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omaygad-Lobby_Dependecies-1.0.2 icon

Lobby Dependecies

Don't use

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.0.2
Download link
Downloads 63
Dependency string omaygad-Lobby_Dependecies-1.0.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
mcsteve-Baovideos-1.0.1 icon

Bao videos.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
Rattenbonkers-TVLoader-1.1.1 icon

Allows players to add custom videos to the Television.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
Procyon-LootableLandmines-1.3.1 icon

Lets you pick up, put down, buy, and sell landmines

Preferred version: 1.3.1
Wexop-BigMouth-1.1.1 icon

[V50+] Add a new monster to the game. Be careful, sometimes an item can hide a monster...

Preferred version: 1.1.1
ReavsStuff-ShibaBatInu-0.0.3 icon

Adds a shiba wielding a bat looking for blood. Very aggressive.

Preferred version: 0.0.3
PlatypusCrew-RandyOrton-0.0.2 icon

The three most dangerous letters in sport entertainment

Preferred version: 0.0.2
ProjectSCP-HeavyItemSCPs-1.0.2 icon

A collection of heavy item SCPs

Preferred version: 1.0.2
TheFluff-FairAI-1.3.9 icon

Mod To Make Entities Less Racist. Everyone that can die will die by stepping on land mines, sea mine, boombas, turrets, and config support. Now with more config options including checking for players nearby before anything can happen in the mod!

Preferred version: 1.3.9
Evaisa-LethalThings-0.10.6 icon

Adds 11 scrap, 6 store items, 1 enemy, 4 decor, 1 map hazard, and 1 game mechanic.

Preferred version: 0.10.6



Plugin that allows for comprehensive re-theming of the main menu and loading screen.

This is a configuration heavy mod, please read the .cfg file thoroughly!


  • Replace the main logo and loading images
  • Cleans up the vanilla menus
  • Theme all menu colors
  • Adjust menu spacing & position
  • Add your own custom menu item
  • PNG image or MP4 backgrounds
  • Change the loading screen text
  • Version number formatting
  • Hide or color the border corners
  • Experimental effects
  • Randomized images
  • Slideshow backgrounds and logos
  • Comes with default assets for testing

Dev Tools

  • Press the \ key to toggle load screen preview
  • Any changes to .cfg will be reflected without restarting game

Useage for ModPack & Theme Curators

  • Add Emblem as a dependancy in your manifest.json
  • You must create your own Emblem folder to put assets into
  • Add custom images to your zip like this: BepInEx/plugins/Emblem/Header123.png
  • Add a config file: BepInEx/config/DarkBrewery.Emblem.cfg
  • More detailed instructions can be found in the Darkbrewery-Emblem folder

Media Formats

  • Only png images supported, color space should set to sRGB to ensure color accuracy
  • Emblem backgrounds can use both H.264 and H.265 encoded mp4s with AAC audio

Bugs / Suggestions

If you have enjoyed this mod, please give it a thumbs up!


1.5.3 More Fun Features

Dollar Signs

  • Added a new bool flag in experimental for $'s
  • Toggling on will fix the $ in the files panel

Custom Boot Text

  • Animated bootup sequence can now be customized
  • Two more config entries allow changing the text
  • Re-uses the submenu theme color for continuity
  • The new .txt file must be in your own /Emblem/ folder

1.5.2 International Color Parsing

  • Ensured culture-invariant parsing for RGBA color strings
  • Changed alpha values to 0-100 to avoid using decimals
  • Backwards compatible so old 0-1 floats still work
  • Changed all default color configs to new format
  • This fixes a rare bug where non-english keyboard users could not use transparent colors


  • Updated default spacing and offset to match vanilla appearance
  • Fixed the slightly mis-aligned menu items

1.5.0 Custom Menu Item Update

  • New feature for modpack curators wanting to inform end users on changes
  • Allows for adding your own main menu item using a rich text file
  • 4 supporting config entries (Enable, Title, Weight, Path)
  • The new .txt file must be in your own /Emblem/ folder
  • An example file has been provided in the defaults folder
  • Theme-able with features from 1.4.0 update
  • Added 2 new config entries for menus
  • Offset will adjust the menu position vertically
  • Height will adjust the spacing of menu items
  • Cleaned up logs & updated readme

1.4.5 LobbyCompatibility Compatibility

  • Added LobbyC as soft dependancy
  • Fixed LobbyC icon alignment & visibility in lobby list
  • Increased random delay between logo glitch waves
  • Refactored dynamic recoloring of lobbylist
  • Updated instructions file

