHearActiveWalkies 1.4.3 -> 1.4.4
Updated BetterItemScan 1.2.7 -> 3.0.0
Updated IwotasticsCompassMod 1.1.1 -> 1.2.0

^ PopleZoo-BetterItemScan-3.0.0
^ Suskitech-AlwaysHearActiveWalkies-1.4.4
^ iwotastic-IwotasticsCompassMod-1.2.0

v0.1.2 Little Expansion

Updated LethalSettings 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0

^ willis81808-LethalSettings-1.3.0


Changes to

v0.1.0 1/1/Y2K24 Update! 🥳

Added IwotasticsCompassMod by iwotastic
Updated LethalSettings 1.1.0 -> 1.2.2

+ iwotastic-IwotasticsCompassMod-1.1.0
^ willis81808-LethalSettings-1.2.2


Added VoiceHUD by 5Bit

+ 5Bit-VoiceHUD-1.0.4


Set LC_FastStartup to no longer skip LaunchMode section allowing you to select Online or LAN


Initial commit