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klepticat-JetpackWarning-2.1.0 icon


Adds visual and audio indicators for when your jetpack may explode.

Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 2.1.0
Download link
Downloads 27521
Dependency string klepticat-JetpackWarning-2.1.0


Jetpack Warning Mod

A Lethal Company mod that adds visual and audio indicators for when your jetpack may explode.

warning meter example


Place Lethal Company's Assembly-CSharp.dll, as well as UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll, UnityEngine.UI.dll, and Unity.Netcode.Runtime.dll in the dlls/ folder.

These can be found in the Lethal Company/Lethal Company_Data/Managed/ folder.

Making a Thunderstore Package

Thunderstore packages can be generated on Windows using make_release.ps1. This will create a file using the version listed in manifest.json at releases/ containing the latest release build from bin/Release/netstandard2.1/ as well as all required (and optional) Thunderstore files. You may need to edit the script or your build output folder depending on which IDE you use.

Making a Thunderstore package locally can be useful to import the mod to r2modman and make sure the Thunderstore package will work properly.

Alternatively, you can create the .zip manually.



  • Initial release


  • Fixed dropped jetpacks overriding the fill meter


  • Added critical warning sound
  • Added colors to meter
    • The meter turns more red as it fills
  • Added dampening to the meter's value to help make sudden changes look better


  • Updated README


  • Fixed multiplayer issues
    • Should now work properly in multiplayer, rather than just singleplayer
    • If you encounter any issues still, add an issue to the github repo or contact @klepti on discord


  • Fixed README example image to work on thunderstore


  • Updated meter values to provide a clearer danger reading
    • Should make it easier to keep maintain high speeds without exploding
  • Fixed critical warning sound working improperly
    • Before when a player first reached critical, the warning sound would play properly. However, toggling the jetpack while in critical would cause the warning sound to end and not reactivate
    • Now the warning sound will continue to play, even if you toggle the jetpack while in critical