1.4.4 MoreCompany Flavor

  • Theme color now applies to MoreCompany crewcount
  • Cosmetics button is also recolored
  • Button no longer appears early during init scene
  • Further cleaned up some logs

1.4.3 LCBetterSaves Compat

  • When LCBetterSaves is present we will avoid messing with it
  • Cleaned up some log entries

1.4.2 This one is for Lunxara

  • Host option highlight is now correctly toggled to 'friends-only' by default

1.4.1 Hotfix

  • Fixed default submenu theme color missing alpha value
  • Updated config tips

1.4.0 The Colorful Update

  • All submenus on the main screen can be custom themed
  • Color palette is calculated from one single config entry
  • Two new boolean configs added to the Menus section
  • Re-using menu colors on submenu buttons is optional
  • Essentially an entire new mod within a mod
  • This is being released with some minor known compatability bugs
  • Submenu coloring doesn't currently support live updates to cfg

1.3.2 Fixes

  • Fixed live changes not working on glitched logo
  • Fixed submenus stopping glitched logo animations
  • Dialed back scaling on retro TV effect to fix mouse positioning

1.3.1 New features

  • Added new config option for Left/Center/Right version alignment
  • Added experimental glitchy logo effect
  • Updated readme

1.3.0 Live Config Changes

  • Any config changes will now be applied without restart
  • Use any config editor, even notepad
  • Please report any bugs, extensive testing needed
  • Fixed typed text not working on second game load
  • Fixed scanline shader obscuring other plugins ui objects
  • Added feature, press \ key to preview loading screen
  • Slideshow transitions are no longer optional
  • Added a config file dispatcher/watcher to track cfg changes
  • Added unique names to repeatedaction coroutines
  • Refactored classes to use event listeners
  • Original headers are now hidden instead of replaced
  • Loadtext now starts its own object and doesn't touch the original
  • Video and image backgrounds now use the same container
  • Refactored MediaManager into singleton pattern
  • Fixed loading screen BG colors
  • Made some config descriptions clearer
  • Cleaned up logs

1.2.8 Bug fixes

  • Made loading text more readable using magic
  • Improved coroutine performance
  • Fixed bug where coroutines continued to run in main game

1.2.7 Loading Text Effects

  • Loading text can now be swapped on the slideshow timer
  • Loading text can now appear to be typed out
  • Retro TV effects now work on opening scenes
  • Added log header ascii bar
  • Fixed some naming rule breakers
  • Refactored header replacement again, better but still messy

1.2.6 Slideshow Transitions

  • Added animated slideshow opacity fade over time
  • Added config option to enable transitions
  • Adjusted random image selection to not use the same image twice in a row
  • Added config option for transition time
  • Made slideshow reuseable on various objects
  • Refactored configurator & delayhelper into singleton patterns
  • Reorganized header replacement methods to make sense
  • Renamed some gameobjects for sanity

1.2.5 New Features

  • Added scanlines as an embedded shader, setting is in experimental section
  • Added slideshow to rotate any image section when setup to be random
  • Cleaned methods that weren't checking if they already existed
  • Cleaned some debug log entries, fixed class prefix's

1.2.4 The TV Update

  • New experimental Retro TV styling for entire main menu scene
  • Camera volume masking fix for more company compatability

1.2.3 Media Path Refactor

  • Added caching to improve performance of repeated path queries
  • Fixed path processing to accurately handle nested Emblem folders
  • Removed padding for LobbyHost and LobbyList for consistency
  • Moved corner layer behind popup menus and version number
  • Refined de-borking log entries into one
  • Removed sub-menu corners as they were doubled up with custom ones
  • Darkened transparent menus over background images for readability

1.2.2 Oops

  • Missed one important detail in config path descriptions

1.2.1 Simpler Paths

  • Added new path conversion mechanism to help with confusing instructions!
  • We now search for the plugins/*/Emblem/ folder that contains your files
  • Custom Themes or ModPacks all need a 'BepInEx/plugins/Emblem' folder
  • Configs use something like Myfolder/BackgroudFlyingDolphins.png and it will work
  • Instructions and readme have been updated
  • Moved instructions to plugin root for acessability
  • Apologies for the convoluted treasure hunting
  • Backwards compatible
  • Updated config path defaults


