Decompiled source of LethalModManager v0.1.6


Decompiled 11 months ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Steamworks;
using Steamworks.Data;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("LethalModManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+d0e680e28ecd8bba0834b1100bf96a5649243635")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("LethalModManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("LethalModManager")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace LethalModManager
	internal class ModInfoConverter : JsonConverter<ModInfo>
		public override bool CanRead => true;

		public override bool CanWrite => true;

		public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, ModInfo value, JsonSerializer serializer)

		public override ModInfo ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, ModInfo existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
			return ModInfo.Parse(reader.Value.ToString());
	public class ModInfo
		public static Dictionary<string, ModInfo> CachedModInfos = new Dictionary<string, ModInfo>();

		public static readonly ModInfo BepInEx_Offline = new ModInfo("BepInEx", "BepInExPack", new Version("5.4.2100"));

		public static readonly ModInfo LethalModManager_Offline = new ModInfo("kyxino", "LethalModManager", new Version("0.1.6"));

		private string _Creator;

		private string _Name;

		private Version _Version;

		public string Full_Name;

		public string Full_Version;

		public static ModInfo BepInEx => BepInEx_Offline;

		public static ModInfo LethalModManager => LethalModManager_Offline;

		public string Creator
				return _Creator;
				_Creator = value;
				Full_Name = value + "-" + _Name;
				Full_Version = ((_Version != null) ? $"{Full_Name}-{Version}" : null);

		public string Name
				return _Name;
				_Name = value;
				Full_Name = _Creator + "-" + value;
				Full_Version = ((_Version != null) ? $"{Full_Name}-{Version}" : null);

		public Version Version
				return _Version;
				_Version = value;
				Full_Version = ((value != null) ? $"{_Creator}-{_Name}-{value}" : null);

		public Uri DownloadURL => new Uri($"{Creator}/{Name}/{Version}/");

		public ModInfo(string ModCreator, string ModName, Version ModVersion = null)
			_Creator = ModCreator;
			_Name = ModName;
			_Version = ModVersion;
			Full_Name = ModCreator + "-" + ModName;
			Full_Version = ((ModVersion != null) ? $"{ModCreator}-{ModName}-{ModVersion}" : null);

		public ModListing GetMod()
			ModListing value;
			return LMM_ModHandler.ThunderstoreData.TryGetValue(Full_Name, out value) ? value : null;

		public VersionListing GetVersion(ModListing AltModClassData = null)
			return (AltModClassData ?? GetMod())?.Versions?.FirstOrDefault((VersionListing x) => x.Version == Version);

		public void Download(bool IncludeDependencies = true, string Profile = null, bool SaveToTempProfile = false, bool IgnoreConfigs = false)
			if (IncludeDependencies)
				VersionListing version = GetVersion();
				IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int>> enumerable = version.FilteredDependencies.Where((KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int> x) => x.Key.Full_Name != "BepInEx-BepInExPack" && x.Key.Full_Name != "kyxino-LethalModManager");
				LMM_ModHandler.DownloadMod(this, Profile, SaveToTempProfile, IgnoreConfigs);
				foreach (KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int> item in enumerable)
					LMM_ModHandler.DownloadMod(item.Key, Profile, SaveToTempProfile, IgnoreConfigs);
				LMM_ModHandler.DownloadMod(this, Profile, SaveToTempProfile, IgnoreConfigs);
			ModManager.MLS.LogFatal((object)"DONE DOWNLOADING.");

		public void SetInfo(string ModCreator, string ModName, Version ModVersion = null)
			_Creator = ModCreator;
			Name = ModName;
			Version = ModVersion;

		public void SetInfo(string ModVersionString)
			if (CachedModInfos.TryGetValue(ModVersionString, out var value))
				_Creator = value.Creator;
				Name = value.Name;
				Version = value.Version;
				string[] array = ModVersionString.Split('-');
				Version result;
				int num = ((!Version.TryParse(array[^1], out result)) ? 1 : 2);
				_Creator = string.Join('-', array, 0, array.Length - num);
				Name = array[^num];
				Version = result;

		public ModInfo WithVersion(Version ModVersion)
			return new ModInfo(Creator, Name, ModVersion);

		public static ModInfo Parse(string input)
			if (CachedModInfos.TryGetValue(input, out var value))
				return value;
			string[] array = input.Split('-');
			Version result;
			int num = ((!Version.TryParse(array[^1], out result)) ? 1 : 2);
			return CachedModInfos[input] = new ModInfo(string.Join('-', array, 0, array.Length - num), array[^num], result);

		public static bool TryParse(string input, out ModInfo result)
			if (Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input) || input.Count((char x) => x == '-') < 2)
				return (result = null) != null;
			result = Parse(input);
			return true;

		public bool Equals(ModInfo B)
			return GetHashCode() == B.GetHashCode();

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return GetHashCode() == obj.GetHashCode();

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return HashCode.Combine(Creator, Name, Version);

		public static bool operator ==(ModInfo A, ModInfo B)
			return A?.GetHashCode() == B?.GetHashCode();

		public static bool operator !=(ModInfo A, ModInfo B)
			return A?.GetHashCode() != B?.GetHashCode();
	public enum ModStatus
	public class Profile
		public string Name;

		public string Desc;

		public string Author;

		public string Linked;

		public DirectoryInfo ProfilePath;

		public Dictionary<string, LocalMod> Mods;
	public class LocalMod
		public bool Active = false;

		public ModStatus Status = ModStatus.Missing;

		public Profile LinkedProfile;

		public static ModManifestV1 Manifest;

		public ModInfo Mod;

		public List<string> LinkedConfigs;

		public string CorePath;

		public string PatchersPath;

		public string PluginsPath;

		public string TempZipPath;

		public string CachedZipPath;
	public class ModPage
	public class ModListPage
	public class ModListing
		public int Downloads = 0;

		public int Dependents = 0;

		public int OnceDependents = 0;

		public int CurrentDependents = 0;

		public DateTime Created;

		public DateTime Updated;

		public int Likes;

		public bool Pinned;

		public bool Deprecated;

		public bool NSFW;

		public List<string> Tags;

		public List<VersionListing> Versions;

		public ModInfo Info { get; set; }

		public string Creator => Info.Creator;

		public string Name => Info.Name;

		public string Full_Name => Info.Full_Name;
	public class ModManifestV1
		public string Name;

		public Version Version;

		public string Website;

		public string Desc;

		public List<ModInfo> Dependencies;

		public bool UserEnabled = false;

		public string DirectoryPath;
	public class VersionListing
		public ModListing Mod;

		public Version Version;

		public string Full_Version;

		public string Desc;

		public string Icon;

		public List<ModInfo> Dependencies;

		public Dictionary<ModInfo, int> FilteredDependencies;

		public int Downloads;

		public int Dependents = 0;

		public int OnceDependents = 0;

		public int CurrentDependents = 0;

		public DateTime Created;

		public bool Active;

		public long Size;

		public ModInfo Info => Mod.Info;

		public string Creator => Info.Creator;

		public string Name => Info.Name;

		public string Full_Name => Info.Full_Name;
	public enum ModSlotState
	internal class LMM_ModSlot : MonoBehaviour
		public ModInfo ModInfo;

		public ModManifestV1 ModManifest;

		public ModSlotState State;

		public IEnumerator ImageEnumerator;

		public Button Button;

		public Image Border;

		public Image Panel;

		public RawImage Logo;

		public Text Label;

		public Text Desc;

		public Button Website;

		public Transform Data;

		public Text Creator;

		public Text Downloads;

		public Text Dependents;

		public Text Likes;

		public Text Dependencies;

		public Text Size;

		public Text TinyDesc;

		public Transform Options;

		public Image OptionsFrame;

		public Button ProfileDownload;

		public Dropdown ProfileDropdown;

		public Button ModToggle;

		public Button ModDelete;

		public Dropdown VersionDropdown;

		private UnityWebRequest LogoRequest;

		private Texture2D DownloadedTexture;

		public void SetModInfo(string ModCreator, string ModName, Version ModVersion = null)
			if (ModInfo != null)
				ModInfo.SetInfo(ModCreator, ModName, ModVersion);
				ModInfo = new ModInfo(ModCreator, ModName, ModVersion);

		public void SetModInfo(string ModVersionString)
			if (ModInfo != null)
				ModInfo = ModInfo.Parse(ModVersionString);

