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Re-upload of Mirage v1.8.2 for those who prefer it.




  • Fixed a volume bug when playing with MoreCompany.


  • Fixed a compatibility issue for linux users. Thanks to Coppertiel for reporting the bug!


  • Added support for the following v56 enemies:
    • Clay Surgeon
    • Bush Wolf


  • Added a config option to set the maximum number of naturally spawned masked enemies. By default, this is set to 2. Masked enemy spawns have already been capped at 2 since v1.7.1, this update simply allows you to adjust that value.


  • Fixed a bug that caused non-ascii file paths to fail to load. This means players with non-english usernames will finally be able to hear their own voices.


  • Added a config entry RecordWhileDead, that continues to record a player's voice while they're dead. Default value: false.
  • Fixed a bug that caused monsters to try to mimic disconnected players (resulting in no sound, since players must be connected in order to send their voices to others).


  • Added a config entry UseCustomSpawnCurve, that when enabled, changes masked enemies to spawn later in the day.
    • Requires EnableOverrideSpawnChance = true in order to work.
    • Credits: TheDebbyCase for explaining in-depth how spawn curves work.


  • Fixed a bug that caused player dead bodies to disappaer.


  • Temporarily reverted back to v1.5.2 due to a new bug introduced in v1.5.3.


  • Fixed a bug that caused player dead bodies to disappear.


  • Voice clips are no longer created when ToggleMute is toggled.


  • Audio spatializer warning logs are now hidden.
    • This is a vanilla bug that occured more often with Mirage, due to cloning audio sources used by the vanilla game.
    • This log does not provide any value when debugging issues, so I opted to hide them instead.
    • Thanks to IAmBatby and mattymatty for their help/implementation.


  • Fixed LocalPlayerVolume being accidentally synced. Each player can now control the volume of their mimicked voices, as originally intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ghost girl to mimic voices even with EnableGhostGirl set to false.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ghost girl to mimic voices at the wrong timings.
  • Recordings now also delete on game startup (previously only deleted when closing the game), while IgnoreRecordingsDeletion is set to false.
  • Changed the way masked enemies disable the arms-out animation to hopefully get rid of the rare issue of it having its arms-out when it's not supposed to.


  • Added a config entry for the new enemies (butler, butler bees, flower snake, old bird).
  • Removed debug logs that I previously left in by accident in v1.3.2.
  • Fixed a bug that caused modded enemies that extends from a vanilla enemy type to share its config entry.
  • Fixed a bug that potentially caused an out-of-bounds error if a player dc'd when an enemy tries to mimic a player.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.3.0, where some players didn't have their recordings folder deleted upon closing the game.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.3.1, where voice clips sometimes get repeated multiple times in a row.


  • Enemies mimicking a player now picks at a slightly less random way to avoid mimicking the same player multiple times in a row.
  • MuteLocalPlayerVoice is now set to false by default, due to users who are new to the mod being confused why they can't hear their mimicked voice.


Note: This update removes a couple config entries in favour of new ones. You can safely ignore any orphaned config entries.

  • Removed the config entry AlwaysMuteLocalPlayer in favour of LocalPlayerVolume.
  • Removed the config entry EnableNaturalSpawn as it only made sense to have in the past.
  • Added the config entry LocalPlayerVolume.
    • Allows you to adjust the playback volume for voice mimics of the local player.
    • Value must be between 0-1.
    • Default is set to 1.
    • This config entry is not synced to other players, as it's personal preference on what volume you want for your own "mimics".
  • Added the config entry EnableOverrideSpawnChance, which allows you to enable/disable the OverrideSpawnChance config.
    • Default is set to true.
    • If you want to use a different spawn control mod (such as LethalQuantities), simply set this to false.
  • Added the config entry OverrideSpawnChance, allowing you to control how often masked enemies should spawn.
    • Value must be between 0-100 (as it's a percentage).
    • Default is set to 15.
    • Not to be confused with spawn weights. This will internally calculate the spawn weights for each moon to fit the desired percentage.
    • This will overwrite the spawn weights set by LethalQuantities and LethalLevelLoader. If you want to use those mods for spawn control, set EnableOverrideSpawnChance to false.
    • Masked enemies spawn this way is capped at 2 (this counter is not shared with the SpawnOnPlayerDeath feature).
  • Mimicking voices should actually sound like real player voices now.
    • This was previously attempted by imitating all the settings/filters that dissonance uses.
    • This is now replaced by using what dissonance uses internally.
  • Enemies that mimic non-player voices now adjust playback volume, if the mimicking player's volume has been adjusted.
  • Re-added support for LobbyCompatibility.
  • ImitationMode is now set to NoRepeat by default, to provide a better experience right out of the box.


  • Temporarily removed support for LobbyCompatibility. It currently has a bug that makes it a required dependency, causing Mirage to error when starting/joining a lobby, if you don't have it installed.


  • Add support for LobbyCompatibility
    • Compatibility level is set to minor version. E.g. any 1.2.X lobby is compatible with any other 1.2.X version of Mirage.
    • This only applies to v1.2.X and forward, as I did not follow proper versioning in the 1.0.X versions.
  • Fixed issues of players not being able to hear voices mimicking them at times.