Asset location changes

  • Profile codes were attempting to move images and videos which exceeded the 20mb limit
  • Emblem won't use the BepinEx/config folder anymore for media
  • Image & video paths must now be relative to BepInEx/plugins
  • Please PLEASE read new instructions at Darkbrewery-Emblem/Defaults/
  • After following directions, if you still need assistance, check into the discord channel

Config updates

  • Reorganized config options for my sanity, sorry folks but you will have to rebuild your cfg's
  • Header logo has some new default settings
  • Removed canvas recoloring config
  • Removed loading text wrap config
  • All config descriptions are less verbose

New config features

  • Added transparency option for loading images
  • Added scale option for loading images
  • Added option to use different png's & mp4's as loading screen background
  • Added option so mp4's can be picked randomly if listed paths are separated by |
  • Added option so main and Loading logo paths can be left blank to use no image at all
  • Added main & loading background color options instead of global canvas color
  • Added experimental vignette to blend background images with background colors
  • Added padding config for borders


  • Fixed loading images not respecting vertical y-offset config
  • Fixed loading screen being zoomed slightly closer than main menu
  • Fixed stretch loading image not properly overriding scale and offset
  • Reset rectransform on more objects for overall layout consistency

Code changes

  • Major code refactoring
  • Moved background management to its own class
  • Expanded the color parser helper to accept RGB and RGBA
  • Some method names are now less verbose
  • Changed up some default backgrounds
  • Lots of small things I forgot to add to the changelog
  • Configurator has been cleaned for readability
  • Update Readme


  • Fixed ultrawide backgrounds being squished
  • Fixed mp4s not using master audio volume settings
  • Adjusted png texture conversion
  • Cleaned up some global constants
  • Removed some default images and compressed logo
  • Light code refactoring


  • Fixed mp4 videos restarting when opening submenus
  • Fixed the vanilla sticky menu item highlighting bug
  • Enabled audio track playback from mp4's
  • Backgrounds now persist within menus
  • Added background layers for readability
  • Renamed some new Emblem gameobjects


  • Configs configs configs
  • Added version number formatting, 4 new configs!
  • Replaced center loadingtext config with a Y-offset config
  • Edited some config texts
  • Updated readme


  • Fixed video pausing when entering menus
  • Fixed borders hiding behind video layer
  • Fixed menu colors not applying transparency alpha
  • Added logs to moodsetter
  • Simplified new GameObject names
  • Cleaned up global constants, more specific


  • Hotfix for videos blocking view of the loading screen


  • Added option to use mp4 for video background instead of png
  • Fixed flicker of menu colors on first load


  • Diving into menu recoloring
  • Added config options to change menu colors
  • Sortof fixed glitchy menus by disabling animations and replacing with triggers
  • Added delay helper for lethalconfig compatability
  • Updated config tooltips


  • Added config option to change the border coloring
  • Refactored the border methods, both screens have the same placement now
  • Logwarden has stopped all the loggers from arguing
  • Moved pathfinder probe to it's own home, centralizing the helper
  • Cleaned up some code and logs


  • Replaced header and loading image centering with % Y offset
  • Reset container elements to fix vanilla borked object spacing
  • Fixed broken stretch loading image feature
  • Adusted menu borders
  • Improved UI element searching
  • Updated readme


  • Added ability to use multiple loading text messages and have 1 randomly chosen
  • Added config entry for canvas recoloring on/off to keep this as modular as possible
  • Refactored scenemanagement, imagereplacement, loadingtext, simplified code
  • Created some helpers, reduced duplication
  • Prefixes on logs to help diagnose future issues
  • Removed unused baseclass, organized namespace
  • Updated readme


  • Preparing for more plugin complexity..
  • Update log entries to be more clear, removed rendundant ones
  • Reorganized code and cleaned up unecessary comments
  • Refactored to use constants from Emblem namespace within classes
  • Added a ColorParser class for improved code consistency


  • Set custom background default to true so users see it working right away
  • Added option to change color of canvas behind the background


  • Updated docs
  • Reworded config options for useability
  • Image path configs are now relative to BepInEx folder
  • Updated default paths
  • Compressed included sample images
  • Updated prefix method to fallback on any random png if the prefix isn't present at all before throwing an error
  • Paths in logs now properly show BepInEx as path root


  • Re-organized paths again, lets see how this goes
  • Added prefix support
  • Updated docs


  • Since thunderstore is squishing folder paths, we will point to .pngs directly for now, updated defaults


  • Fixed default paths
  • Added a couple more generic background images


  • Initial Release