		private void Awake()
			//IL_01f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01fc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_024c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0256: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0269: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0273: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0286: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0290: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02ad: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Button = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Button>();
			Border = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Image>();
			Panel = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Image>("Panel");
			Logo = ((Component)this).transform.Find<RawImage>("Logo");
			Label = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Text>("ModText");
			Desc = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Text>("Description");
			Website = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Button>("Website");
			Data = ((Component)this).transform.Find("Data");
			Creator = Data.Find<Text>("CTEXT");
			Downloads = Data.Find<Text>("DTEXT");
			Dependents = Data.Find<Text>("DPTTEXT");
			Likes = Data.Find<Text>("LTEXT");
			Dependencies = Data.Find<Text>("DPCTEXT");
			Size = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Text>("ModSize");
			TinyDesc = ((Component)this).transform.Find<Text>("TinyDesc");
			Options = ((Component)this).transform.Find("Options");
			OptionsFrame = Options.Find<Image>();
			ProfileDownload = Options.Find<Button>("ProfileDownload");
			ProfileDropdown = Options.Find<Dropdown>("ProfileDropdown");
			ModToggle = Options.Find<Button>("ModToggle");
			ModDelete = Options.Find<Button>("ModDelete");
			VersionDropdown = Options.Find<Dropdown>("VersionDropdown");
				Application.OpenURL("" + ModInfo.Creator + "/" + ModInfo.Name + "/" + ((ModInfo.GetVersion() != null && ModManager.SpecificModVersionLink.Value) ? $"v/{ModInfo.Version}/" : ""));
			((UnityEvent<int>)(object)VersionDropdown.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<int>)delegate(int VersionId)
				ModListing mod = ModInfo.GetMod();
				if (mod != null)
					ModListing value;
					List<VersionListing> LocalModVersions = ((mod == null) ? null : (LMM_ModHandler.LocalMods.TryGetValue(mod.Full_Name, out value) ? value : null)?.Versions);
					List<VersionListing> list = mod?.Versions?.ToList() ?? LocalModVersions;
					if (LocalModVersions != null)
						int i2;
						for (i2 = 0; i2 < LocalModVersions?.Count; i2++)
							if (list.FirstOrDefault((VersionListing x) => x.Version == LocalModVersions[i2].Version) == null)
					list.Sort((VersionListing x, VersionListing y) => y.Version.CompareTo(x.Version));
					ModInfo.Version = list.FirstOrDefault((VersionListing x) => VersionDropdown.options[VersionId].text.EndsWith($": {x.Version}"))?.Version;
					bool? showOptions = true;
					UpdateModSlot(null, showOptions);
				Text obj = ((Component)ProfileDropdown).transform.Find<Text>("Text");
				string obj2 = ((obj != null) ? obj.text : null);
				Transform actions = LMM_UI.Actions;
				object obj3;
				if (actions == null)
					obj3 = null;
					Text obj4 = actions.Find<Text>("Local/ProfileSelectionDropdown/Text");
					obj3 = ((obj4 != null) ? obj4.text : null);
				if (obj2 == (string?)obj3)
					LMM_UI.Instance.AddModToUI(ModInfo.Full_Version, LMM_UI.LP_Local);
					VersionListing version = ModInfo.GetVersion();
					foreach (KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int> item in version.FilteredDependencies.Where((KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int> x) => x.Key.Full_Name != "BepInEx-BepInExPack" && x.Key.Full_Name != "kyxino-LethalModManager"))
						LMM_UI.Instance.AddModToUI(item.Key.Full_Version, LMM_UI.LP_Local);
					ModInfo.Download(IncludeDependencies: true, ProfileDropdown.options[ProfileDropdown.value].text);
				if (State == ModSlotState.Enabled || State == ModSlotState.Disabled)
				else if (State != ModSlotState.Forced)
					SetState((State == ModSlotState.Optional) ? ModSlotState.Preferred : ((State != ModSlotState.Preferred) ? ModSlotState.Optional : ModSlotState.Required));
				bool userEnabled = ModManifest.UserEnabled;
				((Selectable)ModToggle).interactable = false;
				DirectoryInfo parent2 = Directory.GetParent(ModManifest.DirectoryPath);
				if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "plugins", parent2.Name)))
					string[] files5 = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "plugins", parent2.Name), userEnabled ? "*" : "*.old", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
					foreach (string text8 in files5)
							string destFileName;
							if (!userEnabled)
								string text9 = text8;
								destFileName = text9.Substring(0, text9.Length - 4);
								destFileName = text8 + ".old";
							File.Move(text8, destFileName);
						catch (Exception ex5)
				if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "patchers", parent2.Name)))
					string[] files6 = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "patchers", parent2.Name), userEnabled ? "*" : "*.old", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
					foreach (string text10 in files6)
							string destFileName2;
							if (!userEnabled)
								string text9 = text10;
								destFileName2 = text9.Substring(0, text9.Length - 4);
								destFileName2 = text10 + ".old";
							File.Move(text10, destFileName2);
						catch (Exception ex6)
				if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "core", parent2.Name)))
					string[] files7 = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(parent2.Parent.FullName, "core", parent2.Name), userEnabled ? "*" : "*.old", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
					foreach (string text11 in files7)
							string destFileName3;
							if (!userEnabled)
								string text9 = text11;
								destFileName3 = text9.Substring(0, text9.Length - 4);
								destFileName3 = text11 + ".old";
							File.Move(text11, destFileName3);
						catch (Exception ex7)
				((Component)ModToggle).transform.Find<Text>().text = (userEnabled ? "Disable Mod" : "Enable Mod");
				((Selectable)ModToggle).interactable = true;
				ModManifest.UserEnabled = !userEnabled;
				State = ModSlotState.Disabled;
				((Selectable)ModToggle).interactable = false;
				((Selectable)ModDelete).interactable = false;
				DirectoryInfo parent = Directory.GetParent(ModManifest.DirectoryPath);
				string text = Path.Combine(parent.Parent.FullName, "plugins", parent.Name);
				string text2 = Path.Combine(parent.Parent.FullName, "patchers", parent.Name);
				string text3 = Path.Combine(parent.Parent.FullName, "core", parent.Name);
					Directory.Delete(ModManifest.DirectoryPath, recursive: true);
				catch (Exception)
					string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(ModManifest.DirectoryPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
					foreach (string text4 in files)
						File.Move(text4, text4 + ".lmm-delete");
					Directory.Move(ModManifest.DirectoryPath, Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "DELETE", Random.Range(0, 10000000).ToString("X")));
					if (Directory.Exists(text))
						Directory.Delete(text, recursive: true);
				catch (Exception)
					if (Directory.Exists(text2))
						string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(text, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
						foreach (string text5 in files2)
							File.Move(text5, text5 + ".lmm-delete");
						Directory.Move(text, Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "DELETE", Random.Range(0, 10000000).ToString("X")));
					if (Directory.Exists(text2))
						Directory.Delete(text2, recursive: true);
				catch (Exception)
					if (Directory.Exists(text2))
						string[] files3 = Directory.GetFiles(text2, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
						foreach (string text6 in files3)
							File.Move(text6, text6 + ".lmm-delete");
						Directory.Move(text2, Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "DELETE", Random.Range(0, 10000000).ToString("X")));
					if (Directory.Exists(text3))
						Directory.Delete(text3, recursive: true);
				catch (Exception)
					if (Directory.Exists(text3))
						string[] files4 = Directory.GetFiles(text3, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
						foreach (string text7 in files4)
							File.Move(text7, text7 + ".lmm-delete");
						Directory.Move(text3, Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "DELETE", Random.Range(0, 10000000).ToString("X")));
				ModManifest.UserEnabled = false;

		public void SetState(ModSlotState NewState)
			if (State != ModSlotState.Forced && State != ModSlotState.Enabled && State != ModSlotState.Disabled)
				State = NewState;

		public void UpdateBorderByState()
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0097: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Image optionsFrame = OptionsFrame;
			Image border = Border;
			ModManifestV1 modManifest = ModManifest;
			Color color = (((Graphic)border).color = Color32.op_Implicit((modManifest != null && !modManifest.UserEnabled) ? LMM_Colors.Secondary_Border : ((State == ModSlotState.Required || State == ModSlotState.Forced) ? Color32.op_Implicit(Color.white) : ((State == ModSlotState.Preferred || State == ModSlotState.Enabled) ? LMM_Colors.Primary_Border : LMM_Colors.Secondary_Border))));
			((Graphic)optionsFrame).color = color;
			Image panel = Panel;
			ModManifestV1 modManifest2 = ModManifest;
			((Graphic)panel).color = ((modManifest2 != null && !modManifest2.UserEnabled) ? : Color.white);

		public void OnDestroy()
			LMM_UI.UpdateUI = true;

		public void UpdateDataLayout()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)Data == (Object)null)
			Vector2 val =;
			RectTransform[] componentsInChildren = ((Component)Data).GetComponentsInChildren<RectTransform>(true);
			foreach (RectTransform val2 in componentsInChildren)
				if (!((Object)(object)val2 == (Object)(object)Data.Find<RectTransform>()))
					val2.anchoredPosition = val;
					Text component = ((Component)val2).GetComponent<Text>();
					if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null)
						val2.sizeDelta = new Vector2(component.preferredWidth, 24f);
					Vector2 val3 = val;
					Rect rect = val2.rect;
					val = val3 + new Vector2(((Rect)(ref rect)).width + 2f, 0f);

