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ironbean-MeteorShowerChance-1.1.1 icon


v64. Allows you to customize the chance of a meteor shower.

Date uploaded a week ago
Version 1.1.1
Download link
Downloads 5742
Dependency string ironbean-MeteorShowerChance-1.1.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



In vanilla, meteor showers have a fixed chance of happening each day at a rate of 0.7% chance.
This mod allows you to customize that chance, and make it either a fixed rate, or make it linear/exponential which increases daily until one occurs, at which point it resets.

You can also set a cap on the rate, so it never exceeds a certain point.

You can disable meteor showers by setting the rate cap to 0%.


Fixed Rate

chance = rate
Setting this to 100% will guarantee a meteor shower every day.

Linear Rate

chance = days_since_last * rate

Exponential Rate

chance = rate ^ (-days_since_last) - 1

Confirmed working on




  • Add links to GitHub repository.
  • Modify README to be a bit clearer.


  • Adds config options.
  • You can set the rate to be flat, linear, or exponential.
  • Adds the option to not reset the counter inbetween reloads (if the lobby needs to re-open, you will retain the meteor counter).


  • Mod now actually works.
  • Counter now resets on starting a session (you can't reopen a lobby to retain the counter)
  • Challenge moons no longer have this increased chance
  • Resetting/wiping now also resets the counter.


Initial release