njla8-DropAllYourItems icon


Adds a key that drops all your items.

By njla8
Last updated 6 months ago
Total downloads 1126
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods BepInEx Client-side
Dependency string njla8-DropAllYourItems-1.0.0
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.4.0 icon

Utilities for creating InputActions and having them be accessible in game

Preferred version: 0.4.0


Mod is client sided, and you can use it without the host having it.

###How to use Just choose the keybind you want if you have LethalCompany_InputUtils in the normal keybind settings.

###Dependencies Requires LethalCompany Input Utils mod as a hard depedency.