		public IEnumerator DownloadImage(string MediaUrl)
			if ((Object)(object)Logo.texture != (Object)null)
			Logo.texture = null;
			UnityWebRequest logoRequest = LogoRequest;
			if (logoRequest != null)
			UnityWebRequest logoRequest2 = LogoRequest;
			if (logoRequest2 != null)
			LogoRequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(MediaUrl);
			for (int i = 0; i < ModManager.RetryLogoLoadingTimes.Value; i++)
				if (((object)Logo).Equals((object?)null))
				yield return LogoRequest.SendWebRequest();
				if (((object)Logo).Equals((object?)null))
				if ((int)LogoRequest.result == 2 || (int)LogoRequest.result == 3)
					LogoRequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(MediaUrl);
				if ((Object)(object)DownloadedTexture != (Object)null)
				DownloadedTexture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(LogoRequest);
				if (!((object)Logo).Equals((object?)null))
					Logo.texture = (Texture)(object)DownloadedTexture;

		public void UpdateModSlot(bool? SetActive = null, bool? ShowOptions = false)
			if (ImageEnumerator != null)
			ImageEnumerator = null;
			if (SetActive.HasValue)
			if (ShowOptions.HasValue)
			ModListing mod = ModInfo.GetMod();
			VersionListing version = ModInfo.GetVersion(mod);
			string text = ModInfo.Name.Replace('_', ' ') + ((ModInfo.Version != null) ? $" v{ModInfo.Version}" : "");
			Label.text = text;
			Desc.text = version?.Desc ?? "";
			((Component)Website).gameObject.SetActive(version != null || !ModManager.HideLinkIfMissingVersion.Value);
			Creator.text = ModInfo.Creator ?? "-";
			Downloads.text = ((mod == null && (!ModManager.SpecificModVersionDownloads.Value || version == null)) ? "-" : ((!ModManager.SpecificModVersionDownloads.Value) ? mod?.Downloads : version?.Downloads)?.ToString("N0"));
			Text dependents = Dependents;
			string text2;
			if (ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value ? (version != null) : (mod != null))
				DependentVersionChecks value = ModManager.ModpackVersionCheck.Value;
				if (1 == 0)
				int num = value switch
					DependentVersionChecks.All => ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value ? version.Dependents : mod.Dependents, 
					DependentVersionChecks.Latest => ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value ? version.CurrentDependents : mod.CurrentDependents, 
					_ => ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value ? version.OnceDependents : mod.OnceDependents, 
				if (1 == 0)
				text2 = num.ToString("N0");
				text2 = "-";
			dependents.text = text2;
			Likes.text = mod?.Likes.ToString("N0") ?? "-";
			Dependencies.text = ((!ModManager.CountFlattenedDependencies.Value) ? version?.Dependencies?.Count : version?.FilteredDependencies?.Count)?.ToString("N0") ?? "-";
			Text size = Size;
			object text3;
			if (version != null)
				_ = version.Size;
				text3 = string.Format("{0}{1}", Math.Round((decimal)((version.Size > 999999) ? ((float)version.Size / 1000000f) : ((version.Size > 999) ? ((float)version.Size / 1000f) : ((float)version.Size)))), (version.Size > 999999) ? "MB" : ((version.Size > 999) ? "KB" : "B"));
				text3 = "";
			size.text = (string)text3;
			Text tinyDesc = TinyDesc;
			object text4;
			if (mod == null)
				text4 = "";
				string[] obj = new string[6] { "Tags: ", null, null, null, null, null };
				List<string> tags = mod.Tags;
				obj[1] = ((tags != null) ? GeneralExtensions.Join<string>((IEnumerable<string>)tags, (Func<string, string>)null, ", ") : null) ?? "-";
				obj[2] = " | Updated: ";
				obj[3] = ((mod.Updated == default(DateTime)) ? "-" : LMM_Utils.HowLongAgo(mod.Updated));
				obj[4] = " | Created: ";
				obj[5] = ((mod.Created == default(DateTime)) ? "-" : LMM_Utils.HowLongAgo(mod.Created));
				text4 = string.Concat(obj);
			tinyDesc.text = (string)text4;
			Button modDelete = ModDelete;
			bool interactable = (((Selectable)ModToggle).interactable = ModManifest != null && ModManifest.Version == version?.Version);
			((Selectable)modDelete).interactable = interactable;
			ModListing value2;
			List<VersionListing> LocalModVersions = (LMM_ModHandler.LocalMods.TryGetValue(ModInfo.Full_Name, out value2) ? value2 : null)?.Versions;
			List<VersionListing> list = mod?.Versions?.ToList() ?? LocalModVersions;
			if (LocalModVersions != null)
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < LocalModVersions.Count; i++)
					if (list.FirstOrDefault((VersionListing x) => x.Version == LocalModVersions[i].Version) == null)
			list?.Sort((VersionListing x, VersionListing y) => y.Version.CompareTo(x.Version));
			if (list != null && mod != null)
				VersionDropdown.AddOptions(list.Select(delegate(VersionListing x)
					bool? flag2 = LMM_ModHandler.UserMods.FirstOrDefault((KeyValuePair<string, ModManifestV1> y) => $"{y.Key}-{y.Value.Version}" == x.Full_Version).Value?.UserEnabled;
					if (1 == 0)
					string arg = ((!flag2.HasValue) ? (File.Exists(".\\LethalModManager\\ModStorage\\" + x.Full_Version + ".zip") ? "Downloaded " : "") : ((!flag2.GetValueOrDefault()) ? "Inactive " : "Installed "));
					if (1 == 0)
					return $"{arg}Version: {x.Version}";
			if (list != null && version != null)
			if (version != null)
				((MonoBehaviour)LMM_UI.Instance).StartCoroutine(ImageEnumerator = DownloadImage(version.Icon ?? ("" + version.Full_Version + ".png")));

		public void Update()
			if (LMM_UI.BreakUI)
			if (LMM_ModHandler.FinishedDownloads.Contains(ModInfo.Full_Version))
				VersionListing version = ModInfo.GetVersion();
				Text size = Size;
				object text;
				if (version != null)
					_ = version.Size;
					text = string.Format("{0}{1}", Math.Round((decimal)((version.Size > 999999) ? ((float)version.Size / 1000000f) : ((version.Size > 999) ? ((float)version.Size / 1000f) : ((float)version.Size)))), (version.Size > 999999) ? "MB" : ((version.Size > 999) ? "KB" : "B"));
					text = "";
				size.text = (string)text;
			else if (LMM_ModHandler.QueuedDownloads.ContainsKey(ModInfo.Full_Version))
				DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs downloadProgressChangedEventArgs = LMM_ModHandler.QueuedDownloads[ModInfo.Full_Version];
				Size.text = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}{3}", Math.Round((decimal)((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived > 999999) ? ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived / 1000000f) : ((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived > 999) ? ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived / 1000f) : ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived)))), (downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived > 999999) ? "MB" : ((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.BytesReceived > 999) ? "KB" : "B"), Math.Round((decimal)((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive > 999999) ? ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive / 1000000f) : ((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive > 999) ? ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive / 1000f) : ((float)downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive)))), (downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive > 999999) ? "MB" : ((downloadProgressChangedEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive > 999) ? "KB" : "B"));
	[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 1)]
	public struct LMM_Colors
		public static Color32 Background_Tint = new Color32((byte)58, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)201);

		public static Color32 Logo_Mult = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Primary_Frame = new Color32((byte)79, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Primary_Border = new Color32((byte)202, (byte)48, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Secondary_Border = new Color32((byte)64, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Primary_Text = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, (byte)122, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Secondary_Text_Icons = new Color32((byte)202, (byte)48, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Unknown_1 = new Color32(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, (byte)0);

		public static Color32 Dropdown_Normal = new Color32((byte)87, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Dropdown_Highlighted = new Color32((byte)118, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Dropdown_Selected = new Color32((byte)118, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color32 Dropdown_Pressed = new Color32((byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);
	internal class LMM_UI : MonoBehaviour
		private static class <>O
			public static Func<string, string> <0>__GetFileName;

			public static UnityAction <1>__UpdateThunderstoreData;

		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Action <>9__14_0;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_0;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_1;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_2;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_8;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_9;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_10;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_11;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_12;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_13;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_3;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_4;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_5;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_6;

			public static Comparison<ModListing> <>9__31_7;

			public static Func<string, string> <>9__32_0;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_0;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_1;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_2;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_3;

			public static Func<ModListing, bool> <>9__34_24;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_20;

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_21;

			internal void <Awake>b__14_0()

