Company Merger
The Company has quietly merged with another company in the effort to bump up profits and extend their reach across space! With the merger comes new planets, new threats, and new benefits for their... valued... employees. Good luck, scavengers!
General Notes
- This is my first major update! I HIGHLY recommend installing this fresh on a new profile, as I have removed and replaced several mods in the pack, and over the course of past updates. I have tried to keep up with informing in changelogs that I've removed something so you can uninstall it, but the easiest way to be sure is to start a new profile and reinstall the pack. If you do NOT want to do that, I will include a list of every mod I have removed during this update at the bottom of this changelog entry. Also I reformatted the changelog. Have fun!
- SelfSortingStorage by Zigzag
- GeneralImprovements by ShaosilGaming
- Storage Complex by Beaniebe
- The Playplace by TheGoose444
- 83 Sorrow by Nikki
- MANTIF + MantifDungeon by Wydrop
- Moons of Otherworldly Oddity by DemonMae
- Voxx Moons by v0xx
- Nightmare Moons by DemonMae
- Atlas Abyss by Zingar
- Starlancer Moons by AudioKnight
- ViewExtension by sfDesat
- Rosies Moons by RosiePies
- Generic Moons by Generic GMD
- Welcome To Ooblterra by Skeleton Studios
- Beanies Moons by Beaniebe
- Harvest Moons by Autumnis
- TooManySuits by Verity
- More Suits by x753
- Orion + Aquatis + Celest by sfDesat
- Sector 0 Interior by RosiePies
- The Giant Specimens by XuXiaolan
- AEIOUCompany by Bibendi
- Omoris Shiny Knife by EvolutioSpelunky
- darmuhs Terminal Stuff by darmuh
- Ship Inventory Updated by LethalCompanyModding
- Value On Hand by belea
Less Obvious Notes
- This modpack now has 100+ moons following this update! All moons have been given custom interior, enemy, and cosmetic weights and configs.
- Typing "moons" now takes you to darmuh's MoonsPlus menu! You can still use "imoons" to access the interactive moons menu if you prefer that one.
- The sell counter can now hold up to 30 scraps!
- Other small quality of life changes are included such as using keys without having to scroll to them, freedom to pick up all items at the start of the session, start-of-session lever pull for everyone, faster sell counter placement, startup and online/lan skipping (NOTE: Game automatically chooses ONLINE but this can be changed in the General Improvements config!), scanner bug fixes + scanning the dropship, and much more!
- Typing "random" spends 50 credits to take you to a randomly chosen moon! This moon can be a credit-costing route, meaning that it'll only cost the initial 50 credits to route there for the week. Avoids Eclipsed, Flooded, and Stormy moons.
- Mausoleum interior "body bag" scraps can now be worth far less OR far more, forcing you to hunt through coffins to find worth-while bodies!
- Remnant item spawnchances have been tweaked, and rare corpses found alongside some Remnant items can be collected!
- Value of the currently held scrap can be seen in the top left of your screen.
- ShipInventory by Warper San due to DEPRECATION (REPLACED by Ship Inventory Updated)
- SnapRotateFurniture by SleeplessKyru due to OVERLAP (REPLACED by General Improvements)
- RouteRandom by StormyTuna due to OVERLAP (REPLACED by darmuhsTerminalStuff)
- ItemClippingFix by ViViKo due to OVERLAP (REPLACED by General Improvements)
Mod Page Hotfix
- Shortened the Form link in the header
General Notes
- This update covers a few bug fixes and attempts to prepare the pack for an upcoming 2.0 update.
- IMPORTANT: The 2.0 update will add in quite a few new moons. Update 1.5.2 will officially be the last update that hosts a purely Wesley’s Moons-based experience, so I expect some bugs I’ll need to work out. Additionally, I will attempt to make this update as tightly self-tested as I can make it so that if you choose to avoid updating to 2.0 to skip out on the new moons, you can freely play and update the mods in this pack, while skipping out the modpack update itself. That will also unfortunately mean that the Wesley-based modpack version will essentially not be being supported in the future. BUT! If enough people reach out and ask for a Wesley-only version of this modpack with consistent updates, I can do my best to provide!
- Another major addition is the mod-pack page’s header link, which is now a bug submission form! Please feel free to submit bug reports and suggestions there!
Bug Fixes
- Stops Natural Selection’s enemy vs enemy AI from targeting certain enemies.
- Prototax, which is an unkillable enemy, was being stun-locked and pummeled by bees on occasion which would cause a continued “rattling” audio that persisted through the ENTIRE map. I’ve blacklisted them from being attacked by enemies, aside from Blind Dogs which haven't seemed to stunlock them.
- Leafyboy, which is also an unkillable enemy, was attracting the attention of bees and causing them to leave their nest and follow the entity around endlessly, creating obnoxiously roaming bees. This was amended.
- Corrected default Loadstone loading screen visual, as it was not displaying AutoMessage messages.
