Useful Zap Gun
The bees will be exterminated. Configurable!
Change Log
- Fixed a bug due to which the config for compatibility with CodeRebirth did not appear
- The mod loaded as it should, I just forgot to rename the config
- Fixed a bug due to which the mod refused to load if CodeRebirth was missing
- Fixed a logic for item charging
- DOT config moved from Enemies section to new config section
- Zap gun price is now configurable
- Enemies:
- Giants can now be set on fire
- Blobs can now be vaporized
- Added a patch that increases or decreases the difficulty of the minigame for enemies depending on the distance from where the minigame starts (can be disabled)
- the divider is configurable, which makes it possible to make only a decrease or only an increase in difficulty (the formula is written in the patch description)
- Hazards:
- Vanila:
- Landmine now explodes only after canceling charging
- SpikeTrap now needs to be charged for 1 second in order for it to count as a zap
- CodeRebirth:
- AC Unit: Decreases firing range by 1/15 every second of charging
- Bear Trap: Have you ever tried charging conductive items?
- Flash Turret: Increase cooldown up to 1 minute (you need to charge the flash turret for a very long time..)
- Industial Fan: Turn off while charging
- Laser: Explodes after 1.5 seconds of charging
- Microwave: Toggle microwave
- Tesla: Takes 50% of the maximum charge of zap gun to turn off, but can detonate a zap gun.
- Vanila:
- Fixed an error that could occur when a mob explodes
- Added additional battery sync for item charging (just in case if it was not synced before)
- Removed HappyBirthdayRat, Slayer and Wig steamid events (iykyk)
- Fixed a bug with the enemy exploding after interruption and activation of the zap gun
- SpikeTrap - the zap point is now located at the location of the red dot at the base of the trap
- Items - Raised the zap point slightly for every item with battery and weapon
- Enemy config changes
- Now the time before explosion for each enemy specified in the list is configured separately
- You can turn off the explosion to make the enemies listed in the list zapable without explosion
- Zap gun DOT (damage over time) (part of enemy config, but I decided to put it here separately)
- Too OP imo so it is disabled by default
- Separate damage to players and mobs
- Most likely can heal players if a negative value is set in the config (it is patcher tool after all)
- Configurable time
- It SHOULD NOT kill creatures that can't die from a shovel
- Landmine can now be zapped properly (thanks, Xu)
- Fixed an error when trying to zap a turret
- Fixed config for items
- If some items from mods are not in the config - shout at the author of the mod so that they fix Scriptble Object for the item.
- Don't forget to reset the config to avoid possible errors
- Vanilla hazards can now be zapped
- Landmine: at the moment it is impossible to zap, although there is a script for this.
- As I understand it, the landmine collider is too low and the zap gun cannot detect the mine as something that can be stunned because of this.
- Turret: goes into berserk mode after some time for 9 seconds and then turns off permanently.
- Spiketrap: A bit difficult, but can be disabled with a few zaps.
- To zap, the spiketrap needs to fall (i.e. it is advisable to scan either immediately after the trap falls, or before it falls)
- Landmine: at the moment it is impossible to zap, although there is a script for this.
- Shovel damage is now synced (should be at least)
- Now to charge the shovel you need to set config for required % of the gun charge
- Fixed item charge multipliers
- By default, all multipliers are made so that the charge of the zap gun is 1 to 1 to the charge of any other item.
- Don't ask why they are like this, I didn't calculate them manually =)
- By default, all multipliers are made so that the charge of the zap gun is 1 to 1 to the charge of any other item.
- Item charge multipliers are now configurable
- Increasing the multiplier reduces the battery consumption of the gun to charge this item.
- You can now charge weapons and equipment
- Weapons:
- Charging a weapon (shovel, sign, mace (Code Rebirth), etc.) gives the weapon x2 damage for a configurable amount of time.
- If the weapon is already charged, it damages the player with zap gun by 15 damage.
- Equipment:
- Charging items that have a battery
- Weapons:
- Tornado (Code Rebirth) and Bruce (Surfaced) can no longer be destroyed by zap gun.
- Fixed an error from 0.0.1
- Fixed a bug where when a client exploded a mob, the mob did not disappear.
- The error that pops up after the client destroys the mob should not be critical, but if something breaks, let me know (I don’t know why it pops up, it is ServerRpc)
- Initial release