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_0(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Updated.CompareTo(x.Updated);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_1(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Created.CompareTo(x.Created);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_2(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Downloads.CompareTo(x.Downloads);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_8(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_9(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Dependents.CompareTo(x.Dependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_10(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().CurrentDependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().CurrentDependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_11(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.CurrentDependents.CompareTo(x.CurrentDependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_12(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().OnceDependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().OnceDependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_13(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.OnceDependents.CompareTo(x.OnceDependents);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_3(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Likes.CompareTo(x.Likes);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_4(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().FilteredDependencies.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().FilteredDependencies.Count);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_5(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependencies.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependencies.Count);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_6(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.Count);

			internal int <ResortData>b__31_7(ModListing x, ModListing y)
				return y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Size.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Size);

			internal string <UpdateProfileSelection>b__32_0(string x)
				return "TEMP: " + Path.GetFileName(x);

			internal void <Start>b__34_0()

			internal void <Start>b__34_1()

			internal void <Start>b__34_2()

			internal void <Start>b__34_3()
				ConfigsToDownload = null;
				ModManager.JoiningLobbyId = null;

			internal bool <Start>b__34_24(ModListing x)
				int result;
				if (!x.Tags.Contains("Modpacks"))
					VersionListing? versionListing = x.Versions.FirstOrDefault();
					result = ((versionListing != null && versionListing.Dependencies?.Count < 10) ? 1 : 0);
					result = 0;
				return (byte)result != 0;

			internal void <Start>b__34_20()
				ModManager.MLS.LogFatal((object)"Attempting to open lobby via mod sync.");
				using WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
				Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();
				for (int i = 0; i < LP_Host.childCount; i++)
					LMM_ModSlot component = ((Component)LP_Host.GetChild(i)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
					dictionary.Add(component.ModInfo.Full_Version, (component.State != ModSlotState.Optional) ? ((component.State == ModSlotState.Preferred) ? 1 : (-1)) : 0);
				Dictionary<string, object> dictionary2 = new Dictionary<string, object>
					["Mods"] = dictionary,
					["Configs"] = LMM_ModHandler.CompressConfigs()
				string data = "#lethalmodmanager\n" + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)dictionary2)));
				webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
				string text = webClient.UploadString("", data);
				Dictionary<string, object> dictionary3 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(text);
				if (!dictionary3.TryGetValue("key", out var value))
					FailedOpenLobby = Time.time + 1f;
				ModManager.ModSyncKey = value.ToString();
				ModManager.ModSyncCount = dictionary.Count;
				ModManager.OpeningLobby = true;

			internal void <Start>b__34_21()
				for (int i = 0; i < LP_LobbyMods.childCount; i++)

		public static LMM_UI Instance;

		public static Transform LMM_Canvas;

		public static Transform Actions;

		public static Transform ListPanel;

		public static Transform LP_Local;

		public static Transform LP_Thunderstore;

		public static Transform LP_Downloads;

		public static Transform LP_Host;

		public static Transform LP_Config;

		public static Transform LP_LobbyMods;

		public static Transform LP_LobbyConfigs;

		public static GameObject ModSlotTemp;

		public static GameObject ModManagerCanvas;

		public static float? FailedOpenLobby;

		public static bool AttemptQuickReload = false;

		public static ulong? AttemptQuickLobby = null;

		public static bool UpdateModSlots = false;

		public static bool BreakUI = false;

		public static bool ResortUI = false;

		public static bool UpdateUI = true;

		public static bool SwitchedPanel = true;

		public static bool PreviousActive = false;

		public static float PreviousWidth = 0f;

		public static float PreviousHeight = 0f;

		public static List<Button> DisableInteracts = new List<Button>();

		public static List<Button> EnableInteracts = new List<Button>();

		public static string ConfigsToDownload;

		public void AddModToUI(string DepString, Transform Parent, ModManifestV1 Manifest = null, ModSlotState State = ModSlotState.Enabled, bool IgnoreExisting = false)
			//IL_00df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!IgnoreExisting)
				for (int i = 0; i < Parent.childCount; i++)
					ModInfo modInfo = ModInfo.Parse(DepString);
					LMM_ModSlot component = ((Component)Parent.GetChild(i)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
					if (!(component.ModInfo.Full_Name != modInfo.Full_Name))
						component.ModInfo = modInfo;
						component.UpdateModSlot(null, false);
						UpdateUI = true;
			LMM_ModSlot lMM_ModSlot = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(ModSlotTemp).AddComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
			lMM_ModSlot.ModManifest = Manifest;
			lMM_ModSlot.UpdateModSlot(null, false);
			((Component)lMM_ModSlot).transform.localScale =;
			UpdateUI = true;

		private void Awake()
			Instance = this;
			AssetBundle val = null;
				val = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(Resource1.LethalModManagerUI);
			catch (Exception ex)
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				ModManager.MLS.LogWarning((object)"LethalModManager could not load, WHAT.");
			ModManager.MLS.LogWarning((object)"LethalModManagerUI has loaded.");
			Object obj = val.LoadAsset("ModSlotV2.prefab");
			ModSlotTemp = (GameObject)(object)((obj is GameObject) ? obj : null);
			Object obj2 = val.LoadAsset("LMM_Canvas.prefab");
			ModManagerCanvas = (GameObject)(object)((obj2 is GameObject) ? obj2 : null);
			ModManagerCanvas.GetComponent<CanvasScaler>().uiScaleMode = (ScaleMode)(ModManager.ScaleUI.Value ? 1 : 0);
			ModManagerCanvas.GetComponent<CanvasScaler>().matchWidthOrHeight = ModManager.ScaleBetweenWidthToHeight.Value;

		private void Update()
			//IL_029c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0428: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_042d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_044d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0452: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null || BreakUI)
			if (AttemptQuickReload && LMM_ModHandler.QueuedDownloads.Count <= 0 && LMM_ModHandler.ExtractingMods.Count <= 0)
				AttemptQuickReload = false;
				ModManager.DoorstopSettings.Add("reloadLaunchMode=" + ((GameNetworkManager.Instance?.disableSteam).Value ? "LAN" : "Online"));
				if (AttemptQuickLobby.HasValue)
					ModManager.DoorstopSettings.Add("joiningLobbyId=" + AttemptQuickLobby);
				File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "doorstop_config.ini"), ModManager.DoorstopSettings);
				Process process = new Process
					StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("steam://rungameid/1966720")
						UseShellExecute = true
			while (DisableInteracts.Count > 0)
				((Selectable)DisableInteracts[0]).interactable = false;
			while (EnableInteracts.Count > 0)
				((Selectable)EnableInteracts[0]).interactable = true;
			if (!((Component)LMM_Canvas).gameObject.activeSelf)
			if (FailedOpenLobby.HasValue)
				if (FailedOpenLobby <= Time.time)
					FailedOpenLobby = null;
				Actions.Find<Text>("Host/OpenLobby/Text").text = ((!FailedOpenLobby.HasValue) ? "Open Lobby" : "Failed");
			if (ResortUI)
				ResortUI = false;
				if ((Object)(object)Actions != (Object)null)
					((Transform)Actions.Find<RectTransform>("Thunderstore/ReverseSort/Text")).eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, (float)(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Reversed ? 90 : (-90)));
			if (UpdateModSlots)
				UpdateModSlots = false;
				for (int i = 0; i < LP_Host.childCount; i++)
					((Component)LP_Host.GetChild(i)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>().UpdateModSlot(null, false);
				for (int j = 0; j < LP_Local.childCount; j++)
					((Component)LP_Local.GetChild(j)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>().UpdateModSlot(null, false);
				for (int k = 0; k < LP_Downloads.childCount; k++)
					((Component)LP_Downloads.GetChild(k)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>().UpdateModSlot(null, false);
			if (LMM_ModHandler.DownloadedMods.Count > 0)
				string text = LMM_ModHandler.DownloadedMods.FirstOrDefault();
				AddModToUI(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text), LP_Downloads);
			bool flag = PreviousActive == (PreviousActive = ((Component)LMM_Canvas).gameObject.activeSelf);
			if (!UpdateUI && !SwitchedPanel && flag)
				float previousWidth = PreviousWidth;
				Rect rect = LMM_Canvas.Find<RectTransform>().rect;
				if (previousWidth == (PreviousWidth = ((Rect)(ref rect)).width))
					float previousHeight = PreviousHeight;
					rect = ((Component)LMM_Canvas).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect;
					if (previousHeight == (PreviousHeight = ((Rect)(ref rect)).height))
			UpdateUI = false;
			SwitchedPanel = false;

		public void UpdatePage(int Offset)
			if (LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice == null)
			int count = LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Count;
			ModManager.MLS.LogWarning((object)$"{Offset} | {count} | {LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count} | {Math.Max(0, Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(count - 1) / (float)LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count) * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count)}");
			Offset = Math.Clamp(Offset, 0, Math.Max(0, Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(count - 1) / (float)LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count) * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count));
			for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(Offset + LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count, count) - Offset; i++)
				if (i < LP_Thunderstore.childCount)
					LMM_ModSlot component = ((Component)LP_Thunderstore.GetChild(i)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
					if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component))
						ModListing modListing = LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice[i + Offset];
						component.SetModInfo(modListing.Creator, modListing.Name, modListing?.Versions?.FirstOrDefault()?.Version);
						component.UpdateModSlot(true, false);
					AddModToUI(LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice[i + Offset].Versions.FirstOrDefault()?.Full_Version, LP_Thunderstore);
			for (int j = Math.Min(Offset + LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count, count) - Offset; j < LP_Thunderstore.childCount; j++)
				LMM_ModSlot component2 = ((Component)LP_Thunderstore.GetChild(j)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
			LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset = Offset;
			Actions.Find<InputField>("Thunderstore/InputPage").SetTextWithoutNotify($"{Math.Ceiling((float)(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset + LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count) / (float)LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count)}");
			UpdateUI = true;
			SwitchedPanel = true;

		public static void LoadMenu(string MenuName)
				RectTransform val = ListPanel.Find<RectTransform>(MenuName);
				ListPanel.Find<ScrollRect>().content = val;
				UpdateUI = true;
				SwitchedPanel = true;
			catch (Exception ex)