- Raven Manor by DemonMae
- Route Random by stormytuna
- Loadstone by AdiBTW (Dependancy for Castellum_Carnis)
- Removed HealthMetrics to make room for replacement (MUST BE MANUALLY UNINSTALLED)
- Removed Show Capacity due to compat errors (MUST BE MANUALLY UNINSTALLED)
- Removed Enhanced Spectator to make room for replacement (MUST BE MANUALLY UNINSTALLED)
- Lowered chance for Studio in early moons
- A strange transmission has appeared on the television...
- Attempted to fix strange spawnrates for some moons
- Attempted to fix OpenBodyCams
New Additions
- Poltergeist by coderCleric
- Gives dead players something to do!
- BetterSprayPaint by taffyko
- Improves the Spray Paint item
- Symbiosis by NiceHairs
- Makes the Loot Bug be silly with items.
- Coroner by EliteMasterEric
- Displays cause of death
- WeatherTweaks
- Adjusts how weather behaves
- EladsHUD by EladNLG
- Changes the top left UI, replacing previously used UI changes.
- BuyableShotgunShells by MegaPiggy
- Replaces the old shells mod that is now deprecated
- Added interiors to the remainder of Wesley's Moons
Minor Changes
- Changes prices for Shells and Natural Regen (+ regen speed increase)
- Lowered death penalties due to them being hiked up by a mod
- Adjusted Calist interior rates
New Additions
- LethalApertureDunGen by YippeDev
- Adds Aperture Science as a possible interior. For science. You monster.
- Removed the Enemy Shuffler due to problems with difficulty
- Fully disabled Vermin due to spawning issues
- Adjusted Remnants rarities and spawning
New Additions
- Reserved Flashlight/Walkie Slot by FlipMods
- Purchasable slots specific to Walkies and Flashlights, letting you use them even without holding them.
- GetLootForKills by TheFluff
- Rewards you for killing enemies :)
- Some may consider this a bigger update than just 1.4.1, but I am not some. Simple quality of life update!
New Additions
- Interactive Moon Catalogue by WhiteSpike
- Type "imoons" in the terminal to access. Using this command, you can see a more detailed listing of moons with prices and danger levels, as well as use the sorting feature to decide how you want the moon list to display
- Auto Message by hoffr
- During loading screens, you will now see messages from other employees! (Many of which are inside jokes, some are references, a few are simply nonsense, and others may provide a hint or two...)
- Remnants by KawaiiBone
- Other people have been to these moons before you... if you're lucky, you can find their old equipment! Or their bodies...
- ShowCapacity by Piggy
- Displays a meter for items with capacities, like spray paint and TZP
- TeleportDecline by MasterAli2
- Allows you to decline a teleport back to the ship
- EnhancedSpectator by PXC
- Gives you the time, a flashlight, and nightvision options as a spectator
- Note for last bugfix: Make sure you double check that you have DELETED the "Backrooms" mod by Backrooms. This mod causes Polarus to be UNPLAYABLE! Any further updates to the pack should NOT add the mod back in.
New Additions
- INTERIOR - Sub Systems by DemonMae
- INTERIOR - Gray Apartments by DemonMae
- INTERIOR - Oneshot Interiors (Red Apartments, Blue Mines, Green Ruins) by DemonMae
- INTERIOR - Eternal Void (Lost Edifice) by LustrousLuna
- BTS MOD - CentralConfig by SillySquad
- SHOP ITEM - BuyableShotgunShells by Remortao
- NEW UPGRADE - OpenBodyCams by Zaggy1024
- Added in-store shotgun ammo for 150 credits
- Added the Bodycam Antenna for 200 credits, allowing you to monitor players through a screen in the ship
- New interiors incorporated into modded moons.
- Changed interior spawn rates for some moons.
- Most major change is Cosmocos, which now has three higher appearance moons and then a low chance of appearance for every single other interior and making the Liminal Facility interior less forced due to it causing an incredible spike in difficulty for Cosmocos in particular.
- Testing the use of Central Config's Interior Shuffler in an effort to diversify interior appearances
- Adjusted the spawn rates for modded scrap, hopefully making more diverse appearances
- Testing the use of Central Config's Scrap Shuffler in an effort to diversify scrap appearances
- Completely revamped the way I store spawn rates, using Central Config.
- Adjusted spawn rates of modded enemies on some moons in an attempt to diversify encounters.
- Added modded enemies to some of the new Wesley moons that hadn't been updated.
- Added the Aloe as a possible outside enemy on some moons.
- Altered the behavior stats for the Aloe in an attempt to make it more effective and active when it spawns.
- Made the Aloe appear more frequently inside and out on planets experiencing minor wet or humid weathers (Stormy, Rainy, Foggy)
- Stormy: The Aloe will appear indoors at a higher frequency only on planets where it would normally spawn.
- Rainy: The Aloe will appear indoors and outdoors (day and night), including on planets where it would not normally spawn. There is also an increased frequency multiplier added to this, meaning that planets where it would normally spawn will see them at a higher rate
- Foggy: Functions the same as Rainy.
