Version 1.3.4

  • Fixed issue where some assemblies' depedencies could cause the UI to not load properly.
  • Fixed issue with sliders/numeric inputs not using the AcceptableValueRange, this time for real.

Version 1.3.3

  • Fixed uncommon issue where closing LethalConfig would make the main menu/quick menu unusable due to not being deactivated and blocking the UI raycasts.
  • Forcing LethalConfig to be set as the last sibling when it's opened. This ensures the menu will be shown above UI that may be added by other mods.

Version 1.3.2

  • Reverted type for slider and numeric input options from nullable.

Version 1.3.1

  • Fixed issue where duplicated fields were autogenerated when the section or name of the item was overriden
  • Fixed issue where providing an options objects to sliders without setting their min/max values would not fallback into the AcceptableValueRange of the entry if one was present.

Version 1.3.0

  • Added new GenericButtonConfigItem, which allows you to create a button that provides you with a callback to run your own code when it's clicked.
  • Added item's Section, Name, and Description overrides, which allows you to change what LethalConfig will show without changing the section, keys, or descriptions in your ConfigEntry directly.
  • Fixed issue when trying to automatically read the mod's icon and description from mods installed manually with their dll at the root of the BepInEx's plugins folder. (@Rune580)
  • Fixed exception caused in the quick menu when running LethalConfig with AdvancedCompany.

Version 1.2.0

  • LethalConfig now reads both the mod's icons and descriptions directly from its thunderstore manifest if one can be found. (@Rune580)
  • Added methods to make LethalConfig skip the autogeneration for your entire mod, a config section, or individual configs. (@Rune580)
  • Added callbacks to the ConfigItem's options to tell whether a field is modifiable or not. (@Rune580)
  • Added LethalConfig to the in-game quick menu.
  • Did a change to how the mod adds the menu button in the main menu, so it conflicts a bit less with other mods like LethalExpansion or IntroTweaks.

Version 1.1.0

  • Automatically generating mod entries and config items for all loaded mods that creates their own ConfigEntry. With this, mods technically don't have the need to necessarily have LethalConfig as a dependency unless they want to use specific components, mark certain settings as non-restart required, or want to set their mod icon and description.
  • Adjusted some layout stuff.
  • Fixed a bug with the initialization of sliders.
  • Added customizable mod icons and mod descriptions.

Version 1.0.1

  • Added two new config types:
    • IntInputConfigItem (an integer text field)
    • FloatInputConfigItem (a float text field)
  • Fixed missing default value in the enum dropdown's description.

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release, which includes the following types:
    • IntSliderConfigItem
    • FloatSliderConfigItem
    • FloatStepSliderConfigItem
    • EnumDropDownConfigItem
    • BoolCheckBoxConfigItem
    • TextInputFieldConfigItem