		public void ResortData(int? Value = null)
			Dropdown val = Actions?.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/SortDropdown");
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
			OptionData obj = val.options[Value ?? val.value];
			switch (((obj != null) ? obj.text : null) ?? "Last Updated")
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Updated.CompareTo(x.Updated));
			case "Last Released":
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Created.CompareTo(x.Created));
			case "Most Downloads":
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Downloads.CompareTo(x.Downloads));
			case "Most Dependents":
				switch (ModManager.ModpackVersionCheck.Value)
				case DependentVersionChecks.All:
					if (ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value)
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependents));
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Dependents.CompareTo(x.Dependents));
				case DependentVersionChecks.Latest:
					if (ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value)
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().CurrentDependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().CurrentDependents));
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.CurrentDependents.CompareTo(x.CurrentDependents));
					if (ModManager.SpecificModVersionDependents.Value)
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().OnceDependents.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().OnceDependents));
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.OnceDependents.CompareTo(x.OnceDependents));
			case "Most Likes":
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Likes.CompareTo(x.Likes));
			case "Most Dependencies":
				if (ModManager.CountFlattenedDependencies.Value)
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().FilteredDependencies.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().FilteredDependencies.Count));
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependencies.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Dependencies.Count));
			case "Most Versions":
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.Count.CompareTo(x.Versions.Count));
			case "Latest Size":
				LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Sort((ModListing x, ModListing y) => y.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Size.CompareTo(x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Size));
			if (LMM_ModHandler.TS_Reversed)

		public void UpdateProfileSelection(Dropdown ProfileSelectionDropdown, bool Select = false)
			ProfileSelectionDropdown.AddOptions(new List<string> { "Main Directory" });
			List<string> list = (from x in Directory.GetDirectories(ModManager.DIR_TempProfiles.FullName)
				select "TEMP: " + Path.GetFileName(x)).ToList();
			List<string> list2 = Directory.GetDirectories(ModManager.DIR_Profiles.FullName).Select(Path.GetFileName).ToList();
			string fullName = ModManager.DIR_CurrentProfile.Parent.FullName;
			string text = ((ModManager.DIR_Profiles.FullName == fullName) ? "LMM" : ((ModManager.DIR_TempProfiles.FullName == fullName) ? "TEMP" : ((ModManager.DIR_LethalCompany.FullName == ModManager.DIR_CurrentProfile.FullName) ? "MAIN" : "ALT")));
			if (text == "ALT")
				ProfileSelectionDropdown.AddOptions(new List<string> { "ALT: " + ModManager.DIR_CurrentProfile.Name });
				if (Select)
					ProfileSelectionDropdown.value = ProfileSelectionDropdown.options.Count;
				if (!(text != "MAIN"))
				List<string> ProfilesDirectory = ((text == "LMM") ? list2 : list);
				if (Select)
					ProfileSelectionDropdown.value = ProfileSelectionDropdown.options.FindIndex((OptionData x) => !ProfilesDirectory.Contains(x.text));