- Isolated Vermin spawning to Flooded weather
- Added increased Ogopogo spawns (only on planets it is already capable of spawning) during Rainy and Stormy weather, increasing by x1.7 for Rainy and x2 for Stormy.
- Added special indoor and night time spawn rates for when Toy Store (Nutcracker), Liminal Facility (Rolling Giant), Pool Rooms (Rolling Giant), and Grand Armory (Old Bird) appear.
- Testing the use of Central Config's Enemy Shuffler in an effort to diversify entity encounters.
- Removed the Backrooms (Random of Death), as it caused issues with Polarus, breaking the moon.
- New icon, made by me!!!
- Minor config changes (nothing major, you probably wont even notice.)
- Additional optimization mods (LethalPerformance and BepInEx Faster Load)
New Addition
- Added Ship Inventory, allowing you to store items out of sight! (Hopefully reducing number of frame drops near the ship)
- Added SnapRotateFurniture, which adds optional snapping mode for rotating ship furniture
- Minor optimization to attempt to fix lag on some PCs
- Updated dependencies
- Updated interior chances for some moons. (Note: Many of the new moons are entirely randomized right now, but will later have specific interior chances.)
- Added some new mods!
- Changed the chances for some interiors across multiple moons.
- Updated Filitrios to have more thematically appropriate moons!
- Added 3 new interiors (Mausoleum, Museum, and Studio Floor)
- Added Monster Plushies
Quality of Life / Visual
- Added BetterStamina
- Added HotbarPlus, allowing for players to buy 2 expensive upgrades to their hotbar!
- Added Chameleon, adding in aesthetic changes for some moons and visual changes across the board.
- Updated interior chances for some moons. (Note: Many of the new moons are entirely randomized right now, but will later have specific interior chances.)
- We've sped our way to version 1.2.0 through no choice of my own! Wesley's Moons / Interiors dropped a massive update, changing the way it works quite a bit! I even considered calling this 2.0, but I have more in store for a later 2.0 update, but it'll take some time to config it all out (Plus, I need to get a good look at Wesley's update before I consider changing TOO much just yet!)
- Updated Mods
- Added new mods to the README
- Thanks to some compatability updates, the Ogopogo can now spawn on Wesley's planets, as long as there is an abundance of liquid for it to live in.
- Added Locker spawn weights to some moons that lacked them for some reason.
- The Coilhead should now slow-turn to the player sooner.
- Adjusted the frequency of many interiors on pretty much every moon. Moons now all have a "signature" interior, meaning that interior's weight will be a bit higher than the other interiors. This does not make it HUGELY likely to get it many times in a row, but it will be the statistically most common.
New Additions
- With the Wider Ship mod, the ship is now wider on it's right side! (The side the cabinet spawns on.)
- Using Cozy Improvements, there are now lights in the cabinet, a glow coming from the terminal and charging coil, and a glow-in-the-dark light switch!
- Touchscreen has now been implemented on the ship monitor.
Minor Changes
- Dropped Backrooms Death chance to .7 instead of 1.
- Happy first minor version bump! I added a new monster/small but externally noticable mod, so welcome to 1.1 :)
- Fixed CHANGELOG formatting
- Added new mods to the README
- Added "Shrimp"
- Added a mod that alters the Jester song (keeps within the theming, but chosen to mess with my friends...)
- Adjusted the frequency of Sewers on some planets, attempting to focus appearance of sewers on early planets. Additionally, entirely removed it from Atlantica due to verticality causing an extended period of time beneath water.
General/Bug fixes
- Fixed formatting issues in the README
- Updated config files (Configs did NOT transfer over in 1.0.1. They are now up to date to match with the previous update.)
- Formatted CHANGELOG. Hi! You're seeing this right now!
- Edited README to contain information about the modpack, such as an organized featured modlist and spoiler-free feature overview
Mod Additions
- Added PathfindingLagFix
All Interiors
- Changed all interior chances to better match moons. No more going to the sewers every time you land!
Rolling Giant Entity
- Allowed for a low chance that the Rolling Giant spawns outside the facility, though he will become inactive at nightfall (to make room for the Blind Dogs. We love you Blind Dogs.)
- Decreased overall spawn rate very slightly, as he seemed to spawn too frequently.
- The Rolling Giant will now randomly start with, and then cycle through every 5 hours, three different AI styles. Coilhead, Inverse Coilhead, and Randomly Move While Looking. Look alive, Scavengers. He's learning.
- Lowered the rates for a select few items, most notably the Weezer Guitar which seemed to spawn at a near consistent rate of once per moon.
- Made the Rolling Giant Poster scrap rarer on most moons, but more common on others.
- Removed the Watering Can, as it seems to go invisible after being set down and then curse the player who held it to be unable to interact with objects until they re-join the server. Good luck, plants. You're on your own.
- Removed the Oil Lantern, as another mod has their own version of it.
- Made the odds eeeever so slightly kinder. Crossing my fingers we don't have to bet on anymore corpses...
- Raised the odds of going to the backrooms by a relatively slight amount.
- Initial Release