  • Add configuration option ImitateMode to change how a recording is picked.
    • Set this to Random to keep the current behaviour (recordings are picked completely random).
    • Set this to NoRepeat to avoid repeating the same recording (this can still happen when not many recordings exist). Here is how it works:
      • A pool of recordings is filled.
      • A recording is randomly picked, and then removed from the pool.
      • When pool becomes empty, it becomes filled again.
  • SpawnOnPlayerDeath no longer spawns an enemy if the player is not on a navmesh.
    • Previously, this was band-aid fixed by preventing a spawn if the player died by gravity.
    • CauseOfDeath: Gravity no longer prevents the masked enemy from spawning, meaning ladders can spawn them properly now.
    • Note: Many areas throughout the map such as standing on top of a railing is detected as a missing navmesh. Such areas will prevent SpawnOnPlayerDeath from spawning a masked enemy.


  • Rewrote the config syncing logic. Thanks to Owen3H (author of CSync) for their config syncing implementation.
  • DeleteRecordingsPerRound has been slightly reworked.
    • Setting this to true is unchanged (recordings get deleted after the lever is pulled, per round).
    • Setting this to false now only deletes when closing the game.
    • Default value is now set to false.
  • MuteLocalPlayerVoice is now set to true as the default.
  • EnablePenalty is now set to true as the default.
    • To clarify, setting this to true is the vanilla behaviour.
    • This will likely be removed in a future update, as it's a relic of the past back when Mirage had different goals.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the ship teleporter to not work if SpawnOnPlayerDeath spawned a masked enemy
  • DissonanceLagFix is no longer needed when using Mirage
  • Modify configuration descriptions to hopefully be easier to understand
  • Modify configuration default values


  • Fixed a mod conflict issue that caused enemies to not despawn properly
  • SpawnOnPlayerDeath no longer spawns an enemy when CauseOfDeath = Gravity (this means dying to fall damage, and I believe dying to the ladder as well)
    • This was originally done by jarylc, but I tried alternatives to avoid having the mechanic completely ignore dying to gravity
    • This is probably the best band-aid fix for now for avoiding log spam when a masked enemy spawns inside a pit

Huge thanks to TheDebbyCase for their immense effort on bug-testing and figuring out a way to reproduce errors that others have been experiencing. Thanks to dinogolfer from TMLC for figuring out why non-masked enemies weren't despawning as well, which helped me understand why this mod conflict was even happening.


  • Fixed a bug where some enemies types didn't mimic voices
  • Add configuration option to always mute the mimicking voice of a local player
    • Set AlwaysMuteLocalPlayer to true to never hear your voice at all (even while dead)
    • This ignores the MuteLocalPlayerVoice value if enabled
    • This value is not synced to all clients, as it's an optional feature for those who don't want to hear their own voice


  • AdvancedCompany cosmetics now properly apply on hosts (previously only applied on non-hosts)
  • Fixed a bug that caused MuteLocalPlayerVoice to get ignored


  • Mimicked voices should now sound a lot more like an actual player's voice (changed audio filters)
  • SpawnOnPlayerDeath no longer spams an error if a player falls into the void
  • Masked enemies no longer mimic voices if it was spawned after a player falls into the void


  • Hotfix: Revert the crossed-out change from v1.0.10, which caused non-host players to not hear any voices


  • Fixed dress girl issues
    • Mimicking voice is now muted while the dress girl is invisible
    • In singleplayer, dress girl will always mimic the local player's voice
    • In multiplayer, dress girl will always mimic the non-local player's voice
  • Bees no longer mimic voices when EnableModdedEnemies is enabled.
  • Add configuration option to mimic voices for locust swarms
  • Fixed navmesh error spam when an enemy tries to calculate its path
  • Recordings deletion can now be ignored (not synced to all players)


  • Ship camera now spectates the correct masked enemy
  • Recording deletion can now be configured in two ways:
    • DeleteRecordingsPerRound = true to delete recordings per-round
    • DeleteRecordingsPerRound = false to delete recordings per-game
  • Recordings now automatically delete upon closing the game


  • Fixed a bug where voice filters weren't being applied, causing mimicked voices to behave unpredictably
  • Fixed a bug where SpawnOnPlayerDeath could spawn two masked enemies in certain scenarios


  • Hotfix: If the local player's mimicking voice is muted, it now becomes unmuted when the player is dead


Thanks to jarylc for the initial fixes for masked enemy spawns.

  • Rewrite masked enemy spawn and mimicking logic
    • This is less invasive now and should conflict with other mods less often
    • Fixed a bug where naturally spawned masked enemies weren't synced properly
  • Fixed a bug where players not haunted by the ghost girl could hear the mimicking voice.
  • Add configuration option to only spawn player on death, when the dying player is alone
  • Add configuration option to mute the mimicking voice when mimicking the local player
  • Add configuration option to adjust voice mimicking delay for non-masked enemies
  • Add configuration option to mimic voices on modded enemies


  • Use audio filters to sound more like vanilla voices
  • Mimicked voices on the outside can no longer be heard from inside the facility (and vice-versa)
  • Masked enemies no longer mimic voices while hiding on the ship


  • Support voice mimicking on all vanilla enemies.
  • Add configuration option for mask texture and arms-out animation (for masked enemies).
  • Dead enemies no longer mimic voices.


  • Support voice activity.


  • Bundled all dependencies I control into a single core lib (users now pull less packages).


  • Spawn on player death is now configurable.
  • Naturally spawned masked enemies now mimic a player at random.
  • Dependencies are now separated into its own packages.


  • Initial release.