		private void Start()
			//IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a4: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00dd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0110: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0116: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0263: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_026d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0289: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0293: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_046b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0475: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04ab: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04d1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04f7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0539: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0543: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_055f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0569: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0585: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_058f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0608: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0612: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0140: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0145: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_063b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0640: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0646: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06c4: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0674: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0679: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_067f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_09d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				LMM_Canvas = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(ModManagerCanvas, GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform.parent, false).transform;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick = LMM_Canvas.Find<Button>("Menu/Local_Show").onClick;
				object obj = <>c.<>9__34_0;
				if (obj == null)
					UnityAction val = delegate
					<>c.<>9__34_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick2 = LMM_Canvas.Find<Button>("Menu/TS_Show").onClick;
				object obj2 = <>c.<>9__34_1;
				if (obj2 == null)
					UnityAction val2 = delegate
					<>c.<>9__34_1 = val2;
					obj2 = (object)val2;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick3 = LMM_Canvas.Find<Button>("Menu/Downloads_Show").onClick;
				object obj3 = <>c.<>9__34_2;
				if (obj3 == null)
					UnityAction val3 = delegate
					<>c.<>9__34_2 = val3;
					obj3 = (object)val3;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick4 = LMM_Canvas.Find<Button>("Menu/ExitAction").onClick;
				object obj4 = <>c.<>9__34_3;
				if (obj4 == null)
					UnityAction val4 = delegate
						ConfigsToDownload = null;
						ModManager.JoiningLobbyId = null;
					<>c.<>9__34_3 = val4;
					obj4 = (object)val4;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick5 = LMM_Canvas.Find<Button>("Menu/Reload").onClick;
				object obj5 = <>O.<1>__UpdateThunderstoreData;
				if (obj5 == null)
					UnityAction val5 = LMM_ModHandler.UpdateThunderstoreData;
					<>O.<1>__UpdateThunderstoreData = val5;
					obj5 = (object)val5;
				LMM_Canvas.Find<Text>("LMM/Text").text = "LethalModManager v0.1.6 by Kyxino";
				Actions = LMM_Canvas.Find("Menu/Actions");
				InputField SaveProfileInput = Actions.Find<InputField>("Local/SaveProfile");
				Text SaveProfileButtonText = Actions.Find<Text>("Local/SaveProfileButton/Text");
				Dropdown ProfileSelectionDropdown = Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Local/ProfileSelectionDropdown");
				Text ProfileDropdownText = Actions.Find<Text>("Local/ProfileSelectionDropdown/Text");
				UpdateProfileSelection(ProfileSelectionDropdown, Select: true);
				((UnityEvent<int>)(object)ProfileSelectionDropdown.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<int>)delegate(int Value)
					string text11 = ProfileSelectionDropdown.options[Value].text;
					SaveProfileInput.text = ((text11.StartsWith("TEMP:") || text11.StartsWith("ALT:")) ? "" : text11);
					for (int num3 = 0; num3 < LP_Local.childCount; num3++)
						LMM_ModSlot component4 = ((Component)LP_Local.GetChild(num3)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
					object obj8;
					if (!text11.StartsWith("TEMP: "))
						obj8 = (text11.StartsWith("ALT: ") ? Paths.PluginPath : ((text11 == "Main Directory") ? Path.Combine(ModManager.DIR_LethalCompany.FullName, "BepInEx", "plugins") : Path.Combine(ModManager.DIR_Profiles.FullName, text11, "BepInEx", "plugins")));
						string fullName = ModManager.DIR_TempProfiles.FullName;
						string text12 = text11;
						obj8 = Path.Combine(fullName, text12.Substring(7, text12.Length - 7), "BepInEx", "plugins");
					string text13 = (string)obj8;
					foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModManifestV1> mod2 in LMM_ModHandler.GetMods(text13))
						AddModToUI($"{mod2.Key}-{mod2.Value.Version}", LP_Local, mod2.Value, ModSlotState.Enabled, IgnoreExisting: true);
					UpdateUI = true;
					SwitchedPanel = true;
				char[] InvalidPathChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
				SaveProfileButtonText.text = "New Profile";
				((UnityEvent<string>)(object)SaveProfileInput.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<string>)delegate(string Value)
					string text10 = string.Join("", Value.Where((char x) => !InvalidPathChars.Contains(x)));
					int caretPosition = SaveProfileInput.caretPosition;
					SaveProfileInput.caretPosition = caretPosition;
					SaveProfileButtonText.text = (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ModManager.DIR_Profiles.FullName, text10)) ? "Delete Profile" : "New Profile");
					string text9 = SaveProfileInput.text.Trim();
					if (text9.Length >= 1 && !(text9 == "Main Directory"))
						if (SaveProfileButtonText.text == "Delete Profile")
							UpdateProfileSelection(ProfileSelectionDropdown, Select: true);
							SaveProfileButtonText.text = "Delete Profile";
							ProfileSelectionDropdown.AddOptions(new List<string> { text9 });
					string text6 = SaveProfileInput.text.Trim();
					for (int n = 0; n < ModManager.DoorstopSettings.Count; n++)
						string text7 = ModManager.DoorstopSettings[n];
						if (text7.StartsWith("targetAssembly="))
							List<string> doorstopSettings = ModManager.DoorstopSettings;
							int index = n;
							object value3;
							if (!(ProfileDropdownText.text == "Main Directory"))
								if (!ProfileDropdownText.text.StartsWith("ALT: "))
									if (!ProfileDropdownText.text.StartsWith("TEMP: "))
										value3 = "targetAssembly=.\\LethalModManager\\Profiles\\" + ProfileDropdownText.text + "\\BepInEx\\core\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
										string text8 = ProfileDropdownText.text;
										value3 = "targetAssembly=.\\LethalModManager\\TempProfiles\\" + text8.Substring(5, text8.Length - 5) + "\\BepInEx\\core\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
									value3 = Paths.BepInExAssemblyDirectory + "\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
								value3 = "targetAssembly=BepInEx\\core\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
							doorstopSettings[index] = (string)value3;
					//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_Reversed = !LMM_ModHandler.TS_Reversed;
					((Transform)Actions.Find<RectTransform>("Thunderstore/ReverseSort/Text")).eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, (float)(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Reversed ? 90 : (-90)));
				Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/SortDropdown").AddOptions(new List<string>(8) { "Last Updated", "Last Released", "Most Downloads", "Most Dependents", "Most Likes", "Most Dependencies", "Most Versions", "Latest Size" });
				((UnityEvent<int>)(object)Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/SortDropdown").onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<int>)delegate(int Value)
				Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/CountDropdown").AddOptions(new List<string>(7) { "12 Results", "18 Results", "24 Results", "36 Results", "48 Results", "72 Results", "96 Results" });
				((UnityEvent<int>)(object)Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/CountDropdown").onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<int>)delegate(int Value)
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count = (int.TryParse(Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/CountDropdown").options[Value].text.Replace(" Results", ""), out var result3) ? result3 : 12);
				Actions.Find<Dropdown>("Thunderstore/CountDropdown").value = 0;
					string Text = Actions.Find<InputField>("Thunderstore/Search").text.ToUpper();
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice = LMM_ModHandler.TS_Search;
					if (Text.StartsWith(";"))
						string text5 = Text;
						Text = text5.Substring(1, text5.Length - 1);
						LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice = LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Where(delegate(ModListing x)
							int result2;
							if (!x.Tags.Contains("Modpacks"))
								VersionListing? versionListing = x.Versions.FirstOrDefault();
								result2 = ((versionListing != null && versionListing.Dependencies?.Count < 10) ? 1 : 0);
								result2 = 0;
							return (byte)result2 != 0;
					LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice = LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Where((ModListing x) => x.Full_Name.ToUpper().Contains(Text) || x.Versions.FirstOrDefault().Desc.ToUpper().Contains(Text)).ToList();
					UpdatePage(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset - 2 * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
					UpdatePage(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset - LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
				((UnityEvent<string>)(object)Actions.Find<InputField>("Thunderstore/InputPage").onEndEdit).AddListener((UnityAction<string>)delegate(string Input)
					UpdatePage((int.Parse(Input) - 1) * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
					UpdatePage(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset + LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
					UpdatePage(LMM_ModHandler.TS_Offset + 2 * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
					UpdatePage(Mathf.FloorToInt((float)LMM_ModHandler.TS_SearchChoice.Count / (float)LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count) * LMM_ModHandler.TS_Count);
				string[] AutoRequired = new string[6] { "Equipment", "Items", "Monsters", "Moons", "Furniture", "Modpacks" };
				int AllSetting = 1;
				Actions.Find<Text>("Host/SetAllPriority/Text").text = "Set All Preferred";
					for (int m = 0; m < LP_Host.childCount; m++)
						LMM_ModSlot component3 = ((Component)LP_Host.GetChild(m)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
						if (!((Object)(object)component3 == (Object)null))
							switch (AllSetting)
							case 0:
							case 1:
							case -1:
								ModListing mod = component3.ModInfo.GetMod();
								if (mod == null)
								if (mod.Tags.Contains("Translations"))
								else if (mod.Tags.FirstOrDefault((string x) => AutoRequired.Contains(x)) != null || (mod.Tags.Contains("Server-side") && mod.Tags.Contains("Client-side")))
					AllSetting = (AllSetting + 2) % 4 - 1;
					Actions.Find<Text>("Host/SetAllPriority/Text").text = ((AllSetting == 0) ? "Set All Optional" : ((AllSetting == 1) ? "Set All Preferred" : ((AllSetting == -1) ? "Set All Required" : "Set All Mods Auto")));
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick6 = Actions.Find<Button>("Host/OpenLobby").onClick;
				object obj6 = <>c.<>9__34_20;
				if (obj6 == null)
					UnityAction val6 = delegate
						ModManager.MLS.LogFatal((object)"Attempting to open lobby via mod sync.");
						using WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
						Dictionary<string, int> dictionary2 = new Dictionary<string, int>();
						for (int l = 0; l < LP_Host.childCount; l++)
							LMM_ModSlot component2 = ((Component)LP_Host.GetChild(l)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
							dictionary2.Add(component2.ModInfo.Full_Version, (component2.State != ModSlotState.Optional) ? ((component2.State == ModSlotState.Preferred) ? 1 : (-1)) : 0);
						Dictionary<string, object> dictionary3 = new Dictionary<string, object>
							["Mods"] = dictionary2,
							["Configs"] = LMM_ModHandler.CompressConfigs()
						string data = "#lethalmodmanager\n" + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)dictionary3)));
						webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
						string text4 = webClient.UploadString("", data);
						Dictionary<string, object> dictionary4 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(text4);
						if (!dictionary4.TryGetValue("key", out var value2))
							FailedOpenLobby = Time.time + 1f;
							ModManager.ModSyncKey = value2.ToString();
							ModManager.ModSyncCount = dictionary2.Count;
							ModManager.OpeningLobby = true;
					<>c.<>9__34_20 = val6;
					obj6 = (object)val6;
				ButtonClickedEvent onClick7 = Actions.Find<Button>("LobbyMods/ApplyAll").onClick;
				object obj7 = <>c.<>9__34_21;
				if (obj7 == null)
					UnityAction val7 = delegate
						for (int k = 0; k < LP_LobbyMods.childCount; k++)
					<>c.<>9__34_21 = val7;
					obj7 = (object)val7;
				Actions.Find<Text>("LobbyMods/Download/Text").text = "Install/Launch";
					LMM_ModHandler.CreateProfile(ModManager.JoiningLobbyId.ToString(), TempProfile: true);
					for (int i = 0; i < LP_LobbyMods.childCount; i++)
						LMM_ModSlot component = ((Component)LP_LobbyMods.GetChild(i)).GetComponent<LMM_ModSlot>();
						if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null && (component.State == ModSlotState.Preferred || component.State == ModSlotState.Forced))
							component.ModInfo.Download(IncludeDependencies: false, ModManager.JoiningLobbyId.ToString(), SaveToTempProfile: true, IgnoreConfigs: true);
					string text = Path.Combine(ModManager.DIR_TempProfiles.FullName, ModManager.JoiningLobbyId.ToString());
					Match match = Regex.Match(ConfigsToDownload, "LMM\\$.+\\n");
					while (match.Success)
						string value = match.Value;
						string path = text + "\\BepInEx\\" + value.Substring(4, value.Length - 1 - 4).Replace('/', '\\');
						int num = match.Index + match.Length;
						match = match.NextMatch();
						new DirectoryInfo(path).Parent.Create();
						string configsToDownload = ConfigsToDownload;
						int num2 = num;
						File.WriteAllText(path, configsToDownload.Substring(num2, (match.Success ? (match.Index - 1) : ConfigsToDownload.Length) - num2));
					string text2 = SaveProfileInput.text.Trim();
					for (int j = 0; j < ModManager.DoorstopSettings.Count; j++)
						string text3 = ModManager.DoorstopSettings[j];
						if (text3.StartsWith("targetAssembly="))
							ModManager.DoorstopSettings[j] = $"targetAssembly=.\\LethalModManager\\TempProfiles\\{ModManager.JoiningLobbyId}\\BepInEx\\core\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
				ListPanel = LMM_Canvas.Find("Menu/ListPanel");
				LP_Local = ListPanel.Find("Local");
				LP_Thunderstore = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_Thunderstore).name = "Thunderstore";
				LP_Downloads = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_Downloads).name = "Downloads";
				LP_Host = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_Host).name = "Host";
				LP_Config = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_Config).name = "Config";
				LP_LobbyMods = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_LobbyMods).name = "LobbyMods";
				LP_LobbyConfigs = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(LP_Local, ListPanel, false);
				((Object)LP_LobbyConfigs).name = "LobbyConfigs";
				LMM_ModHandler.UserMods = LMM_ModHandler.GetMods();
				Dictionary<string, ModInfo> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, ModInfo>();
				foreach (string item in Directory.EnumerateFiles(".\\LethalModManager\\ModStorage", "*.zip"))
					if (!ModInfo.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item), out var result))
					string full_Name = result.Full_Name;
					if (dictionary.ContainsKey(full_Name))
						if (dictionary[full_Name].Version < result.Version)
							dictionary[full_Name] = result;
						dictionary.TryAdd(full_Name, result);
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModInfo> item2 in dictionary)
					AddModToUI(item2.Value.Full_Version, LP_Downloads);
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModManifestV1> userMod in LMM_ModHandler.UserMods)
					AddModToUI($"{userMod.Key}-{userMod.Value.Version}", LP_Local, userMod.Value);
					if (userMod.Value.UserEnabled)
						Instance.AddModToUI($"{userMod.Key}-{userMod.Value.Version}", LP_Host, userMod.Value, ModSlotState.Preferred);
				UpdateUI = true;
				SwitchedPanel = true;
				ManualLogSource mLS = ModManager.MLS;
				Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
				mLS.LogWarning((object)("Scene: " + ((Scene)(ref activeScene)).name + " | Loaded LMM_UI."));
			catch (Exception ex)
				BreakUI = true;
				ModManager.MLS.LogError((object)"[LMM]: Unexpected error, disabling to prevent error spam.");
	public enum LaunchOptions
	public enum DependentVersionChecks
	[BepInPlugin("Kyxino.LethalModManager", "LethalModManager", "0.1.6")]
	public class ModManager : BaseUnityPlugin
		private readonly Harmony HarmonyX = new Harmony("Kyxino.LethalModManager");

		public const string ModVersion = "0.1.6";

		internal static ManualLogSource MLS = Logger.CreateLogSource("Kyxino.LethalModManager");

		public static ModManager Instance;

		public static ConfigFile LMM_Config = new ConfigFile(Path.Combine("LethalModManager", "Settings.cfg"), true, MetadataHelper.GetMetadata(typeof(ModManager)));

		public static ConfigFile Mod_Config = new ConfigFile(Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, "Kyxino.LethalModManager.cfg"), true, MetadataHelper.GetMetadata(typeof(ModManager)));

