pattariick-PattariickCompany_Modpack icon

PattariickCompany Modpack

Modpack for me and the boys


1.0.26 Removed AEIOU for not working, LC Office for generating one room interiors

1.0.25 Added AdvancedCompany, as it was added again to thunderstore

1.0.24 Added NoMoreCompanyLogo Removed AdvancedCompany, as it was pulled from thunderstore over something something legal request..? Game was a bit unstable, removing: LaserControl, BrackenFavRoom, LethalVocabulary, PintoBoy, BreakdanceGhostGirl, Giant_Extension_Ladders, LethalRock, MonsterPlushies, RacistHoardingBugs (Gets overwritten by LethalResonance)

1.0.23 Added AdvancedCompany

1.0.22 Removed MaskedAIRevamp PlayerBracken

1.0.21 Big one Added TalkingHeads FNAF_Moon CoilHeadStare BrackenFavRoom LethalSnap Scopophobia LC_Office MinecraftStrongholdInterior Diversity The_Fiend Giant_Extension_Ladders LethalVocabulary Monster_Plushies LittleCompany Dantors_Mental_Hospital LethalRock BreakdanceGhostGirl LCMaxSoundsFix

1.0.20 Removed Nuketown

1.0.19 Added LandmineSmokeDetectorSound, LethalExpansionCore, JetpackFallFix

1.0.18 Added 1000 Quota Stare

1.0.17 Removed DeadAndBored, Conviction, Cats, PeterGriffinHouse Removed mods from the modpack that are required by other mods in the modpack (They auto install anyways) Added AEIOUCompany, Nuketown Updated mod versions requested by the modpack, probably wont do this often, just hit update all after downloading if anythings out of date

1.0.16 Added Herobrine, Mark_Fnaf, Atlas_Abyss, Ganimedes, MoreInteriors, DeadAndBored, UIMine Removed Cats, Conviction, PeterGriffinHouse

1.0.15 Removed TooManyEmotes for slight incompatibility with MoreEmotes Removed ImmersiveVisor, I want the shitty cracked glass back Added LaserControl, PathfindingLagFix, a Bracken mod, NutcrackerFixes, ShootableMouthDogs, MaskedAIRevamp

1.0.14 Seems to work in v49, Skinwalkers throws an error as of 1/14 but all else is A OK Removed Dclass Suits, added MoreEmotes

1.0.13 Removed LethalAfterDark for breaking multiplayer

1.0.12 Added LC Masked Fix, InsanityRemastered, Conviction, DoorBreach, NeedyCats, PeterGriffinHouse, lethal after dark, Liams-Cats-1.0.0, Immersive Visor, Racist Hoarding Bugs

1.0.11 Added PintoBoy

1.0.10 Added back Maxwell_ScrapItem after removing him in 1.0.4 (he was not the culprit)

1.0.9 Removed MirrorDecor because it deletes first person mask effects (cracked screen, etc.)

1.0.8 Added back NoHornCooldown Removed Orion

1.0.7 Removed Dvorek and StrageObjects

1.0.6 Added LethalExpansion, Dvorec, Orion, Kast, Aquatis (4 planets and the framework they need)

1.0.5 Added TooManyEmotes Removed BetterEmotes (Player can see their own playermodel if this and TooMany are both enabled)

1.0.4 Added GamblingMachineAtTheCompany Removed NoSellLimit, NoHornCooldown, Maxwell_ScrapItem, CleanerLogs (One of these broke enemy spawns, pretty sure it was NoSellLimit)

1.0.3 I forgot what I did here

1.0.2 Added NoSellLimit, BetterEXP, NoHornCooldown, Maxwell_ScrapItem Updated LethalRichPresence version to 0.2.1