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> Active_LobbySearcher = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Active Settings", "LobbySearcher", true, "[Needs Restarting] LMM's lobby search for mod sync compatibility. (Handles basic stuff that other things that override the vanilla one typically handles, this will eventually be replaced with a lobby search in the LMM UI that won't affect the vanilla one at some point.)");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> SharedRequiredInstantLoading = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Mod Sync Settings", "SharedRequiredInstantLoading", false, "Temporary setting for joining hosts and sharing the same required mods to instantly join rather than download a temp profile and what not. (Warning: This is more likely to cause you to accidentally have missing mods/configs.)");

		public static ConfigEntry<float> PositionalRelativityToHostButtonMultiplier = Mod_Config.Bind<float>("Mods Button", "PositionalRelativityToHostButtonMultiplier", 1f, "If another button is above the Host button, please set this to 2.");

		public static ConfigEntry<float> UpdateTime = LMM_Config.Bind<float>("API Settings", "UpdateTime", 30f, "How long (in minutes) between every API request to update mod info.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> ForceUpdateUponOpening = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("API Settings", "ForceUpdateUponOpening", false, "If the mod data should update every time the game is opened REGARDLESS of the update timer.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> ScaleUI = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("UI Settings", "ScaleUI", true, "If the UI should scale with your screen ratio.");

		public static ConfigEntry<float> ScaleBetweenWidthToHeight = LMM_Config.Bind<float>("UI Settings", "ScaleBetweenWidthToHeight", 1f, "How the UI should scale with your screen ratio. (Width: 0 -> Height: 1)");

		public static ConfigEntry<string> ModsButtonText = LMM_Config.Bind<string>("UI Settings", "LMM_ButtonText", "> LethalModManager", "Feel free to name it whatever you want. (Modpacks can't change your choice.)");

		public static ConfigEntry<int> RetryLogoLoadingTimes = LMM_Config.Bind<int>("Thunderstore Settings", "RetryLogoLoadingTimes", 5, "How many times should LMM try to load a logo from online.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> SpecificModVersionLink = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Thunderstore Settings", "SpecificModVersionLink", false, "If clicking the Web icon on a mod should take you to the specific version.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> HideLinkIfMissingVersion = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Thunderstore Settings", "HideLinkIfMissingVersion", true, "If the Web icon should be hidden from a mod if missing the selected version.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> CountFlattenedDependencies = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Thunderstore Settings", "CountFlattenedDependencies", false, "If it should count flattened dependencies or just listed dependencies.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> SpecificModVersionDownloads = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Thunderstore Settings", "SpecificModVersionDownloads", false, "If it should only show the specific version's downloads.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> SpecificModVersionDependents = LMM_Config.Bind<bool>("Thunderstore Settings", "SpecificModVersionDependents", false, "If it should only count the dependents for the specific version.");

		public static ConfigEntry<DependentVersionChecks> ModpackVersionCheck = LMM_Config.Bind<DependentVersionChecks>("Thunderstore Settings", "ModpackVersionCheck", DependentVersionChecks.Once, "How it should calculate those dependents.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> ForcedLobbySearch = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Search Settings", "ForcedLobbySearch", false, "If this is enabled, it will forcibly replace lobby searching if you want it to work regardless of other lobby mods that may change it.");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> IncludeFullLobbies = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Search Settings", "IncludeFullLobbies", false, "Whether or not to show full lobbies. (You are weird.)");

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> OnlyShowModSyncLobbies = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Search Settings", "OnlyShowModSyncLobbies", false, "Whether or not to ONLY show lobbies with LMM hosts for mod sync.");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_LMM = Directory.CreateDirectory("LethalModManager");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_ModCache = DIR_LMM.CreateSubdirectory("ModCache");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_ModStorage = DIR_LMM.CreateSubdirectory("ModStorage");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_TempProfiles = DIR_LMM.CreateSubdirectory("TempProfiles");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_Profiles = DIR_LMM.CreateSubdirectory("Profiles");

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_LethalCompany = DIR_LMM.Parent;

		public static DirectoryInfo DIR_CurrentProfile = Directory.GetParent(Paths.BepInExRootPath);

		public static List<string> DoorstopSettings;

		public static bool IsQuickReloaded;

		public static LaunchOptions QR_AutoLaunchMode;

		public static string ModSyncKey;

		public static int ModSyncCount;

		public static bool OpeningLobby;

		public static ulong? JoiningLobbyId;

		public static bool HasQuickReloaded;

		public static bool SkippedLaunchModeMenu;

		public static bool QR_SkipSplash;

		public static bool QR_SkipBootAnim;

		public static bool QL_SkipSplash;

		public static bool QL_SkipBootAnim;

		public static LaunchOptions QL_AutoLaunchMode;

		public static bool SkipSplash;

		public static bool SkipBootAnim;

		public static bool SkipUpdatePopup;

		public static bool SkipLANPopup;

		public static LaunchOptions AutoLaunchMode;

		private void Awake()
			Instance = this;
			MLS.LogWarning((object)GeneralExtensions.Join<string>((IEnumerable<string>)DoorstopSettings, (Func<string, string>)null, "\n"));
			if (IsQuickReloaded)
				for (int i = 0; i < DoorstopSettings.Count; i++)
					string text = DoorstopSettings[i];
					if (text.StartsWith("targetAssembly="))
						DoorstopSettings[i] = "targetAssembly=BepInEx\\core\\BepInEx.Preloader.dll";
				File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "doorstop_config.ini"), DoorstopSettings.Where((string x) => !x.StartsWith("joiningLobbyId")));
					DirectoryInfo[] directories = DIR_TempProfiles.GetDirectories();
					foreach (DirectoryInfo directoryInfo in directories)
						directoryInfo.Delete(recursive: true);
				catch (Exception ex)
			((Object)((Component)this).gameObject).hideFlags = (HideFlags)63;
			((Object)((Component)this).gameObject).name = "LethalModManager";
			MLS.LogInfo((object)"Loaded LethalModManager, patching.");
			JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings
				Converters = new List<JsonConverter> { (JsonConverter)(object)new ModInfoConverter() }
			DirectoryInfo directoryInfo2 = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "DELETE"));
			if (directoryInfo2.Exists)
				directoryInfo2.Delete(recursive: true);
			string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Paths.GameRootPath, "*.lmm-delete", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
			foreach (string path in files)
				catch (Exception ex2)
			string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "*.lmm-delete", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
			foreach (string path2 in files2)
				catch (Exception ex3)
			LMM_ModHandler.CreateProfile("Main Directory");

		private void QuickLoad()
			if (HasQuickReloaded)
			HasQuickReloaded = true;
			SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
			if (!SkipSplash)
				while (!SkippedLaunchModeMenu)

		private static void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
			if (((Scene)(ref scene)).name == "InitScene" || ((Scene)(ref scene)).name == "InitSceneLANMode")
				SkippedLaunchModeMenu = true;
				if (SkipBootAnim)
					InitializeGame val = Object.FindObjectOfType<InitializeGame>();
					if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null))
						val.runBootUpScreen = false;
				if (!(((Scene)(ref scene)).name == "MainMenu"))
				SkippedLaunchModeMenu = true;
				if (SkipUpdatePopup)
					GameNetworkManager.Instance.firstTimeInMenu = false;
				if (!SkipLANPopup)
				MenuManager obj = Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>();
				if (obj != null)
					GameObject lanWarningContainer = obj.lanWarningContainer;
					if (lanWarningContainer != null)

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PreInitSceneScript), "SkipToFinalSetting")]
		public static bool SkipToFinalSetting(PreInitSceneScript __instance)
			if (AutoLaunchMode == LaunchOptions.None)
				return SkippedLaunchModeMenu = true;
			GameObject launchSettingsPanelsContainer = __instance.launchSettingsPanelsContainer;
			if (launchSettingsPanelsContainer != null)
			if (SkippedLaunchModeMenu)
				return false;
			SkippedLaunchModeMenu = true;
			SceneManager.LoadScene((AutoLaunchMode == LaunchOptions.LAN) ? "InitSceneLANMode" : "InitScene");
			return false;

		static ModManager()
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown
			string[] array = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Paths.GameRootPath, "doorstop_config.ini"));
			List<string> list = new List<string>(array.Length);
			string[] array2 = array;
			foreach (string item in array2)
			DoorstopSettings = list;
			IsQuickReloaded = DoorstopSettings.Contains("isQuickReloaded=true");
			string text = DoorstopSettings.Where((string x) => x.StartsWith("reloadLaunchMode=")).LastOrDefault();
			if (1 == 0)
			LaunchOptions qR_AutoLaunchMode = ((text == "reloadLaunchMode=Online") ? LaunchOptions.Online : ((text == "reloadLaunchMode=LAN") ? LaunchOptions.LAN : LaunchOptions.None));
			if (1 == 0)
			QR_AutoLaunchMode = qR_AutoLaunchMode;
			OpeningLobby = false;
			JoiningLobbyId = (ulong.TryParse(DoorstopSettings.Where((string x) => x.StartsWith("joiningLobbyId=")).LastOrDefault()?.Replace("joiningLobbyId=", ""), out var result) ? new ulong?(result) : null);
			HasQuickReloaded = false;
			SkippedLaunchModeMenu = false;
			QR_SkipSplash = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Reload", "SkipSplash", true, "Whether or not to skip the Unity/Zeekerss splash screen when quick reloading.").Value;
			QR_SkipBootAnim = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Reload", "SkipBootAnim", true, "Whether or not to skip the OS boot animation when quick reloading.").Value;
			QL_SkipSplash = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Launch", "SkipSplash", false, "Whether or not to skip the Unity/Zeekerss splash screen.").Value;
			QL_SkipBootAnim = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Launch", "SkipBootAnim", false, "Whether or not to skip the OS boot animation.").Value;
			QL_AutoLaunchMode = Mod_Config.Bind<LaunchOptions>("Quick Launch", "AutoLaunchMode", LaunchOptions.None, "What mode should be automatically selected.").Value;
			SkipSplash = (IsQuickReloaded ? QR_SkipSplash : QL_SkipSplash);
			SkipBootAnim = (IsQuickReloaded ? QR_SkipBootAnim : QL_SkipBootAnim);
			SkipUpdatePopup = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Launch", "SkipUpdatePopup", false, "Whether or not to skip the update popup.").Value;
			SkipLANPopup = Mod_Config.Bind<bool>("Quick Launch", "SkipLANPopup", false, "Whether or not to skip the LAN popup.").Value;
			AutoLaunchMode = (IsQuickReloaded ? QR_AutoLaunchMode : QL_AutoLaunchMode);
	[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
	internal class Resource1
		private static ResourceManager resourceMan;

		private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

		internal static ResourceManager ResourceManager
				if (resourceMan == null)
					ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("LethalModManager.Resource1", typeof(Resource1).Assembly);
					resourceMan = resourceManager;
				return resourceMan;

		internal static CultureInfo Culture
				return resourceCulture;
				resourceCulture = value;

		internal static byte[] LethalModManagerUI
				object @object = ResourceManager.GetObject("LethalModManagerUI", resourceCulture);
				return (byte[])@object;

		internal Resource1()
	internal class LMM_LobbySearcher
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "loadLobbyListAndFilter")]
		private static void LobbyListFilter(SteamLobbyManager __instance, ref IEnumerator __result)
			__result = LMM_Utils.HarmonyEnumerator(__result, null, delegate
				//IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				LobbySlot val2 = ((Component)__instance.levelListContainer).GetComponentsInChildren<LobbySlot>().LastOrDefault();
				if (!((Object)(object)val2 == (Object)null))
					Lobby thisLobby2 = val2.thisLobby;
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("LMM_Sync")))
						((TMP_Text)((Component)val2).transform.Find<TextMeshProUGUI>("JoinButton/Text (TMP)")).text = "Sync";
					((TMP_Text)val2.LobbyName).text = ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("name");
					((TMP_Text)val2.playerCount).text = $"{((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).MemberCount} / {((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).MaxMembers}";
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("LMM_Mods")))
						TextMeshProUGUI playerCount2 = val2.playerCount;
						((TMP_Text)playerCount2).text = ((TMP_Text)playerCount2).text + " (" + ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("LMM_Mods") + " Mods | v" + ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("vers") + ")";
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby2)).GetData("LethalModManager")))
			}, null, null, delegate
				//IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				LobbySlot val = ((Component)__instance.levelListContainer).GetComponentsInChildren<LobbySlot>().LastOrDefault();
				if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null))
					Lobby thisLobby = val.thisLobby;
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("LMM_Sync")))
						((TMP_Text)((Component)val).transform.Find<TextMeshProUGUI>("JoinButton/Text (TMP)")).text = "Sync";
					((TMP_Text)val.LobbyName).text = ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("name");
					((TMP_Text)val.playerCount).text = $"{((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).MemberCount} / {((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).MaxMembers}";
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("LMM_Mods")))
						TextMeshProUGUI playerCount = val.playerCount;
						((TMP_Text)playerCount).text = ((TMP_Text)playerCount).text + " (" + ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("LMM_Mods") + " Mods | v" + ((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("vers") + ")";
					if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref thisLobby)).GetData("LethalModManager")))

		private static async void LobbyRedo(SteamLobbyManager __instance)
			if (!GameNetworkManager.Instance.waitingForLobbyDataRefresh)
				Coroutine loadLobbyListCoroutine = LMM_Utils.GetField<Coroutine>(__instance, "loadLobbyListCoroutine");
				if (loadLobbyListCoroutine != null)
				LMM_Utils.SetField(__instance, "refreshServerListTimer", 0f);
				((TMP_Text)__instance.serverListBlankText).text = "Loading server list...";
				LobbySlot[] LobbySlots = Object.FindObjectsOfType<LobbySlot>();
				LobbySlot[] array = LobbySlots;
				foreach (LobbySlot Destroy in array)
				Debug.Log((object)"Requested server list");
				GameNetworkManager.Instance.waitingForLobbyDataRefresh = true;
				int sortByDistanceSetting = __instance.sortByDistanceSetting;
				if (1 == 0)
				LobbyQuery lobbyList;
				LobbyQuery val;
				switch (sortByDistanceSetting)
				case 0:
					lobbyList = SteamMatchmaking.LobbyList;
					val = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyList)).FilterDistanceClose();
				case 1:
					lobbyList = SteamMatchmaking.LobbyList;
					val = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyList)).FilterDistanceFar();
					lobbyList = SteamMatchmaking.LobbyList;
					val = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyList)).FilterDistanceWorldwide();
				if (1 == 0)
				LobbyQuery lobbyQuery = val;
				if (!LMM_Utils.GetField<bool>(__instance, "sortWithChallengeMoons"))
					lobbyQuery = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyQuery)).WithKeyValue("chal", "f");
				if (__instance.serverTagInputField.text != string.Empty)
					lobbyQuery = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyQuery)).WithKeyValue("tag", __instance.serverTagInputField.text.Substring(0, Mathf.Min(19, __instance.serverTagInputField.text.Length)).ToLower());
				val = ((LobbyQuery)(ref lobbyQuery)).WithSlotsAvailable((!ModManager.IncludeFullLobbies.Value) ? 1 : 0);
				Lobby[] AllLobbies = (await ((LobbyQuery)(ref val)).RequestAsync())?.ToArray();
				Lobby[] currentLobbyList = LMM_Utils.SetField(__instance, "currentLobbyList", AllLobbies);
				GameNetworkManager.Instance.waitingForLobbyDataRefresh = false;
				if (currentLobbyList != null)
					Debug.Log((object)"Got lobby list!");
					LMM_Utils.InvokeMethod(__instance, "DebugLogServerList");
					((Component)__instance.serverListBlankText).gameObject.SetActive(currentLobbyList.Length == 0);
					((TMP_Text)__instance.serverListBlankText).text = "No available servers to join.";
					LMM_Utils.SetField(__instance, "lobbySlotPositionOffset", 0f);
					LMM_Utils.SetField<Coroutine>(__instance, "loadLobbyListCoroutine", ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)LMM_Utils.InvokeMethod(__instance, "loadLobbyListAndFilter", new object[1] { currentLobbyList })));
					Debug.Log((object)"Lobby list is null after request.");
					((TMP_Text)__instance.serverListBlankText).text = "No available servers to join.";

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "LoadServerList")]
		[HarmonyAfter(new string[] { "me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany" })]
		private static bool UnfortunateForcedPatch(SteamLobbyManager __instance)
			if (!ModManager.ForcedLobbySearch.Value)
				return true;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "OnEnable")]
		private static void FixLobbySearchList(SteamLobbyManager __instance, Transform ___levelListContainer)
			ContentSizeFitter val = ((Component)___levelListContainer).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			val.verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			VerticalLayoutGroup val2 = ((Component)___levelListContainer).gameObject.AddComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>();
			((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childControlHeight = false;
			((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).spacing = 2f;
	internal static class LMM_ModHandler
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int>, string> <>9__21_0;

			public static Func<KeyValuePair<ModInfo, int>, (ModInfo Key, int Value)> <>9__21_1;

			public static Func<KeyValuePair<string, (ModInfo Key, int Value)>, ModInfo> <>9__21_2;

			public static Func<KeyValueP